Gay Erotic Stories

El Chico de Palabra, Part 1: The Boy In Question

by Chaotical Writings

El Chico de Palabra Part 1 The Boy In Question El Chico de Palabra The Boy in Question (Part I) I was always just "one of the guys" back in high school. I didn’t have the popularity that some of my friends did, nor did I want it. I liked hanging in the background of things - always there and yet not always noticed. This made it easy for me to slide on into the social circle that is so important to high school teens. When I was 18, I felt as if I were on top of the world. I hung around with the most popular kids, became friends with some of the most influential upper classmen, and was invited to some of the best keg parties around. It was at one of those parties, in fact, that I learned some things about myself that I would never have imagined possible. Three of my friends and I drove up to the party house with high hopes of getting laid. Two of us did have girlfriends, myself and Anthony that is, but it didn’t matter then… nothing really did. We had to face it - we were fucking horny. So we went into the house, each of us with a condom in our pocket and smiles on our faces. All was going great for a while. Ant had picked up a brunette with quite the set of tits, and my other two compatriots were busy picking up a few college girls. I myself was getting drunk off my ass. None of the ladies there seemed to be my type, so I just decided to let the liquor flow and mingle a bit. I got talking to some guys on my soccer team about our last game. We had gotten ripped off by the ref. It was then that I saw someone who I hadn’t seen in five years. I stopped speaking in mid-sentence as he came into my line of sight. His name was Ryan. We had been best friends when I was 12 and he was 13. He had moved from the city back then, and I hadn’t heard from him since. Seeing him walk by brought a deluge of memories upon me. We had experienced a great deal together… I then realized I was gawking stupidly in front of my teammates, so I quickly recovered. I took my leave of them shortly later and spent the rest of the night closely stalking my childhood friend throughout the house, all the while avoiding his gaze. I was amazed at how much he had changed. Whereas he had been a scrawny little boy before, he was now a full grown man. He stood a good 6’1", towering above most of the other guys there. His face was finely chiseled in a way that made him seem to be stern and hard. I had known it was him only because of two things. First was his hair. When he was young, he always preferred the shaved look, and true to his likes he still had the same cut. The second giveaway was his eyes. He had the darkest brown eyes I had ever seen. They were almost mesmerizing in their depth. I actually found them beautiful… I sat across the room from him where he was talking with some people I didn’t know, suddenly feeling myself getting a hard-on. I was confused at this occurrence, but let it happen. It felt good… and somehow right. I sat there alone amongst a group of kids I didn’t even know, enjoying the feeling this sight of an old time friend had given me. The conversation over there seemed to die, however, and Ryan’s gaze began to meander through the crowd. When his eyes met mine, I felt memories that I had long since forgotten… or hidden… begin to surface in my mind. --------- It was a hot summer night in July, 1990. Ryan had come over to celebrate my 12th birthday after the fact, because my family had traveled the week before for the occasion. He was sleeping over for the night and had come complete with a pillow and sleeping bag. After a day of messing around outside in the sun, we had come inside to clean up and get ready for bed. At about 9 o’clock we were situated in my room, he on the floor and myself in the bed. When we were sure my mother was in bed for the night, we got out a flashlight and talked as was the ritual for every sleep over. Only tonight, the talk took a turn in a different direction. "Have you ever seen a naked woman?", Ryan asked seemingly out of nowhere. "No," I said in return. I was just on the verge of discovering sex and sexuality, and had only begun having erections and wet dreams in the past few weeks. "Then here’s your present," he said while brandishing a copy of Playboy. He jumped up onto my bed and slid innocently under the covers beside me. He opened up the magazine and began flipping the pages while holding the flashlight. Each of us immediately had erections. I could see the outline of his through the covers. I felt embarrassed at first, but that was quickly replaced by my curiosity with the magazine and with Ryan. He had become bored with the magazine (many pages were sticking together pretty good), and was looking down at my shorts where he could see the small lump made by my dick against my underwear. "Did you ever wonder what it would be like to have sex?", he asked. "I don’t know," I said. His gaze was unnerving me. He then looked up at me and said with a gusto that sounded like a conversation shifter, "Do you want to see something?" "Sure," I said, hopeful to get away from the sensitive topic. Ryan began to slide off his shirt. "Look!", he exclaimed. He raised his arms and shined the light on his underarms. He had some stubble there where hair was beginning to arise. "Bet you don’t have any." "I do too!" "Then let’s see it." I took my shirt off as he did and raised my arms. "I don’t see any," he said, shining the light under my arm. "Shut up!" I yelled a little too loudly. "Shhhhhhh!" "Stop it then," I whispered loudly. When he saw my scowl he told me to forget it. "Will you kiss me?" he asked out of nowhere. I sat there with a stupid look on my face unsure of what to say or do. He took the pause as acquiescence and reached down to plant a sloppy french kiss on my lips. I was stunned, but quite turned on nonetheless. How was I to take this feeling? It had felt good and natural, but I was confused by it. He must have seen this in my expression because he quickly apologized. "It’s okay," I said. After a pause I added, "I didn’t mind." "Oh." I could see that he was getting uncomfortable. He probably felt pretty embarrassed. I took this chance to shift the conversation. "So what do you know about… well… you know… it?" "Do you mean fucking?" I reddened at this reference but nodded. Turned out he knew a good deal. Ryan explained to me all he knew about jerking off and sex using gestures and motions that seemed very strange and funny. "And that’s all there is to it," he concluded. He stretched his back, yawned, and said he had to get to sleep. He was too tired to talk any more. He jumped off the bed onto his sleeping bag and was snoring in minutes. I fell asleep about ten minutes later, after trying to digest some of what I’d heard. I didn’t sleep very soundly. In fact, my night was wrought with dreams, all of them wet dreams… all of them about Ryan. When I woke up, I felt somehow different. I could not explain it, not even to myself. All I knew was that I felt something more than friendship for my best friend. --------- I regained my wits as I saw him stand up and begin to walk in my direction with a broad smile on his face. My feelings were mixed as he neared me, but I couldn’t help sensing a pleasurable nostalgia. When he was upon me I stood to meet him with a hug. "Hey man, it’s been so long," he said to me as he met my embrace. We stood there feeling a companionship which I had thought died long ago. Here was my childhood friend all grown up! The moment seemed so perfect that I wanted it to last forever. "I know… you look so different. What happened?" I said jokingly, as we separated our embrace. "Guess I got a little older. From the looks of it you did too," he replied, a sly smile playing on his lips. I could tell he was appraising me, seeing who I’d become after these five years. "You don’t know how glad I am to see you. I’ve missed you since the day I left." "I’ve felt the same way," I lied. I had missed him when he was gone, but I quickly made new friends and a new life. I felt a bit guilty for this, but attributed it to basic human nature. "Well," he began with a pause, "why don’t you come with me? I’ll introduce you to some of my friends and we’ll catch up. How ‘bout it?" "Sure," I said. "Always were agreeable, weren’t you? That’s what I like about you," he said smiling all the while. He motioned for me to follow him and I went along without a single question. Ryan brought me to where he was sitting and introduced me to his friends. It seems he had moved back to the area a few weeks ago. He was going to high school in a village on the outskirts of the city. These guys went there, too. I thought some of them had looked familiar. Parties around here had always attracted crowds from all parts. Someone knows someone who knows someone… all that bullshit. Within seconds Ryan and I were talking about old times. We reminisced about the fun we had and things we did together. He then began to tell me about his travels after he left the city five years ago. He said he had moved to Syracuse first, because his father had gotten transferred with his job. Then, when his father ran out on him and his mother, he had moved to New York so that he could live with extended family. His mother had had it with the crime there after awhile, however, and saved up so she could afford to move back here. And that was that… so it seemed, anyway. Ryan had a way of hiding things, or making them seem more trivial than they really were. Whenever he spoke, I found myself transfixed by his eyes. They were so fluid-like and dark. The sight of them made my body tremor with delight. I felt my body become sensitive to every sense - his tapping foot, the incessant tune of Blister in the Sun in the background - everything. It was like a dream. Maybe I was drunk. To this day I’m not sure. Either way, I felt something for him that I’ve never felt for anyone else. "So why don’t we get together sometime tomorrow?" he asked, interrupting my reverie. "I know a nice coffee shop down Main Street. Wanna meet me there… let’s say 12 o’clock? We can talk some more… catch up." "Sure," I replied somewhat drunkenly. He laughed at this and said it was a date. He took his leave soon later. My friends had long since gone, probably to some cheap motel with their ladies. I decided to walk home. All the way there, I felt like bursting with every minute that passed. I think I felt… excited. --------- That same night, as I lie in my bed, I found myself unable to shake thoughts of Ryan from my mind. Feeling this way for another guy was like entering into a strange new world. I didn’t know what to do, what to believe, what was right, or what was wrong. His name and his image popped up everywhere I looked. I was not crazy, just a bit obsessed. My body would not let me forget what his embrace had made me feel. I envisioned his arms around me once more, holding me tight to his chest. I could see him again, sitting across the room at the party. He was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a flannel with a tight T-shirt underneath. I could see he was well muscled. His pecs and abs were outlined against his undershirt. His legs, too, were quite bulky with muscle. He sat with an air of confidence, as if he was some kind of god. His facial contours were sharp making him look like a hardened man, one made tough by the difficulties he had faced in his lifetime. His eyes betrayed him, though, showing his gentle and amiable nature. His father was quite dark-skinned, originally from Puerto Rico. Ryan had inherited the berry-like color in his own tone. I could feel his smooth, tanned skin once again against mine. I could feel my hand running through his short brown hair, grazing by his left ear, and down his broad back… All of the sudden, I realized that my right hand had wandered down into my boxers. My cock was so fucking hard that it almost hurt. I massaged my nuts as I dreamed of his body, getting myself more and more turned on by the second. If I’d ever had blue balls, it was then. I was ready to shoot a load all over the fucking place. I kept imagining what was underneath that all too tight undershirt, and maybe even what he had in those khakis… I ejaculated forcefully, barely even having to stroke my cock. The hot cum spilled over my flat stomach. Some even reached as far as my chin. My orgasm was intense - I couldn’t help but moan in pleasure. It lasted quite a while too, maybe a minute! Then it was over. I had jizz all over me. Fuck cleaning it up, though, I was too worn down to even get up. --------- The day was sunny and hot… too hot. After I got out of the shower that morning I could feel the heat trying to invade the house. The short walk from the bathroom to my bedroom was even enough to create a glistening layer of sweat upon my naked body. By the time I pulled up my boxers to my waist I was perspiring profusely and felt a bit light-headed. I had no choice but to sit down on my bed in front of the fan for a few minutes to cool off. I was in no real hurry, after all. A cursory glance in my mirror prompted me to get up and look at myself. Call it arrogance, call it confidence, call it whatever you like - but I looked good. Not that I had no reason to be proud of my appearance. I had worked very hard to look the way I did. I was one of those chubby boys in junior high, the kind that everyone made fun of and picked on. One particular nickname given to me, ‘Fats’, had given me the drive to lose weight. During the summer before my freshman year of high school, I worked out devoutly. I mainly ran and worked out at a gym. I lost over 30 pounds in six months and loved every minute of it. As if that was not enough, I also shot up from a puny 5’6 to an impressive 5’11 around this time. During my first year of high school not only did I beat up every one of the assholes who tormented me about my appearance, but I also became captain of our school’s track and soccer teams. I also got my first taste of pussy… and lord did I like it. The mirror did me justice. I had risen to about 6’ in height and had a body that was better than most. I had a flat stomach and defined pectorals, all mounted upon a set of legs that were extremely muscled. This is not to say I was a future Mr. America. I kept most of my strength in my legs, while running track and playing soccer. My upper body was attractive, but I didn’t have the rippling wash-board abs that some guys can boast. Many people had compared me to a young farmhand. They said that if I put on overalls, I’d fit the role perfectly. I guess they had attributed this to my blonde hair and blue eyes (and maybe even to my almost hairless chest). I never really gave a fuck… I was pleased enough with myself as it was. I proceeded to get ready within minutes. I decided to wear a tank-top shirt and Nike shorts considering the heat and all. Besides, who did I have to impress? The 45 minutes I spent dressing and fixing my hair gave me the answer to this question. --------- I drove up to the coffee house with many questions plaguing my mind. First and foremost of these was, ‘What in God’s name am I doing?’, followed close by, ‘Why do I feel this way?’ I could not answer either. Something else seemed to be stirring at the edge of my consciousness. It was a concept that I never thought would fit me. Was I gay? Fuck no! I had fucked the brains out of at least 6 different women in those past two years. I was straight as a fucking board. With this new found assurance I entered the shop. There he was, sitting at a table all alone. He was wearing a tank top and sweat shorts like myself, plus a backwards cap, an earring in his left ear, and sunglasses to boot. He was the epitome of fashion. I couldn’t help but laugh inwardly. Here was a kid who five years ago wore a T-shirt advertising the wit of Captain Kangaroo - now he looks as if he could be a model! Ryan would make quite a good model, in fact. With those muscular arms and legs, and that knowing smile, and all around beautiful body… "Hey! Come on over and sit down! I ordered us both the house special!" I walked over and sat down, giving him a broad smile. "What’s the ‘house special’?" I asked. "I don’t really know… but it’s s’posed to be something cold, so…" "Good choice," I said, "Really good." Was I flirting? "I didn’t get to get a real good look at you last night," he said as he removed his sunglasses and emphatically looked me over. "I can’t believe it’s been so long. I wouldn’t have recognized you if it weren’t for your eyes. I could always spot those honest blue eyes a mile away when we were little." That was irony for you. "Some things just don’t change, do they?", I said. That was something I would never have said under normal circumstances. At that moment, however, I had been at a loss for words. With an encompassing smile, brilliant against his tanned skin, he replied, "I guess not." Ryan and I spoke for a good hour and a half more. We talked about his life and plans for college the following year, and then progressed into my life and journeys up to our recent meeting. I was amazed at his stories, especially of New York City. He had seemed equally enthusiastic to hear about what our old friends were up to after five years. I was truly enjoying myself, and the time flew by. At around 1:45 Ryan looked at his watch and said, "Aw shit. I gotta get going, man. I’m gotta meet with some of the guys to watch the game tonight." Disappointment wracked my body. Everything had been going so great. Why hadn’t he…? He stood up from the chair, put his sunglasses back on, and said, "Actually, why don’t you come along? It would be fun." I acquiesced all to eagerly. I was slightly embarrassed at seeming so excited. What would he think? I didn’t even know what I thought about it! "We should probably take one car… it would just be easier. You can leave yours… no one cares," Ryan said as we walked together outside. He led me to his Camaro and motioned for me to hop in. "We just gotta make a stop at my house quick… I need to pick up money." And with that, we were off. It only dawned on me days later that there was not a single noteworthy ‘game’ playing on the television that 24th of July. --------- Ryan’s house turned out to be only a short ten minutes away, right next to the public pool we used to swim in together. We pulled into his driveway reminiscing about all the times we had broke into that pool to swim late at night. "We should do it again… just for old time’s sake," I said with a laugh. He flipped off the ignition. "I might just hold you to that one of these days." He had a smile from ear to ear. "Come on in, it’ll just be a second." I followed Ryan into his home, all the while unthinkingly checking out his ass. He had a nice, hard butt. "Fuck," I said to myself. My cock was getting hard very fast, and it was pretty obvious in the sweat shorts I was wearing. "My money is in my room… come on," he said over his shoulder. I was trying everything to cover up my rising bone - blousing out my tank top, readjusting my boxers, everything! Nothing worked. When he showed me into his room, all thoughts of hiding my cock temporarily disappeared. Was I in the same house? Walking through the halls toward this room, I could (at best) call his house quaint. His bedroom, on the other hand, looked more like an upper class NYC apartment. It was smaller, yes, but it was amazingly decorated and had all sorts of furnishings. He had a TV, a stereo, a waterbed, a personal refrigerator, and even his own bathroom! "Where the fuck did you pull this place out of?" I exclaimed. He stammered off something about being an only child in an offhand manner as if he had been distracted by something before my outburst. Shit! My boner. He must have seen my hard-on! I had thought. By then he was shuffling through a drawer, however, and was swearing, muttering about how you can never find what you need when you need it. I took the chance to walk over to a counter in the corner of his room where I could lean to cover up the bulge in my shorts. Ryan turned around. He leaned casually against his dresser and began looking at me. Just looking. It was almost a stare of appraisal. He had a questioning visage upon his face, as if he had just asked me something and expected an answer. If he was looking for something, I could not give it. I was unnerved by the stare on his tanned face. As if reading my thoughts, he rid himself of that look and began to walk toward me. I can see that walk all over again today… like it was only a few minutes ago that he strutted across his room. He had removed his cap and sunglasses and I could see his beautiful eyes and face. His chest rose slowly with a breath, and his muscles rippled for the barest of an instant. He was determined. I could see that plainly. ‘No’ was not an acceptable answer. He grasped me by the shoulders and half shoved, half threw me onto his bed. I was angry. I’d be goddamned if I was going to be treated that way. I sat there on his bed with a look that could kill and yelled, "What the fuck…!" I stopped myself in midsentence. Ryan was then standing directly over me with that same determined look on his face. He had begun to strip. He removed his tank top first, revealing that set of pecs that I had dreamed about, and those tanned abs that I had lusted for. Then he pulled off his socks and threw them aside. Last came off his sweat shorts, tossed into the pile with the rest of his clothes. He stared directly at me all the while. It took only a moment for my anger to become admiration. He was truly a beautiful creature. His flesh was unmarred and his face was completely flawless. His stomach, chest and legs rippled with muscles. His cock was outlined by his sports briefs, prominent to my view. It was very large and thick, even though he wasn’t completely hard. Fuck yeah… Ryan was hung like a fucking horse. I sat there looking at him with an awed expression. I was speechless. He took this chance to reach down and plant a french kiss on me - not a sloppy one, but a hard and forceful one. He placed one hand on the back of my head and forced his tongue down my throat. I couldn’t resist him… nor did I want to. I was engulfed by this passionate kiss, lost in a world of sexual hunger and lust. I felt dominated, like I was a sex-slave or something. All I could do was sit there and wait for it to end so that I could do his bidding. Then something happened. I felt my right hand running up his hard legs toward his crotch and my left hand caressing his stomach. It was as if they were acting upon their own volition. My body was giving in to my lust and desires! I felt a sort of ecstasy as one of my palms stroked Ryan’s huge cock through his underwear and the other fondled his long, hard nipples. I wanted him very badly. When the kiss had ended, Ryan pulled away from my groping hands and stood erect before me. "I’ve waited for this for so long," he said. His chest was rising rhythmically with his breaths, an action that made him seem all the more beautiful. "Will you… you know…?" "Fuck you?" I finished for him. I wasn’t as bashful as before I guess. I stood to meet him eye to eye and gave him a kiss of my own. He met this with a strong embrace that pulled us very close. The manly scent that wafted from his near naked body turned me on like never before. It made our kiss get even deeper. I could feel his hands moving across my back… down… down…. right to my ass. He grabbed my butt with one hand and lifted my shirt with the other, eventually breaking our embrace to remove it altogether. He threw the clothing aside and began licking and sucking on my neck. Then he moved to my ear. Then down to my chest. Then to my nipples. His hands became busy exploring my lower body… one entering the back of my shorts and boxers, the other fondling me through those garments. When I felt a finger enter into my asshole I stiffened considerably. It felt strange. He pulled it out, probably noticing my discomfort. He then and there decided to focus all of his attention on my cock. Ryan forcefully pulled off my shorts and boxers and pushed me down upon the bed. I lied there feeling completely exposed and vulnerable. My dick began to go limp a bit, laying on my stomach about an inch above my navel. "That’s not what I want to see," he said. With that he pulled down his sports underwear to reveal his huge piece of manhood. It must have been about 8 and a half inches long, and at least as thick as the grip on a baseball bat. It was completely erect, and somewhat curved, kind of like the Nike Swoosh symbol. Seeing this magnificent penis brought my own to full attention. My seven and a half inch hard-on could barely compete with his, but would have to on this fine day. "Now that’s what I like," Ryan said. He straddled my body so as to kiss me once again, while allowing our cocks to rub together. I could feel some pre-cum splash against my stomach from his cock head. He was leaking good. I barely even noticed that I was moaning with pleasure already… With a loud grunt, Ryan pulled himself off of me and positioned himself for a 69. He immediately began wetting my balls and cock with his tongue. It took me a second to recover from the shock of seeing his huge penis in front of my face. Then I began to mimic his movements on my dick. I licked the circumference of his shaft with alacrity and even nibbled a bit at his scrotum. Then he went buck-wild on my cock. He took it in all the way and throated it. He sucked hard on my prick, bringing a moan of pleasure from my lips. This was the chance he was looking for. When I opened my mouth, he slammed his cock way down my throat. I gagged at first, but then was able to accept it with no trouble. His cockhead felt huge down in my throat, and the veins on his dick seemed to get bigger every time he slammed his meat inside of my mouth. In essence, he was fucking my mouth. His balls, which were quite big now that I saw them up close, were audibly slapping against my nose. The combination of all of these feelings made me feel like I was about to shoot. He must have known by my enlarging head in his mouth, because he soon desensitized my pleasure by gently licking the underside of my cock shaft. He pulled his own penis out of my mouth soon later and got off of my body. He stood above me for a moment, openly admiring my body. I must have looked drunk lying there, a squeeze away from the biggest orgasm of my life. I took the chance to admire him in return. I wondered as I looked at his naked body what I loved about him the most. His cock was unbelievable, manly in nature, and tasted great. His navel was appetizing, flanked by a tickley line of hair extending somewhat into his chest area and down into his pubic hair. His ass was hard but smooth, with a fine layer of fuzz covering its expanse. All of these things I loved and lusted for, but it was his eyes that caught and held me like a deer by headlights. His appraisal complete, he turned around and shuffled through his drawers. He came out with a small bottle which he flicked open with his thumb. He then squeezed some of the contents onto his hand and began to rub it on his pulsating cock. "What’s that for?" I asked, a little dazedly. "You’ll see," Ryan replied. He squeezed a bit more onto his hand and lubed up his dick some more. He sat between my legs stroking himself. I could see his cock glistening with that stuff, but didn’t realize his intentions until he raised my legs onto his shoulders, leaving my puckered asshole right in front of his mammoth penis. "I don’t think I want to do this," I said. "You’ll like it… don’t worry," he assured me as he began to spread the lube all around my ass and anus. "Nah, man, nah…" I was almost begging. "Just relax," Ryan said soothingly. He reached out, grabbed my cock, and began teasing the hole with his tongue. I smiled and moaned with pleasure. Then he moved his head away, but kept my dick in his hand. I could see him adjusting my legs on his shoulders, and could feel the head of his penis rubbing against my asshole. When he was ready he said, "Just relax… it won’t hurt for long." With that he pushed his cock head into my hole. The pain was intense. It burned like hell, and I sweared like a crazy man. "Shhhh, don’t worry, man," he said over my yelling. He began to stroke my cock with one hand and held my hand with the other. "I wouldn’t do this to you if it wasn’t worth it." Ryan slammed his prick in even farther, eliciting a few more expletives from my mouth. By now it was about halfway in my ass, and it still hurt like hell. He continued his motions as before, stroking and caressing. I had to admit, his hard cock inside of me was turning me on despite the pain. "Just one more time, okay." He was more telling than asking. Slam! It was in all the way, with a lot of pain to show for it. Getting that curve in at the end of his shaft was excruciating. I didn’t swear this time, just moaned in pain. "Don’t worry… it’s all over," Ryan said rather drunkenly, as if he had found ecstasy incarnate. Sweat glistened upon his body and dripped down upon mine. Seeing this made me feel as if we were one now… complete and whole. "Here comes the best part." Ryan began to slowly pull his cock in and out of my asshole… not all the way out, but almost out. It hurt at


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Chaotical Writings

El Chico de Palabra, Part 1: The Boy In Question

El Chico de Palabra Part 1 The Boy In Question El Chico de Palabra The Boy in Question (Part I) I was always just "one of the guys" back in high school. I didn’t have the popularity that some of my friends did, nor did I want it. I liked hanging in the background of things - always there and yet not always noticed. This made it easy

If Friends Can Be Fuckers, Then Fuckers Can Be Fr

You always know you're in good hands when you're with a friend. And that's just where I was--in the hands of a friend. His name was John, and he was jerking me off really hard! I was on my back on the bed and he was kneeling between my legs with both of his hands clutching my cock. He was rhythmically beating my meat, taking breaks every once in a while to give my

Our Three Vices

There was fucking great party a few days after my 19th birthday. Me and my friend Jason had gotten back to my dorm room at about 3 in the morning. We had left the party completely drunk. Hell, we couldn't walk straight! My roommate had gone home for the weekend, so the room was empty when we got there. Me and Jay were laughing at everything. When you're fucking cocked

The Boyz Home

I could feel my pulse begin to race as I entered into the dark and musty corridor. The air was warm and moist against my bare chest, bringing a fine layer of sweat to my skin. I was exhilarated. All of my senses were honed to perfection, ensuring that my passage was unknown and unnoticed. The path was not new to me - I had been exploring the covert halls of the Salem Home for

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