Gay Erotic Stories

Dee and me

by Biwyoguy

I first got to know Dee when I had bought my house. He was a young guy that was mowing my neighbors yard. I would secretly check him out in his shorts and tee shirts. It was two years later after he graduated from high school that our friendship became more. It was a Saturday night and I was out drinking with some of my friends. We needed a dd so we called Dee. Only thing was he had to drive (drunk) to get him. We headed back to the bar where i dropped my two buddies off and took Dee in with us. After a few rounds of tequila it was time to go. Dee drove and we ended up outside of town.

We were in the truck talking and the subject of blowjobs came up. Dee said he had head before, but would not give me any details. Finally I asked him if it was with a guy. He lowered his head and said "I don't want to talk about it". I asked him three other times, and got the same response. I had fantasized about what he had in his pants for a long time. Finally I leaned over the seat and asked him if it was a guy that gave him head. Finally he told me yes. I asked him if he wanted head now. He looked at me, and I told him that i was bi.

He looked at me and i began to unbutton him 501's. I got them done and slid my hand down his red bikini underwear. His cock was hard about 6.5" cut. His balls were tight and he was precuming. I lowered his pants and put my head between his legs and began to start slowly sucking the cock had had long craved. I spread his legs more and began kissing his balls and the inside of his legs. The more i worked his package the more he groaned. I began to work my way up his chest. Kissing and licking. After reaching his neck, Dee began working his cock. I told him he could not do that it was up to me. I asked him to get into the back seat with me. He agreed. Once in the back, I took Dee's clothing off and took mine off as well. We back to rub cocks and make out. I asked him if he would suck my cock and he said no. So I put his legs up into the air and slowly began to slide my rock hard 6.5" cut cock into his tight hole. As i slid into him, he tensed up and slowly began to relax. as I was about to cum, Dee shot a load all of his chest. he told me that he had always wanted to do this and had fantansized about his wrestling team mates.

After that night, Dee and me were much closer.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Biwyoguy

Dee and me

I first got to know Dee when I had bought my house. He was a young 16 year old that was mowing my neighbors yard. I would secretly check him out in his shorts and tee shirts. It was two years later after he graduated from high school that our friendship became more. It was a Saturday night and I was out drinking with some of my friends. We needed a dd so we called Dee. Only thing was he had


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