Gay Erotic Stories

My Best Fuck

by Mike Coles

I'm ALWAYS horny and looking for another guy to have sex with. I've been looking at cocks for as long as I can remember. I started sucking very young and finally had my first fucking when I was in my 20's. About three years ago, I was driving home from a fruitless search for cock as I passed one of my neighbor's houses about two blocks from mine. It was about 11:00 PM and he was outside moving the watering hose from one side of his house to the other. He was wearing a pair of ragged cut off shorts and nothing else. I figured: What the hell. I haven't found anyone and I'm really horny. It won't hurt to stop and introduce myself. Maybe I can get into those shorts. I pulled up in front of his porch and opened the door. "Working hard?" I asked. He said, "Not yet." I went up on his porch and told him that I was Mike Coles. He introduced himself only as Brian. I found out that he is also married. We sat on the top step while we were talking and I noticed that his cock was sticking out of the leg of his ragged shorts. So I said, "I see you aren't wearing underwear, either." He smiled and made a feeble attempt to stick his cock back into his shorts. It was about 8 inches long and promptly fell back out. I said, "Let me help you," as I reached over and pulled the leg of his shorts up to reveal one of the biggest cocks I'd ever seen. It was getting harder and harder as I stroked it. It was at least 10 inches when it got fully erect! The street was deserted, and after I found out that his wife was already asleep, I began deep-throating that big specimen of manhood. He was oozing pre-cum, which I gladly swallowed. He suggested we go around to the back of his house and into the garage. We did and we lay down on a doublewide air mattress that he had conveniently pulled down from a shelf in the garage. We began kissing and rubbing our hands all over each other's bodies. I kept coming back to that huge member between his legs. I sucked it some more and he moaned in pleasure. We kissed and deep-throated each other for about 10 minutes. My cock was harder than it ever had been and I was aching for release. But I wanted that giant cock inside my ass! I asked Brian if he would fuck me. He said that is exactly what he wanted to do. He rolled me over and grabbed some KY jelly and lubricated his cock and my asshole. Even with the lube, I knew I was in for the fucking of my life. I never had a cock that big before. I told him to take it slow, and he agreed. He began to probe my asshole with that huge monster and reached around to jerk my cock at the same time. The he began to enter me. Man, what a feeling! At first, I thought he wouldn't be able to get that giant inside me, but I inhaled deeply and relaxed as much as I could. Slowly, but firmly, he pushed till he got the head inside. He stopped for a second and asked if I was OK. I said, "Yes! Now fuck me and fuck me hard!" That was all he needed to hear. He thrust that cock of his into my ass clear up to the hilt! I thought I was going to pass out. He waited a few seconds, then began to fuck me slowly, quickly building up to a rapid pace. I never felt so full and so loved by a man before in my life. He kept pumping in and out of my ass till he moaned loudly and came and came and came. The cum oozed out from around his cock and ran down onto my balls. At that time, I shot my load all over the air mattress. We lay there, connected, for several minutes. I could feel his cock twitching as it deflated inside me. I tightened and relaxed my ass muscles and to my surprise his cock began to grow inside me again! What luck! I was going to get fucked again by this beautiful cock! And that's exactly what happened. After be both came again, we lay side by side, kissing and fondling each other. Since that memorable night, Brian and I are the best of friends and get together often for romance.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Mike Coles

My Best Fuck

I'm ALWAYS horny and looking for another guy to have sex with. I've been looking at cocks for as long as I can remember. I started sucking very young and finally had my first fucking when I was in my 20's. About three years ago, I was driving home from a fruitless search for cock as I passed one of my neighbor's houses about two blocks from mine. It was about 11:00 PM and he was


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