Gay Erotic Stories

Arse Whisperer, Part 1

by Johnny.manipulator

The Arse Whisperer by Johnny Manipulator


After the pub on Friday night I popped back with Scott to his to carry on drinking. He’s a fairly recent mate, we met at the rugby and he’s only just joined our Sunday league team. We’re the two fittest players – I’ve spent a lot of time down the gym building up my body and I’m very proud of it. I’m bigger than Scott, but he’s quicker.

‘I’ve been reading up, Jack,’ he said. The one thing I did know about him was that Scott was a clever guy. I’m not, but he didn’t seem to mind that. In fact, I noticed he seemed really keen to teach me things. ‘Apparently researchers have discovered that some guys develop an extra sense,’ he said. I nodded. Here we go, I thought. Back to school again. But it was cool how enthusiastic he got about this stuff. Really swept me along. ‘It’s almost like having two minds, though one is much more basic than the other.’ Now, I’m not clever but I’m not an idiot. Two minds? Do me a favour.

‘No way! That’s not true!’ I said, laughing. ‘Is it?’ ‘It’s a proven fact.’ He grinned at me. ‘This extra sense works independently of your normal ones. But it’s really weak. Most guys don’t even feel it or any effects at all.’ I thought about this. To be honest, if it was really that weak, how would I know, I thought. He could be having a laugh, but he looked so excited. I shrugged. ‘So how do you know you have it?’ I was hooked. He always had me, I was a sucker for pub facts. ‘Well, scientists think it can be coaxed out.’ ‘What, like it’s shy?’ ‘Yeah! Timid! Feeble.’ ‘My brain’s already feeble, mate.’ ‘Ah, but this isn’t your brain, mate. This is located somewhere quite different.’ ‘Yeah? Where then?’ ‘That’s the funny thing. You know like how those really big dinosaurs had two brains, one in the head, one in the tail?’ ‘I think so…’ I nodded. If he said so. ‘Well, they think the way to contact this extra sense is through a bloke’s arse.’

I sat back. My mouth stayed open. An extra sense hidden up your arse? Eh?! ‘You’re kidding?’ ‘No! it’s the truth!’ He looked like he meant it. ‘Wow. So we could be sitting on our brains?’ We laughed. ‘Yeah! Mad, eh? Imagine that, this really weak brain tucked away up your arse, desperate to make contact but all you do all day is sit on it.’ ‘Poor little thing.’ Not sure why I said that, but I know I wouldn’t like to be shoved up some bloke’s sweaty arse, especially not some big rugger thug like Scott or me. He nodded. ‘Yeah. All weak and feeble, mate. Its little cries not making it out past your tight hole, Jack.’ ‘That makes me sad.’ I unconsciously scratched my bum. ‘I wonder what it would say?’ ‘Well, the report said they’d be kinda dumb. Like a really stupid happy dog.’ He grinned. ‘Wow! That’s cute.’ Imagine that! ‘Dogs rule. They need lots of affection though. Lots of looking after.’ I wasn’t sure having some high maintenance pet up my bum sounded very practical. ‘Yeah. Poor little doggie sense, whimpering and lonely up your arse, mate. Can you feel it?’ He leant forward eagerly, resting his square jaw on his big hands. ‘I dunno…’ ‘Does your arse ever get fidgety?’ He was staring at me very intensely. I tried to think about my bum. ‘Well yeah…’ ‘Squirmy? Sweaty? Does your crack eat your pants…? ‘Sometimes…’ ‘Does it ever itch? Your hole? Does it ever need a really long deep slow scratch up there? ‘Oh god yeah.’ He was making me fidget now, talking about it. ‘You mean, this extra sense…?’ ‘Stands to reason.’ He sat back and grinned. ‘It’s like an eager little puppy needing a game.’ ‘Oh fuck man, you might be right.’ He was brilliant, I’ll give him that. ‘You know I am mate. Feel it up there between your cheeks wanting to play.’ ‘You’re making me wriggle mate! Did they say what you can do about it?’ ‘Well, it’s a bit like yoga or meditation to be honest mate. You have to spend lots of time focussing, trying to connect to it.’ ‘Okay. But how do I do that?’ I asked. ‘Well, there are these people, like personal trainers, who try to connect to the voice inside for you. Try to get the little thing to open up.’ ‘That’s a skill! Wow. Imagine training for that job! Nightmare, man.’ We laughed. ‘Must be really buried this sense or I’d have heard it.’ ‘It is. It’s like that book The Horse Whisperer. It’s all about how you approach it and talk to it.’ ‘Right. The Arse Whisperer then?’ I quipped. He smiled. ‘You got it.’

I got up for a piss, thinking about what Scott was saying. It was fantastical, and I was a bit pissed, but there sounded like there was something in it. I was no brain, and knew Scott could run rings round me. I just had to trust him. ‘How did they find out about this brain thing then?’ I said as I came back in the room, buttoning my fly. ‘Dunno. Must be some really receptive blokes who are totally in touch with their bums.’ ‘Some blokes have a hotline then?’ ‘From their heads to their arses? Completely. That’s what’s happening if your arse needs an itch. It’s that little voice in your arse calling to your brain.’ It all made sense I guessed. He was fascinating! ‘And how do you know it’s like a playful puppy then, this extra sense?’ I was eager to learn now. He sat back, a slight smile on his lips as he watched me try to process this all and keep up with him. ‘Well, it hasn’t got any proper function, has it? It’s not going to keep you alive or anything. So all it can do is crave fun. It wants to play all the time.’ ‘So there’s this eager little thing up my arse wants to play all the time? Fuck. This is wild.’ ‘Yeah. All the time, mate. Imagine that.’ We both thought about that for a bit. Interesting.

‘Okay, so how do I, like, play with it then?’ I said, asking the million dollar question. He scratched his head and considered my question. ‘Well, like I said, it’s not easy. You really need an Arse Whisperer to get in touch with that playful little puppy inside.’ ‘Oh. Okay.’ ‘Thing is, mate, this is why I’ve been reading up about it. I reckon I’m one.’ He smiled, big arms behind his head. ‘What? You’re an Arse Whisperer? Fuck off!’ I shook my head. ‘It’s true mate! I think I can hear them,’ he said. ‘The little playful whimpers. That’s why I brought it up.’ ‘Eh?’ I suddenly got paranoid. ‘You can’t hear mine can you?’ He grinned. ‘Er, yeah, as a matter of fact I can.’ ‘Holy shit.’ I put my hands over my face. I was blushing. ‘All the time you’ve been talking I’ve also been hearing this little voice from your arse, whining.’ The bastard! ‘What… Actually coming out of my… My hole?’ It was hard to say, I was so ashamed. My fucking arse. I’d fucking teach it a lesson when I got home. Smack those cheeks and give it something to whine about, humiliating me in front of my friend like that… ‘Yeah! Your hole is talking to me.’ ‘Oh Christ man, this is so embarrassing.’ ‘No it isn’t!’ he said. ‘Your arse is just a bit more vocal than most.’ Not what I wanted to hear. ‘I’ve listened to all the guys on the team, mate, focussed on their little holes while we’ve been chatting down the pub or in the showers after a match. Sure, some of their arses are up for communication, but yours, well, it’s begging me mate.’ ‘I don’t want a chatty arse mate! I just want to sit on it and shut up.’ ‘Well, when you do sit on it, just remember that there’s a little eager thing up there you could be playing with and making very happy.’ He did a reasonable face. ‘You’ll be telling me now there’s some sort of RSPCA for butts, mate, and that you’re gonna report me for being cruel to mine!’ We laughed. ‘Maybe there should be, mate! After all, I can’t talk to them all…’ I thought about what he’d said.

‘But if I ignore it it won’t matter, right?’ ‘Maybe,’ he said. ‘But a happy arse, imagine that mate. The glow of warmth that would spread through you…’ ‘I guess.’ I laughed at the absurdity of it. ‘Feels weird though. Never think about my bum.’ ‘Well, if you want me to make contact with it, just give me the word.’ He said it so casually I almost didn’t realise what he’d said. ‘Oh, I couldn’t. I’d be too embarrassed.’ ‘I’m only asking cos I need the practise,’ he said. ‘If I want to become a proper Arse Whisperer I need to work at it. Put the hours in. Get my hands on an arse to practise on regular.’ ‘And you thought you’d ask me?’ ‘Well, it’s more that your arse asked me, mate,’ he said. ‘Poor little thing, you need to get it out and let it play.’ ‘I dunno. It’s so weird talking about my butt like this mate. Even with my girl we never talk about my arse.’ ‘Well, she doesn’t hear it like I do, fella. I hear that little voice loud and clear.’ ‘You hear a little voice out of my bum, man, that freaks me out…’ ‘Don’t worry about it mate,’ he said, and then got us new cans of beer from the kitchen.

‘So what,’ he said, cracking open a beer. ‘I’m drawn to your arse. I admit, it’s sometimes hard to concentrate on your mouth mate, cos I’m thinking about your hole whimpering and begging to be played with. I can see it really clearly in my mind’s eye. Tight and pink and fleshy. Hidden away between your cheeks. Private and untouched. Needing my attention. Does that bother you?’ I shrugged. ‘Dunno. I never realised you were spending so much time concentrating on my bum, Scott. But then I never knew it was calling to you either. Can’t believe my arse is such an attention seeker, mate.’ ‘It shouldn’t worry you. So, you have a magnetic arse. I bet I’m not the only bloke to think it about it all the time.’ ‘You think other blokes can hear it?’ I cringed. What did people hear when they spoke to me? Perhaps I could get lead-lined pants to shut the fucker up? ‘It’s a good thing, Jack. You should be really proud of it.’ ‘Gawd.’ What do you say to that? ‘So you gonna help me out mate?’ ‘Well, I dunno what I can do,’ I said. ‘I can’t feel or hear anything.’ ‘That’s my job mate. You just relax and I do all the work.’ He made it all sound so reasonable. ‘You must be curious mate. It’s time we got to the bottom of it.’

‘Okay,’ I said, trying to get my head round it. ‘So I wouldn’t do anything then?’ ‘All you need to do is present me with your arse and I do all the work.’ ‘What do you mean, present you my arse?’ I said worriedly. ‘Well, it’s hard to hear the voice because you’re, well, sitting on it.’ There was a pause. ‘Oh. You mean it really is coming from there then?’ ‘For sure. Your butt is muffling the sound. You’re a beefy bloke. Imagine how your big cheeks are squeezing that little hole shut, especially when you’re sat down.’

Sounded reasonable I guessed. He looked at me. ‘You want me to get up then? Would that help?’ ‘Great, yeah. Thanks mate, you’re a diamond.’ He clapped his hands and sat forward. ‘And could you face the other way…?’ ‘Oh, right, yeah.’ I turned around so I was facing away. ‘There, my arse is ear-height now. Hear anything?’ ‘Cheers mate!’ he said. ‘That’s better, yeah.’ ‘So what’s the score then man? What’s this thing up to?’ ‘Hmmm.’ He seemed to be thinking. ‘It’s still a bit like hearing a dog locked in a car.’ More thinking. ‘Thing is, Jack, it would really help if you dropped your trousers.’ ‘What?’ I spluttered. ‘Well, it’s a faint signal and your jeans are muffling it.’ He sounded so reasonable. ‘They’re also hiding my bum mate!’ I was feeling really self-conscious. ‘Yeah, I know,’ he said, ‘but it would really help me out mate if you just dropped them.’ As simple as that. ‘I can’t!’ I was completely thrown. ‘Sorry, it’s just, I’m not wearing underpants. I’ve only got a jockstrap on.’ ‘Oh, don’t worry about that!’ said Scott. ‘It’s better for me, I need your arse bare. I’d have had to have eased your briefs off over your arse anyway.’ ‘Really? I dunno…’ ‘Come on, do it for a mate,’ he said. ‘It’s only me going to see.’ ‘Feels wrong…’ My arse was really private. It wasn’t what I was proud of. I didn’t want it feeling exposed. Vulnerable. Helpless. ‘What’s wrong, fella?’ he asked. ‘You’re helping me out with an experiment here. This could make all the difference.’

I thought about it. Yeah, it was going to feel weird, but what did it matter, we were mates, both straight, he was a dedicated student, I should overcome my shyness to help him out for chrissakes. It was only my bum. ‘Well, okay, if it’s important. Here goes.’ I pulled down my jeans, aware that he was sitting at arse-height quite close behind me. ‘Excellent!’ he said. ‘Oh yeah, mate, it’s a beauty!’ ‘Oi!’ I blushed again. The feeling of vulnerability and exposure flooded back. I wondered if my cheeks were blushing too. ‘I mean the signal. I can hear it much better now,’ he said. ‘Oh yeah. Peachy.’ ‘Peachy?’ ‘Yeah. Perfect. Wow, mate, your arse is really calling to me. Bend forward a bit.’ ‘Er, okay. Should I just lean with my hands on this table?’ ‘Yeah, perfect. Now spread your thighs a little for me,’ he said. I did as he asked. ‘Good lad. I need to have access to your hole.’ ‘My hole?!’ I blanched. Absolutely no way! My arse felt helpless enough as it was. I could feel it clench tight in fear. ‘I thought you were just listening?’ ‘I’m communicating. I may need to respond. Your hole needs to be accessible to me just in case.’ He must have sensed my reluctance. ‘Jack, I really appreciate this, mate. I know you wouldn’t ever show anyone your little hole but I really need to see it. Relax. It’s just me mate. Your arse is in safe hands. You trust me don’t you? Go on, spread your cheeks mate. Please. Show me you can do it.’ ‘Fucking hell.’ This wasn’t my idea of fun but he was a mate and I knew I could help him out here. After all, it was a purely professional eye he’d be casting on my hole. I spread my thighs and my cheeks parted – I could tell by the cool air on my anus, making it flinch slightly. There was no reaction from Scott, just silence for over a minute. My tummy rumbled, I got butterflies. Was he sitting there staring at my hole? I really wanted to cover it up so much. I wriggled my bottom nervously. ‘You alright back there?’ ‘Yeah, sorry mate. Just concentrating.’ ‘My hole okay? Can you see it?’ ‘Yeah. Perfect mate. It’s right in front of me. I’m looking at it now. It looks so small even though you’re such a big bloke.’ ‘Okay. Do I need to spread more?’ ‘If you can that would be great.’ So I obliged and shuffled my feet further apart, which was tricky with my jeans round my calves. This really put me off balance so I was heavily leaning on my hands now, bent forward. Again silence from Scott. ‘What are you doing?’ ‘Just looking.’ ‘Okay.’ I imagined him back there examining my hole. I felt it twitch with humiliation. ‘You okay?’ he asked. ‘Yeah. It’s just embarrassing, that’s all.’ ‘Why’s that?’ ‘Well, it’s private, mate.’ ‘Your hole is private?’ ‘Yeah! Course! Don’t remember anyone looking at it before.’ ‘No? Well, I am now. Staring really closely at your private little hole, mate. Memorising it.’ ‘Fuck.’ ‘It’s small. Your sphincter looks kind of plump and innocent, tight and firm. It knows its being looked at mate, I’m sure of it. It’s aware of me peering between your cheeks.’ ‘Oh man.’ ‘So good to get this close to it, mate. I can feel the warmth on my lips. Your hole is hot. Tight and hot.’ I thought about him staring at it. I really wanted him to stop but I didn’t seem able to say so. ‘How’s the communicating going then?’ I asked nervously. ‘Beautiful,’ he said. ‘I’ve got such a clear shot. I really appreciate this.’ ‘Well, it’s for your training, right?’ I said. ‘You’re just a student Arse Whisperer at the moment after all!’ We laughed. ‘I’m hoping to get a lot of practise in on your arse, you know,’ he said. I took a deep breath. ‘Well, get on with it, then,’ I said. ‘Okay, well, I’m definitely sensing the little feller is waking up, mate, and wanting to play.’ ‘Yeah? How do you know?’ ‘It’s all excited. It’s calling me in to play. I can hear it, whimpering.’ ‘In? In where?’ ‘Look, Jack,’ he said. ‘I’m not sure I can get in touch with it entirely just through listening. I need to communicate back.’ ‘Right.’ I looked over my shoulder and saw him, sitting there, staring intently at my conveniently positioned rump. ‘So how do you do that then? Howling like a lovesick dog up my bum is it?’ He caught my eye and we laughed again, and he winked at me before his gaze drifted back to what I guessed must be my hole. ‘Not exactly mate! No, I need to get in there. It’s all about the vibrations. Playing them. Soothing them. Making friends with it.’ ‘Like taming a rescue dog?’ Sounded like it was out of control and needed taking in hand. ‘Something like that. So just warning you, I need to touch your arse, okay? Well, your hole to be precise.’ I groaned reluctantly at the thought. ‘Shit, Scott. Do you have to?’ ‘We’re so close mate. I’m inches away from it. I just need to reach out, explore it. I’ll be gentle mate, don’t worry.’ ‘Bloody hell, this is like the worst doctor’s appointment I’ve ever had…’ I said. ‘You’ll be giving me an injection next.’ ‘And do you think I like looking up your big beefy arse at your tight little hole Jack?’ ‘No. Of course. Sorry.’ I knew this was rough for him. My arse can’t have been any fun to deal with. I felt ashamed for being so selfish. Never mind how much I felt embarrassed or exposed standing like this with my trousers down, bent over showing off my manly arse and my hole to my mate, it was him was generously trying to communicate with it, to try to satisfy that voice he could hear inside it calling to him. I was lucky to have such a selfless mate as Scott. ‘No worries,’ he said bravely. ‘Okay, here goes.’

There was a pause and then the slightest, gentlest touch slightly brushed the hairs of my crack. My bum squirmed a bit, I couldn’t help it. He kept on, and it was almost like teasing or tickling, except I knew this was all about science and research and not a game. ‘You okay Jack?’ he asked. For some reason I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded my head. ‘It’s sooo sensitive,’ he said as he continued to brush lightly between my cheeks. ‘Jack, could you help me out here? Could you reach back, grab your arse cheeks and hold them spread open for me?’ I thought about it. ‘But I’m already leaning on my hands, Scott. I’ll fall flat on my face.’ His fingers continued to gently tickle the hairs of my crack. ‘It doesn’t matter if you rest on your tummy on the table. That way you can hold your cheeks apart for me.’ ‘Okay, sure.’ I eased myself down so I was sprawled face first on the table. Then I reached back and clasped a meaty buttock with each hand and spread them for Scott. ‘Yeah!’ he said appreciatively. ‘You’re being sooo helpful Jack.’ I grinned to myself. It felt great to help Scott. And that’s when his finger bumped softly against my tender hole. I yelped. ‘What’s that?!’ ‘It’s your hole, Jack.’ He slowly circled it with his big rough finger. ‘And it’s calling to me.’ ‘You can hear the voice through my… through my…’ ‘We’re not supposed to call it a hole you know,’ he said. ‘When we’re communicating with them we’re supposed to call them arse lips.’ ‘Arse lips?’ He circled it back the other way. ‘Uh-huh. Arse lips.’ He tapped them gently: my lips. I could have sworn they opened a little. ‘You certainly know your stuff,’ I said. ‘I need lots more practise,’ he said. I thought I could feel his breath on my bottom. ‘Is this okay for you?’ I asked. ‘Oh yeah,’ he said. ‘You’re such a natural at this, Jack. And I know that Bouncer is going to get on with us just fine.’ ‘Who the fuck is Bouncer?’ ‘Oh, sorry. It’s what I’ve taken to calling the little feller.’ And he tapped my hole again. ‘It has a name now? Bouncer?’ ‘Yeah. Cute, huh? Arse Whisperers always give them pet names. Bouncer just seems right doesn’t it. Think about it. Bouncer. Our cute little pet to play with.’ ‘Bouncer?’ I tried out the sound of it while he jiggled my bottom gently. ‘Bouncer. Bouncer!’ ‘Yeah! Imagine how much fun we’re going to have playing with Bouncer, Jack.’

He kept tapping and running his fingers over my tender arse lips for another half an hour or so. It was mesmerising, round and round they went, the roughness of his manly fingers gently grazing my plump lips, hypnotising me. Each circling felt magnified as all of my concentration was fixed on my neglected little hole. There was something teasing and playful about it. My bottom was being made ready to play with, I was sure of it. And he started to talk about Bouncer like it was something independent from me, a pet he wanted to play with. I lay there, flat on my face, bent over, big jock-strapped arse in the air, spread by my own hands. He was baby-talking to my hole, like you would to a pet, full of encouragement and charm. ‘Who’s the best Bouncer in the world then?’ he said to my bum. ‘Who’s a good boy! Yeah! Such a good feller. Bouncy Bouncer. Yeah. Bouncy bouncy Bouncer.’ I grinned to myself. It was cute. He kept jiggling my cheeks and petting it. But after a while he became concerned that he just wasn’t making enough of a connection, and he told me he’d have to move to the next stage. I readily agreed that he should. I mean, after all, it was for Bouncer. ‘And now you’re going to discover why we’re known as Arse Whisperers,’ he said. Then I felt stubble and something nuzzling in between my spread cheeks, and a warm and wet sensation against my lips, like someone slowly, deeply licking ice cream. It was when he began to speak, baby talking again, and the deep bass of his voice vibrated my whole rectum that I knew he was intimately whispering to Bouncer. ‘This is going to take some time,’ he gasped, before pushing his face back tight up my arse. ‘No worries,’ I said. ‘You’re my mate. And it’s for Bouncer.’ And then his thick manly tongue slipped between my lips and he began to slowly lick and slurp, communicating with my big meaty arse.

A couple of hours later he emerged from between my cheeks, his red face coated with sweat, maybe from his face, maybe from my arse. His pupils looked dilated. His lips were glossy with saliva which was drooling from his mouth and I knew that my arse lips would be a sloppy wet with his spit too. He was grinning like he was drunk. Apparently I was doing the same. ‘Bouncer is sooo much fun…’ he said, licking his lips and jiggling my arse cheeks. ‘Better than I ever imagined.’ ‘Yeah. I feel him at long last. You’ve totally woken him mate.’ I stood up, back aching but big arse radiating warmth and contentment. His manly hands clasped it as we stood there facing each other. A rough finger circled my lips and then wriggled its way up inside me. I gasped. ‘You are very, very good,’ I said. ‘Oh god.’ I arched my back, letting his hands claim my squirming bottom. ‘And now we’ve got a new pet to play with,’ he said, rotating his finger in my tight wet hole. I whimpered. ‘A toy we can both get an enormous amount of enjoyment from.’ ‘Fuck. Thanks man! I would never have known!’ I was so grateful to Scott, the man was brilliant at science. I never knew about this extra sense, and now I was overwhelmed by it. It was amazing what his lips and tongue and encouraging words had managed to do to my backside. ‘Enough for one day?’ he asked. I gulped. My hole gripped his finger a little tighter. How would I cope without his stimulation? I had visions of squirming about, Bouncer taking control of me, needing to be played with, begging for fun, and me unable to give him what he needed. I felt desperate.

‘I’ve got to say, I think Bouncer needs some more oral attention, Scott. He really needs some more talking to from that silver tongue, man.’ Scott looked into my eyes questioningly, like he wasn’t convinced. I felt his finger slipping out from the sucking warmth of my arse lips. I tried to sound casual, manly, mate to mate. ‘Sorry to ask, but do you think you could, like, I dunno, get your face against my bum again? Push it up there? Get your tongue in my hole?’ It was no good. I was gushing now, full of panic that he might desert me now he had revealed this playful little puppy inside me. I was whining, a pathetic dog myself – Bouncer had taken control of me. He looked a little amused by my desperation. ‘Please mate. Please. I’m begging you, do it for Bouncer. He’s a good boy, yeah? He’ll be such a good boy for you, mate. Please, just lick my hole again. Oh fuck, Bouncer needs you. You can play with him whenever you want. I promise man, anytime you want – Bouncer comes first. You are totally in charge. Really. It’s yours to play with all the time if you want. Come on, Scott, please, spread my arse again and keep me bent over and exposed all weekend if you want to.’ He raised an eyebrow. ‘You have no idea mate, Bouncer, he’s going wild. All I can think about is my arse, mate. You have to do something. I can’t satisfy him, but you can. Please mate! Please! Come on, bend me over, take control, lick my hole, keep me there, teach me.’ He smiled.

I didn’t speak of it, but for some strange reason my penis had been fully erect the whole time. Bizarre. Really, really painfully hard. It ached and had been oozing precum for hours now, untouched. I wanted to touch it but Scott was looking. But I was glad because even though he could see the obscenely tented front of my jock he didn’t seem bothered by it or interested in it at all. He just seemed fascinated by my big manly arse, which was great because what sort of bloke wants another one interested in his dick? No, he was taking a thorough professional interest in my butt which was fine by me. Better than fine. It was a bit like having a personal trainer, after all. I was pleased that out of all the guys in our team he’d noticed my big arse. All those fit male bums to study and he’d been watching mine. I felt proud of it. I desperately hoped he’d want to continue training bouncer. Something in my head, a little voice, wanted me to get on all fours like a playful puppy myself and wag my tail for him, show him how much I needed it. And under his curious gaze that’s exactly what I did, panting excitedly and waggling my bare arse. ‘Good little doggie, eh?’ he asked me. I nodded and grinned stupidly up at him. He shook his head, smirking. ‘Okay mate,’ he said, winking at me. ‘If you’re sure you need it.’ ‘Oh yes!’ I said. I jumped up, ecstatic, and hugged him like he’d scored the winner. His thick friendly finger wriggled back up inside me again. I moaned. ‘Like I say, I need lots of practise. Come through to my bedroom, doggie. It’ll be more comfortable there…’ He ruffled my hair and slapped my bare bottom. I was so happy doing my bit for science. And so for the rest of the weekend I remained squirming and gasping, my arse on the end of his tongue in many, many different positions, holding my big cheeks open so he could have complete access.

Scott is incredibly dedicated, and often stays glued to my hole for hours at a time. And during the following week he’s been on the phone, having me pull down my pants in my office or at the gym and slip a lubricated finger up my tight hole to keep Bouncer happy while I tell him about it. He tells me I’m a real find and that he knows of other keen student Arse Whisperers who’d love to communicate and play with Bouncer and get their tongues right up my tight hole too. I’ve chatted on the phone to a couple of them while I’ve been spread open and Scott has been teasing and licking Bouncer. They like me to go into great detail about what Scott has been doing, so I try to be as vivid and descriptive as possible. They describe what they want to do to my little tight hole too which is really interesting. They get me to visualise lots of positions, sensations and constant demands. They sound really keen to play with Bouncer and get really enthusiastic, sometimes ringing off out of breath with excitement. They all sound younger than me, early twenties I guess, rowdy, boisterous, coarse and not very academic, but I guess they’re still training. For some reason lots of what I say makes them laugh, like I told one guy, Todd, the other day how I couldn’t wait to help him with his research, and he lost it. But he wasn’t laughing at me, he was laughing with me. They all understand how important my role is and how rare and playful Bouncer is. When Scott talks to them, often while he’s taking photographs of Bouncer for his records, he’s always full of praise for my big butt and little hole, slapping my cheeks so they can hear how big and firm my butt is and getting me to baby talk about what a good boy Bouncer has been for him. I can’t wait to meet these blokes. There’s talk of a week with him, three of his Arse Whisperer mates and Bouncer in a hotel room, with them keeping me in a constant state of openness. They’ve said they have some drugs to really help me relax and get in touch with my inner voice, and some equipment to bind me to, to keep me comfortable and safe while they explore my big tight bum. They’ve heard how big built I am, so they know I need my body immobilised and managed really thoroughly for best results. I can’t believe how eager and helpful these guys are, it’s just amazing what lengths they will go for their studies. It’ll be weird having my arse exposed to three younger blokes I’ve never met, doing as I’m told by them, but Bouncer is so excited by the thought of all that eager male attention. I can’t seem to get rid of this embarrassing erection though, so I’ll have to think of something. Scott noticed it the other day and suggested binding it tightly to my thigh to keep it out of the way. He says it’ll get in the way when the students come and they won’t be interested in it. He’s so thoughtful.

I don’t wear trousers around Scott any more, he always strips them off me, he says it’s cruel to keep Bouncer muffled like that. And Bouncer needs Scott to whisper to him all the time. Scott says that the real experts can communicate with another man’s inner voice with other means than just whispering. Certainly when he applies his lips to my rear hole I am overwhelmed by his extraordinary talent, but he says he wants to experiment with other means of stimulating Bouncer. He says it’s possible to reach my puppy-like chum by inserting other parts of his body between my arse lips. I’m so impressed by his thinking and can’t wait to help him try out his theory. It’s amazing to discover something so special up my bum and I’m glad I can help out my cheeky new pet Bouncer and my really talented mate Scott.


17 Gay Erotic Stories from Johnny.manipulator

Arse Whisperer, Part 1

The Arse Whisperer by Johnny Manipulator PART 1 After the pub on Friday night I popped back with Scott to his to carry on drinking. He’s a fairly recent mate, we met at the rugby and he’s only just joined our Sunday league team. We’re the two fittest players – I’ve spent a lot of time down the gym building up my body and I’m very proud of it. I’m bigger than Scott, but he’s quicker.

Arse Whisperer, Part 2

Meanwhile… I didn’t know anyone was looking when I split my shorts. It happened in my back garden while I was putting away the mower – I bent down and my white rugby shorts just gave at the seam of the arse, a rapid bursting and the whole seam disintegrated. I knew I should have worn some underwear. I felt the breeze on my crack and jumped up, trying to pull the fabric together. It wouldn’t go

Idiot Brother, Parts 1 and 2

Idiot Brother by Johnny Manipulator PART 1 Andy knew he was going to show himself up again that weekend. It was always the same when he went to visit his brother, his gay brother, and his boyfriend. ‘Oh god,’ he said to himself as he rang their doorbell and stood on their step. ‘Don’t fuck up, don’t fuck up, don’t fuck up…’ Andy had a history of humiliating himself in front of his

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 1

Nick and Peter had moved in together – strangers sharing a nice old Victorian flat in the centre of town. Peter was a banker. He pushed himself hard at work and the gym, always had a string of girlfriends, and was known by all of his mates to play very hard indeed. But Nick was a more mysterious guy, and Peter was curious to know more about him. Sure, he liked his own space and that was no

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 10

Peter's Clueless Seduction 10: Finale Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick's psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are sexually in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability. When Nick's rugby friends come to visit he finds his straight arse relentlessly fucked. Peter's brother James comes to rescue him, but his plans are

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 2

Considering that he had taken to wearing nothing but underwear in his buff flatmate’s presence, and had become incredibly curious about his flatmate’s swollen genitals, Peter had not really noticed the change in his lifestyle. He was the same hardworking, hard living gym obsessed skirt-chasing banker. Sure, he only wore tight briefs or jockstraps round the flat, but that had nothing to do with

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 3

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 3 Peter was eager to put his new plan into action and help Nick, his flat mate, with his sperm production. Just like any flat mate would. It was perfectly reasonable. For some reason the mere thought of it made his big, muscular rear itch. All day he thought about it, and how he could mention it to Nick in a casual way. When he returned home he was desperate to strip

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 4

Nick was sent to make Martino a whisky, as his big cock had drooped and was no longer fit to be worshipped by his eager flatmate. He looked at Peter on his knees in front of Martino, and at how big Martino was – and boy was he big, thought Nick – and he was frustrated that his own cock was no longer big enough for his flatmate. He’d followed all of Martino’s instructions too, and couldn’t believe

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 5

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 5: Nick’s Rugby Mates Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. *** The following evening Nick had invited some mates over. When Peter had got in from work, Nick asked him if he’d like

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 6

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 6: Rugby Mates Help Out by Johnny Manipulator Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. When Nick’s rugby friends come to visit the flatmates they are keen to get them to explore

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 7

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 7: Brother to the Rescue Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. When Nick’s rugby friends come to visit he finds his straight arse relentlessly fucked by his mate, and Peter’s

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 8

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 8: New tricks Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. When Nick’s rugby friends come to visit he finds his straight arse relentlessly fucked, and Peter’s intentions of rescuing his

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 9

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 9: Battle of the Alpha Males Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. When Nick’s rugby friends come to visit he finds his straight arse relentlessly fucked. Peter’s brother James comes to

The Diary

The Diary – A Porno Ghost Story By Johnny Manipulator Danny loved wanking his fat nine inch cock. Almost as much as he loved shagging girls (when he managed to pull, which wasn’t anywhere near as often as he’d like). He’d always been obsessed with his body, and years of sport and gym had created a fine, big, muscular build that repayed his hours of work. And having such a fine

The Training Course, Part 1

When they were selected for the course, both Dominic and Jamie were both pissed off. High flying competitive jobs in the city and a history of going for the same girls and battling in that alpha-male public schoolboy way had left them with no love lost. Dominic was a rugger bugger, a ruthless management consultant, used to getting his own way. A big stocky hairy man, he’d fucked his way through

The Training Course, Part 2

Dominic was all swagger as he strutted off behind Smithie, clutching his measuring cylinder containing his first load of warm, white, creamy slique, as they headed off to the next task. Jamie followed on behind, staring resentfully at Dom’s big round arse as it peeked out of his already tattered shorts. Dominic was so full of himself. Jamie could bet he was really getting off on humiliating him

The Training Course, Part 3

The Training Course, Part 3 Dominic went to find Smithie and Jamie. He found them in what looked like a treatment room. Jamie had already hopped eagerly up onto the examination table. ‘What the fuck’s this going to be about?’ asked Dominic. ‘This isn’t the next exercise,’ explained Smithie. ‘But it is essential preparation for it.’ ‘Oh, right. What’s the score then?’ asked


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