Gay Erotic Stories

The Beginning

by ColinEdward

Part 1 – The beginning:

A boy’s story of sexual awakening.

My name is Alex and I was brought up in South London. I lived with my Mum & Dad in a typical London suburb. Although I had no siblings, I did have two cousins who lived just round the corner with their Mum & Dad. Chris the youngest was almost four years older than me, and John the elder was about six years older. Chris and I would play together sometimes either on our computers or kick a ball around in the park. Although I was just 18 I was very immature for my age and had very little life experience. John being so much older, although always nice to me, didn’t want to play with Chris and I – this I can understand, as I’ve got older.

During summer break from College we always visited our Nan & Granddad who lived only about an hours drive away in the country. Each summer we would be packed off for a couple of weeks to stay with Nan & Granddad. We looked forward to this, as their house was large and backed on to woodland. We would spend many happy hours building a den and playing in the woods all day. In latter years John stopped coming so it would just be Chris & I.

Sadly early one spring our Nan died quite suddenly. Everyone was in shock especially poor Granddad. During the Spring I heard that Granddad had sold his house and moved into a small apartment nearer the town centre. I guessed no more visits for me this summer. Just before the start of our summer break Mum said to me that Granddad had been on the phone and, if we wished, Chris and I could still visit but perhaps for only a week. I said yes please, what does Chris think. Mum explained that Chris would be happy to go if I were, so that was settled, we’d be visiting.

When the time came for our visit my Dad drove Chris and I over to Granddads. Firstly, I was surprised how much older he looked and, secondly how small his apartment was after their large country house. Granddad showed us to his spare bedroom, which had one very small double bed and a wardrobe in it. He apologised for the room, which made both us feel bad. We said this is fine Granddad. Granddad said we could either share the bed or if it were too small, he would make a bed up on the settee. Before I could open my mouth, Chris said, “that’s fine Granddad we can both sleep in there, and anyway it means we can play our games and talk all night”. Granddad seemed pleased and laugher. “Ok” he said but make sure you get some sleep.

After an early Tea we settled down to watch some TV. Granddad appeared tired about nine and said he was off to bed. Chris said he was tired after the journey and thinks he would like to go to bed also – I just nodded my head in agreement. Granddad kissed us both on the forehead and said how pleased he was that we had come down to visit him. This apartment is a lot hotter than our old house so you might not need warm pyjamas, perhaps just your bottoms. And with that he was off to bed. Chris and I switched the TV off and went to our room. As we got undressed Chris said gosh it is hot in hear think Granddads right, I’m going to sleep in my boxers, is that alright with you. Once again I just nodded in agreement, I stripped down to my boxers and climbed in to bed. It seemed really strange getting into bed with another person, as in the past I had only shared a bed when I climbed into Mum & Dads.

I hadn’t seen Chris’s body for a few years and was surprised how much he had developed. No longer was he scrawny like me, his upper body was starting to look like a mans with his muscles starting to develop. His waist was still thin with a flat tummy, and although I didn’t want to stare, I could see a few fine hairs travelling down from his belly button to the top of his boxers. Wow I said Chris, will I start to look like you soon. Yes said Chris with a laugh, but if you think I look muscular, wait till you see John. Chris climbed into bed beside me and we both chatted about the day and what we were going to do tomorrow.

Suddenly, Chris asked me how often do you wank – before I could answer he said, I do it at least once a day. I knew what the word meant from other boys at school. I also did it often, praying each time that this would be the time that I would cum. All the boys at school talked about it and some in my class even said they cum every time. Not sure whether I believed them though, but I did wish it were me. Think I do it a couple of times a week – I said lying. Do you cum? No not yet I said. How old were you when you started to cum. Oh, think I was about your age, I guess said Chris. What’s it like, I asked eagerly. Well, you know how nice it is when you play with yourself now. Well, multiply that by a million he laughed. Wow I can’t wait. Would you like me to show you how to do it properly, it might help you cum quicker. Before I realised what I was saying, I heard myself saying. Oh yes please Chris, if you’re sure you don’t mind.

Chris turned to face me; I was laying on my back. I didn’t know what to expect or what to do, so I just lie there feeling a little scared but so excited. No one had ever touched me before but I thought this is my cousin and he’s not going to hurt, he’s going to help me. Ok, firstly Alex you must relax. It felt strange but nice as he moved in close to me, I could even smell the toothpaste on his warm breath. Now for the best wank you need to get really excited first. I didn’t understand this but Chris just said lay still and relax you will – it’s really good if you don’t touch your knob till it’s really hard. None of this I understood but some how I knew I was going to enjoy it. I suddenly felt Chris’s hand on my tummy; my whole body shook and tingled. That’s ok said Chris just relax I won’t hurt you and I’ll stop whenever you want me to Ok. Chris started to rub my tummy so gently and move his finger tips softly over and in my belly button – my whole body felt alive and the wonderful feeling I had went from my head to my toes. I then realised that my penis was growing, even without me touching it. I felt it getting bigger and bigger. I thought if it grew any bigger it would burst. Chris asked if I was ok and did I won’t him to continue. Yes, I said without any hesitation. Chris slowly moved his hand up my body to my chest, gently massaging around my nipples. I had never been touched like this nor touched myself like this. I couldn’t explain the wonderful feeling running through my body but I just knew I wanted Chris to touch my penis. I prayed he would move his hand back down my body and this time touch me. My penis was throbbing. I wanted to grab it myself but knew I must wait for Chris. My prayers were answered, very slowly and tenderly Chris worked his way down my body. My breathing had become faster and my body temperature has risen – so too had Chris’s I could feel his breath on my face and neck it was coming faster and hotter. Combined with the wonderful feeling of Chris’s hand on my tummy and his breath on my neck I was just lost in a feeling of complete happiness, every bit of my body was alive and sensitive to the extreme. Chris whispered in my ear, is it ok if I take your shorts off? Without hesitation I nodded yes. He slowly eased my shorts down and his hand softly brushed my penis. My whole body trembled and my penis jumped, a feeling I had never experienced before. I helped Chris ease my shorts down and kicked them off. Chris returned his hand to my tummy and massaged me gently. I needed him to move his hand lower and touch my penis. A need and urgency I had never experienced before. I thought my penis was going to burst when suddenly I felt his hand move lower and instead of grabbing my penis; he gently rested his hand over it. My whole body screamed out for him to move his hand and start to rub me up and down. And then he started; gently taking me in his hand he started to rub me up and down slowly at first but very deliberately. I had swollen so much that the head of my penis was forcing its way beyond my foreskin. I had never pulled my foreskin all the way down when wanking, only in the bath to clean it. What Chris was doing was easing my foreskin down exposing my knob head. The sensitivity around and under my knob head was fantastic and, like no other feeling I had ever experienced. Suddenly I heard Chris whisper ”you can touch me if you’d like to”. I moved my hand a little lower and could feel his tummy and the top of his shorts. I had not thought of touching Chris whilst he was making me feel so good. But, now my hand was touching his tummy, and I could feel his few hairs, I knew I wanted to touch his penis. I could feel Chris move a little and realised that he had pulled his shorts down. He moved a little higher in the bed, which allowed me to reach lower down his tummy. I cannot explain the wonderful feelings I was experiencing as Chris rubbed my penis and my hand searching out Chris’s penis. Suddenly I was there. Chris was swollen and very hard; I tried to copy what he had done to me and just rested my hand on him at first. His penis jumped and I heard Chris give out a soft moan. I then wrapped my hand around his penis and gently rubbed up and down.

I wanted this time to never end but suddenly the feeling changed, I felt my penis trying to swell even larger. I felt an overwhelming desire and need for Chris to rub harder and faster. The muscles in my legs tightened and started to move involuntary. I had no control over my body, it felt like my penis wanted to explode and there was nothing I could do about it. My breathing become even faster and I started moaning. Chris sensed my urgency and started to rub faster and harder. I could not rub his penis anymore but only grab it tightly and squeeze.

It was then it happened. My whole body tensed, I had no control – the most wonderful feeling spread through my body, every nerve, every muscle seemed to be alive, I arched my back, totally involuntary, and then it came. This overwhelming feeling of complete and utter pleasure. I didn’t know whether I was going to piss the bed or what. I just felt this eruption starting in my balls, which by now had tightened beyond belief, and driving it’s way up through my penis to my piss hole. At this stage I wasn’t bothered if I pissed the bed or not. Then it came, spurting out through my piss hole, piss or whatever – I didn’t care, I just knew it was the most wonderful feeling and experience in my short life. Chris had stopped rubbing me now but was pumping me as though he was trying to drain every last bit of whatever out of me. I just lay back my whole body exhausted and enjoyed the moment. Chris suddenly kissed my neck and whispered, “did you enjoy that – you came”. All I could do was say thank you, thank you.

When I reached down to feel the wet on my tummy. It felt a little sticky and quite watery. Chris explained that this was the first, and that in time I would shoot more and it would be thicker. Taste it he said. I put a little on my tongue, and other than being a little salty it tasted good. You will always remember this day Alex and so will I said Chris.

I think I need to cum now, said Chris laughing. Will you help me – what could I say but yes. Chris turned over on his back and just laid still – over to you he said. I loved Chris so much and he had made me feel so happy, I wanted to do the same for him. I turned onto my side facing Chris and gently placed my hand on his chest. I felt his body shake a little and he gave out a quiet moan. I moved my hand gently around his muscular chest. As I copied how he had touched me I realised how much I was enjoying it, especially feeling the light covering of hair growing on his chest. As Chris did to me I moved my hand down his body slowly and purposely – moving my hand around and lightly brushing my fingertips over his belly button. Chris seemed to like this as he moaned louder and, took his right arm and placed it over my head to cuddle me closer and tighter into him. I was enjoying pleasing Chris, it was then I realised that my penis was swelling again and the more pleasure I was giving Chris the more pleasure I was feeling. I could feel that Chris was impatient and ready for me to touch him, so I purposely moved my hand lower feeling and following his fine hair as it trailed down his tummy to meet his thick pubic hair. I then felt his large throbbing penis, I stroked it first – which made Chris squeeze me even tighter – and then I placed my hand around it making a fist and rubbed gently but firmly. Chris let out another moan, squeezed me again and this time snuggled his face into my neck and kissed it. This was another wonderful experience the feeling I got when Chris kissed my neck was one of shear pleasure that travelled through my entire body. I wanted Chris to do this again so I snuggled my neck into his face moving my neck around and across his mouth. Chris obliged and started kissing and sucking gently on my neck, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. With the wonderful pleasure I was experiencing I almost forgot that I was supposed to be giving Chris pleasure. With that I concentrated more of rubbing Chris’s penis until I felt him tense and his penis swell even more – this was my cue to rub harder and faster. As I did I felt Chris’s whole body tense, he moaned and said I’m Cumming, with that he suddenly exploded, I tried to pump him the way he had pumped me and drain ever last bit out. Ok you can stop now Chris said laugher – for a beginner you were really good – did you enjoy it? Yes a thousand times yes I said. Chris said feel how thick my spunk is, your will be just like that soon. Can I taste it I said nervously, course you can I’ll taste some as well. With that Chris took a large amount of his thick spunk and placed it on his lips. He then said want to try another lovely feeling. Yes I said eagerly. Ok what you have to do is lick all the spunk off my lips but very slowly and gently because that’s more fun. My penis was still hard and my body felt so alive and sensual I would have done anything Chris suggested. Ok let’s do it. Chris placed some more of his spunk on his lips and faced me. I moved my face right up close to Chris’s and started licking his lips, I don’t know why but I started to suck and bite gently on his lips. As Chris seemed to enjoy me doing this I did it even more, even when I knew I had licked and sucked all the spunk off his lips. I loved doing this, my penis was throbbing and my body was aching for Chris to touch me again. Chris then took another large amount of spunk off his tummy and spread it all over my lips, my turn he said cheekily. Chris then kissed me fully on the lips gently forcing my mouth open slightly. I was in such heaven, I just followed his lead. He kissed and licked and sucked my lips until all his spunk had gone. Well I enjoyed that Chris said. I think we’d better get some sleep now. Chris must of read my mind because he then said, don’t worry about your hard, it will go down and I’ll show you some more things we can do in the morning which after the fun we’ve just had, I know you will enjoy. With that he kissed me gently on the lips and turned me over and cuddled into my back. I fell asleep feeling his arm around me, his warm breath on my neck and his beautiful penis pushing gently into my bottom.

To be continued………

Part 2 A teenager’s story of sexual pleasure


4 Gay Erotic Stories from ColinEdward

The Beginning

Part 1 – The beginningA boy’s story of sexual awakening.My name is Alex and I was brought up in South London. I lived with my Mum & Dad in a typical London suburb. Although I had no siblings, I did have two cousins who lived just round the corner with their Mum & Dad. Chris the youngest was almost four years older than me, and John the elder was about six years older.

The Beginning Part 2

The beginningPart 2 A teenager’s story of sexual pleasureFollowing our return from Granddads, life continued as before – Chris started dating a girl from his year at College and I, after the incredible sexual awakening I had experience, was determined to improve my body image. Barry, an old school friend since junior school, and I decided to do something about our scrawny bodies. We

The Beginning Part 3

The Beginning – Part 3 A summer job liberates Alex.As College broke up for the summer early June for almost three months, Alex decided rather than work local he would apply to work away. Searching through job vacancies he came across an advert for young people 18+ to work at a large Holiday Camp on the South Coast. They had loads of vacancies ranging from kitchen porters to office staff.

The Beginning Part 4

The Beginning Part 4As the weeks went by the Camp became fuller and livelier. During August it was mainly young families and a Grandparents. Alex was ‘in’ with a crowd who when not working would be partying in the Jolly Roger. Alex and Jim still shared a Chalet and were getting on really well. Although Alex had to admit his feeling for Jim were far greater and stronger than Jim’s feelings for


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