Gay Erotic Stories

MSN Stud

by Studlyguy4u

Justin says: lol....r u jackin off to my pic? studly says: lol yeah! Justin says: right now? studly says: yeah Justin says: do u like cum? studly says: lol yaeh i guess Justin says: lol... Justin says: well i dunno if it helps but....u can do me if u want studly says: ur ass? Justin says: sure... Justin says: i take off my pants.... Justin says: bending over studly says: i rub some lube on my cock, and lick ur ass to wet it, and slowly stick it in Justin says: ohh god....slowly... Justin says: it hurts... studly says: it'll feel good soon..i keep goin deeper, but slow, until i get it all in, then i pull out fast Justin says: ohh yeahh......oh god.....ur so big studly says: i squeeze ur ass cheeks as i stick my cock halfway in and pump it in and out faster, going a little deeper everytime Justin says: ohhhhh god..... Justin says: ohhh....ahh Justin says: ahh Justin says: it hurts studly says: i bend over with u, still pumping, my chest on ur back, and i reach down, rub ur pecs, and reach ur cock and rub it Justin says: ohh yeah....thats it Justin says: rub my cock Justin says: mmm..... Justin says: i can feel ur huge cock ripping my ass apart Justin says: feeling ur hands on my cock studly says: i keep thrusting ur ass harder as i jack off ur big thick cock, fondling ur nice big balls while i do it Justin says: ohhhh god yeahh Justin says: fuck me Justin says: ohhh my god studly says: u like havin a cock up ur ass? i quicken my fucking and do it harder, pulling almost all the way out and pushing all the way in Justin says: my cock starts to grow harder and bigger Justin says: oh god yeahhh Justin says: ohhhhhhh god Justin says: i can almost feel ur cock in my stomach studly says: i luv the way ur tight ass feels on my dick Justin says: ohhh yeahh studly says: i keep rubbing ur dick and fucking ur deeper Justin says: i love the way ur huge cock is stretching my ass so wide Justin says: ohhh god......too deep Justin says: pull it out a little studly says: i pull it out, but push it back in, it feels good...ur cock is so big in my hands..i pump it hard Justin says: mmm...yeahh....u like sucking dick? studly says: ooh yeah Justin says: mmm....after u cum in my ass.....i want u to suck my cock Justin says: ohh yeahh studly says: oh yeah..i start thrusting harder, and i start running my hands all over ur chest and rock hard abs Justin says: i feel my cock growing bigger and harder in ur hands Justin says: take ur cock out and out more lube on it studly says: mm alright..i pull it out quick and squeeze some more lube on it, and slam it in ur feels so good im alsmost gonna cum Justin says: ohhh god yeahhh yeahhh Justin says: i feel ur big cock back in my ass Justin says: while i move my body back to meet ur thrust Justin says: cum in my ass Justin says: yeahhhh Justin says: i wanna feel ur cum...mmmmm studly says: i start slamming it, my balls flopping on ur ass cheeks..on the verge of cumming studly says: i pull in one last time, and hold it as i shoot my load in ur ass..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it feels soo goood Justin says: ohhhhhh yeahhh yeahh Justin says: i feel ur cum in my ass so good studly says: mmm yyeaaahh Justin says: feeling it spill out onto the back of my thighs Justin says: ohh yehh studly says: i pull my cock out, and it flops around, covered in my own cum Justin says: mmmm.... Justin says: i turn around and kneel in front of u Justin says: taking ur cock in my hands and licking it dry Justin says: mmm....yeahh...u like that? studly says: ooooh yeah u got a good tongue Justin says: mmm....ur turn Justin says: i sat on the couch... Justin says: spreading my legs studly says: i see that huge cock between ur big muscular legs and quickly get down on my knees studly says: i stick out my tongue and lick ur big smooth balls Justin says: ohh yeahh... Justin says: lets see how much u can take studly says: mmm..i grab ur cock by the shaft..and slowly start on the big head Justin says: mmm....i grab ur head with my hands...guiding u down over my cock slowly studly says: mmm ur cock tastes sooo good...i love havin u push me onto ur big fuck pole Justin says: mmm....i continue to push ur head down... Justin says: just tap my leg when u start to choke Justin says: yeahh....keep sucking that cock studly says: mmmm its so big i can barely get anymore in..i tap ur leg and take it out..then dive back in and take it a bit deeper Justin says: mmm...yeahh.... Justin says: i close my eyes....tilting my head back studly says: u look so hot from down here, ur huge muscular chest heaving up and down as i take u deeper, then bobbing up and down on ur cock Justin says: yeahhhh Justin says: i look down at u... Justin says: ur head bobbing up and down over my throbbing cock Justin says: faster.... studly says: ooooh yeah its huge studly says: i keep going up and down, on ur huge cock, sucking it, try to go as deep as i can Justin says: oooh....ur doing a wonderful job....u must have got 7 inches of that in studly says: i feel ur huge dick stretching my mouth..i go for an eighth inch, and pump the base of the cock while u fondle ur balls Justin says: mmm....ohhh yeahhh Justin says: im gonna cum soon baby Justin says: where do u want it? studly says: anywhere u wanna put it Justin says: mmm...swallow it studly says: i'm rubbin ur ballsac and suckin that huge dick faster and harder then ever, shoot ur juice down my throat baby Justin says: ohhhhhhhh cummminnngggg studly says: mmmm ur cum shoots the back of my throat and it tastes sooo good..i keep feeling ur big shots shootin down my throat Justin says: mmmm.... Justin says: that was good studly says: yeah it was Justin says: i have to go now Justin says: i'll talk to u later ok? studly says: any time!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Studlyguy4u

MSN Stud

Justin says: lol....r u jackin off to my pic? studly says: lol yeah! Justin says: right now? studly says: yeah Justin says: do u like cum? studly says: lol yaeh i guess Justin says: lol... Justin says: well i dunno if it helps but....u can do me if u want studly says: ur ass? Justin says: sure... Justin says: i take off my pants.... Justin says: bending over


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