Gay Erotic Stories

Water Sports In The Car

by Tobey

I was in my freshmen year of college and I met this guy named Stephen. We hit it off and became good friends. One day we decided to spend our lunch break together. The break lasted 3 hours so, together, we took my car over to the mall and went inside to get something to eat. Afterwards we went back to my car to talk. He told me he had this hot dream the night before. So I asked him to tell me about it. As he began to describe it, he put his hand on his crotch and began rubbing it. He said that in his dream he was in the middle of a huge crowd and he was naked and jacking off. I watched his hand squeezing his dick through his pants and I began to get really turned on. "Wouldn't that be easier if you pulled your pants down?" I asked. "You wouldn't mind?" he replied. "Be my guest," I said. He smiled and unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper. He slowly started to pull them down revealing his red boxer briefs. Then he grabbed the waistband of his underwear and pulled them down to his ankles. His hard cut cock was exposed to me. He put the palm of his hand up to his face and licked it. Then he began stroking his cock. He let out a moan as he began making love to himself. My eyes were fixed on the action and the pleasure on his face. He looked at me and said, "Aren't you going to join me?" "Sure," I said. And I unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down. "You don't wear underwear?" he asked. "No. I never have," I replied. "That's hot," he said. I licked my hand just like he did and together we made love to ourselves. We watched the people in the parking lot pass by us not knowing what was going on inside the car. This turned us on even more. My dick was starting to get dry and I needed more spit on my hand so I licked it again. "What's the matter?" Stephen asked. "My mouth always gets really dried out when I get horny," I said. "Here," Stephen said and he grabbed my hand and put it up to his face and licked it. "I can't believe you did that!" I said in shock. "Why?" he asked. "I've been jacking off with that hand!" I said. "So?" he asked. "I have pre-cum on that hand!" "So? Watch this," he said and he leaned over, grabbed my dick and kissed the head of it. He sat back up and started laughing. "Did you enjoy that?" he asked. I was laughing too. "I can't believe you just did that! I thought you were going to suck it!" I said in amazement. "Come on. Now you have to kiss mine," he said and he pointed his hard cock in my direction. "What? No! I'm not gay!" I said. "So? No one will know," he said. I looked around the parking lot to make sure nobody would see me go down on him and I quickly leaned over and kissed the head of his cock. "There. Now was that so bad?" he asked. Before I could answer he leaned back over to my side. I thought he was going to kiss my cock again but instead he opened his mouth and began to suck it. I closed my eyes and arched my head back as he took my entire cock down his throat. It was such an incredible feeling having his tongue working its way around my hard dick. I looked over and noticed his cock wasn't getting the attention it deserved so I reached over with my right hand and began jacking him off. I could hear a little moan come out him as he sucked me. Suddenly he began shooting loads of cum out of his cock. His cum landed all over the seat of my car, on his leg and on my hand. When I looked at the cum I had all over me I suddenly went into a huge orgasm and I began shooting loads and loads of my cum into his mouth. He tried to swallow it all but some leaked out the sides of his lips. When I was done cumming he looked up at me and kissed me. He pushed my own cum into my mouth and we shared it back and forth. We continued to jack each other off while we made out. When we stopped kissing I started licking his cum off his cock and off my hand. Then we kissed for a short while until it was almost time to go back to school. I pulled my pants back up and over my wet cock to started to button them but Stephen left his down. "So are you into water sports?" he asked. "I dunno. What are water sports?" I asked. "I'll show you," he said. He got up on the car seat on his knees facing me. His cock was soft now and he grabbed hold of it. All of the sudden a stream of urine started shooting out of his cock and on my chest. He started soaking my shirt with his hot piss. I quickly unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it open to expose my bare chest and his urine splattered against it. He aimed his cock higher up and started peeing on my face. I opened my mouth and he shot some inside. The taste of his pee was really turning me on and I wanted more but he started to run out and only little spurts of piss were coming out of him now. "Did you like that?" he asked. "Are you kidding?" I asked. I immediately pulled down my pants again and got up on my knees like he did. "Do it all in my mouth," he said and he opened his mouth wide. I relaxed my muscles and let the urine flow from my cock straight into his mouth. He started drinking it like it was water out of a drinking fountain. When I ran out of pee he put his lips around my cock and sucked it for a short while. Then we kissed. Our mouths tasted like a combination of cum and urine. It was amazing. We never did go back to classes that day. We went back in the mall to get large cups filled with water. We drank them all down and soon our bladders were ready for some more fun.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Tobey

Water Sports In The Car

I was in my freshmen year of college and I met this guy named Stephen. We hit it off and became good friends. One day we decided to spend our lunch break together. The break lasted 3 hours so, together, we took my car over to the mall and went inside to get something to eat. Afterwards we went back to my car to talk. He told me he had this hot dream the night before. So I asked


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