Gay Erotic Stories

The Team

by Smithblake548

Here I was, with his dick in my ass...

Let me rewind back to a simpler time, where I only saw him from afar, and I assumed he didn't even look at me...

My name is Christian Addison. I'm 5'11, a little thin for my height, 6" dick, brunette hair, the typical average guy. I was and am a freshman at college, and I make decent grades. The aforementioned guy's name is Ryan Ackerson, he was a Junior at college, and he was a "typical jock". He was 5'8 and had brunette hair darker than mine, was ripped, and as far as I could tell he was what one might call "endowed". He was the attention of all of the girls, even though he never seemed to have a girlfriend. He was nice, but not outgoing, smart, but not a genius. Pretty much a really great guy. So this story starts in the winter when I joined the high school wrestling team.

I was not the best wrestler, even though I could wrestle Junior Varsity okay. Anyone could see that. But seeing I was the only 145-pounder that could wrestle on the team, I was the one going to Florida to wrestle with the varsity, and you guessed it, Ryan. I had a serious crush on Ryan, it wasn't to obvious since I pretty much looked straight, but deep inside I really liked that guy.

So we got on the plane, flew to Florida, and drove straight to the hotel to check in, as it was late and the tournament wouldn't start until the next day. When my coach gave us the room keys (we were all staying in separate rooms), I noticed that Ryan's and I's rooms were right next door, as our last names came next to each other in the alphabet. When I got into the room, I noticed that there was a door that connected my room to Ryan's. I brushed my teeth and showered after a long day, and just as I was about to go to bed, I got a knock on my door. Not the door leading to the hall, but the door connected to Ryan's room. I walked over to the door and opened it and there was Ryan smiling and holding an Xbox.

"Hey Christian, can I play Xbox in here? The TV in my hotel room is busted."

Before I could say yes Ryan walked through the doorway and set up his Xbox. I got into the small single bed and was about to go to sleep when Ryan said "Dude? Why are you going to sleep when we have an Xbox to play!"

So of course, I was roped into playing Xbox with him. We sat right next to each other, our butts were touching, and I of course got a semi hard on. After a ton of Call of Duty, he decided to turn the TV off, and we just started talking.

"So Christian, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know..."

"I know! Let's talk about that cute girl who's obviously been crushing on you. What's her name, Stacy?"

It was true. Stacy had been crushing on me for quite a while. As hard as I tried to avoid her and her advances, word spread around.

"I don't know why she would go for you when I'm obviously the hottest one around"

I tried to fake a laugh, but it wasn't that convincing. I ended up just looking sad.

"Aww come on dude, I'm just messing around." Jake grabbed me by the face and looked me in the eyes. "Any girl would be lucky to have a guy as great as you".

Suddenly, I felt him pull my face toward his, and he kissed me. I had never been kissed before, let alone done anything with a guy before, so this was magical. It was like a billion suns exploding around us. It felt like forever, but eventually he pulled away.

Jake turned away from me, embarrassed. "Aww Christian I'm sorry I just kissed you, I understand if you hate me. Jake was about to get up when I grabbed his face and pulled it toward mine. Kissing him again felt so good. When it ended, he pulled back and said, "You like me back? I didn't think I was good enough for you."

I said, "How could you think that? You're a hot guy who is kind and smart. I'm not good enough for you."

He pulled me in and we started to make out. He pulled his shirt off and then mine, then started kissing my chest. His tongue flicked over my nipples and it send a shock through my body. He slowly worked his way down to my shorts, then asked "Is it alright if I take off your clothes?"

It took all of my strength to not blurt out "Yes!" He pulled down my shorts and started sucking on my underwear. I let out a soft moan. "You like that?", he said. "Just wait until I get my mouth around your dick." With that, he pulled my underwear all the way down and wrapped his mouth around my dick. If kissing was like a billion suns exploding, then this was like a trillion. I looked down to see his hot mouth wrapped around my dick and it was so hot that I immediately cummed in his mouth. He swallowed it.

"Wow! someone's eager!" he said with a grin on his face. "Haha you think you're very funny," I said, "just wait until I make you cum." He stood up and unbuttoned and pulled down his jeans, to reveal his massive boner.

"Holy crap! How big is that thing?" I exclaimed. "Nine inches", he said. "Don't try to take it all in your mouth at once okay?"

I wrapped my lips around the tip. His dick was enormous! He slowly guided my head down onto the shaft and I tried to open my throat to take it all in. Eventually, I could not take in any more of his dick, so i started to move up and down on it. He let out a moan and put his hands on the back of his head. I moved up and down slowly until i got the hang of it, then I started to move faster.

Just when he was about to cum, he stopped me and pulled his dick out of my mouth. "Wait I don't want to cum in your mouth." I said, "Where do you want to cum then?" He replied, "In your ass". I was shocked for a second. That monster, in my ass? He reassured me that he would be gentle and kind, and I trusted him. Since I already had my slobber on his dick, he didn't need any lube. I got on my hands and knees and he spread my cheeks.

He also wanted to lube up my asshole before he penetrated me, so he started rimming me. He put his tongue on my asshole and it felt amazing. When his tongue pushed into my hole, I pushed back because I wanted more in me.

Eventually, when I was lubed up, he stood up and put his dick head up to my hole. My hole was quivering in anticipation. He slowly entered me and I felt a stabbing pain in my hole. I had never put anything in there before, not even a finger, so it hurt so bad. He got the entire head through and I was aching in pain. "Does this hurt? Do you want me to stop?"

"No", I said. "Just wait a second I need to catch my breath"

The pain eventually subsided and I was ready. He put a little more into me until suddenly he stopped. "Why'd you stop?" I said. "Because my entire dick is in your ass silly." I looked back and it was true. He was balls deep into my ass. All nine inches.

He slowly started to move back and forth and grabbed onto my shoulders for support. I suddenly started to feel pleasure, and started moaning. He fucked me faster and faster until his dick was plowing my ass and I had to hold the bed for support.

He pulled out and flipped me over onto my back. "I want to see your face as I fuck your brains out", he said.

His dick was ravaging my ass and I suddenly was about to cum. "I'm gonna cum!", I exclaimed. "Me too!", he yelled. He yanked his head back and let unleashed his load into my ass. He fired what felt like 10 ropes of thick warm cum into my hole. His spasming dick caused me to cum without touching myself, and I unleashed my cum all over my chest.

He kept his limp dick in my ass, and I could feel it and his seed in my hole. He laid down on me and kissed me passionately. "You're beautiful, you know that?" he said. I said, "I'm nothing compared to you." He smiled at me. "I've been waiting so long to be with you. Christian, I love you." These were the words I had been waiting to hear from him for what felt like forever. "I love you too."

He laid down on me, and we slept together through the night, covered in each other's cum.

This is where it began, with his dick in my ass. We started dating that year. Eventually he graduated, but even though we didn't see each other, I still thought of him. At my graduation, he was there, and we started where we had left off. We got married later. He still fucks me like the very first time


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Smithblake548

The Team

Here I was, with his dick in my ass...Let me rewind back to a simpler time, where I only saw him from afar, and I assumed he didn't even look at me...My name is Christian Addison. I'm 5'11, a little thin for my height, 6


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