Gay Erotic Stories

The Gift, Part 1

by BrettLynn

Well, here's something new for my flock of followers. It's something, shall I say, different. I own all commercial and all other non-electronic rights. Please do not read this story if you are not legally permitted to do so. So, without further ado, let's get on with the show. Happy holidays, my fair fans, and have a blessed new year!

THE GIFT By Brett Lynn

"Huh? What honey?"

John Hampton wiped the sleep out of his eyes, sitting up a bit in response to the delicious sensations coming from his crotch. As it turned out, his wife was noshing on his tip with her soft lips and tongue, her hand under her fluttering her nightshirt with its self-abusing caresses.

"Oooh…that feels nice. What do you want, honey?"

Getting herself up on all fours, John's wife Julia gently stroked her husband's thick dick with her small, soft hands and whispered, "I want you honey. I woke up all horny, saw the tent in the sheets and decided to take advantage."

"Mmm…that feels nice honey. Keep stroking me like that."

"No, hun. I got a better idea," Julia responded, crawling up to her husband's prone six-foot tall body and straddling her round ass over John's dick as it disappeared under her nightshirt. "How about I give you dick…" she continued as she lowered herself onto the thick tip. "…a nice good morning massage, while you, um, massager, eases some of the kinks out my tight pussy." She lowered herself about halfway onto John, then continued, "you don't want your powerful lawyer wife going to work with a too-tight pussy, right?"

"Uh, honey, you have plenty of, as you call them, massagers in your nightstand."

Julia let her fingers crawl over her husband's toned chest, and then gently placed a finger over his lips. "Hush," Julia responded. "I don't want those things, I want you. Besides, you're nice and quiet and won't wake up the kids."

"Oh, alright. Go ahead," John acquiesced. He never was a fan of these good-morning fucks. However, it did tend to relax his as well as give him a physical rush, so he relaxed and enjoyed the ride. Slowly but surely, he felt his wife start to rock her hips up and down his dick, her soaked pussy squeezing his cock and her soft ass pushing his thighs as she went up and down. Julia reached under her shirt to tweak her clit some, and then bit her lip and she quickly thrust up and down John's dick. John closed her eyes and relaxed, enjoying the mewing brushing over his ears as his wife rode her way to a small orgasm.

Julia pulled her hand from under her shirt and placed both of her hands on John's chest, letting her hands feel the coarse chest hair lightly covering his hard muscles and settled down into a nice, somewhat leisurely fuck. John let his vision drift off to the bedroom window, letting his wife work her delicious magic while he stared at the sunlight. His stare was broken by a really hard squeeze to his dick, making his gaze turn back to his wife's face.

"Oooh, yeah, baby! I love riding your big fat dick! Yeah, I'm gonna cum on your big cock again…oooh, yes! Ooh, yes! Oooh…"

His beautiful wife was aggressively shaking over his toned body, her lithe, curvy body undulating under her night shirt, her short brown hair framing a face twisted in pleasure, and her long caramel legs contrasting with his medium-brown skin.

"Do you wanna cum? Do you wanna flood my tight little pussy with your big hard dick, huh?" Julia asked, her fingers playing with her lips. She sucked on her finger, and then subtlety pumped it in and out, forcing another wave of wetness on her hubby's already slick dick. She eased it out of her mouth, then asked John again as she squeezed her pussy around his cock.

"Please, big daddy? I just wuv it when you fill me up…"

John couldn't resist the appeal of his wife, and finally started to pump his hips up at his wife, grabbing onto her hips and pushing her nightshirt over her hips and exposed her tummy, loving the way it moved when he pumped his dick in and out of her. He closed his eyes, laid his head back on his pillow and let himself relax. He pumped his hips harder and harder, letting his dick wallow in his wife's wetness and feeling his wife squeeze him harder and harder, on his way to a nice, hard cum.

Letting his defenses down, John felt that familiar itch on his tip and pumped up faster into his wife, trying to find some relief. When he felt his wife start to cum again, whimpering as she rode him again, he bit his lip, grunted and came hard, flooding her pussy with his cum, letting the pleasure swim through his head. As he started to calm down, he could feel their combined fluids flowing down over his dick, feeling his wife struggle a bit to pull herself off of him. Just as he opened his eyes, he saw his wife lick off the fluids on his dick, letting them collect on her tongue before swallowing with a smile and saying, "Thanks for the fuck, honey!"

"You're welcome, hun," John replied, still a bit groggy from sleep.

She climbed off the bed, then threw on her bathrobe and opened your door. "Get in the shower. I'll get the kids up for school."

With a groan, John sat himself up in his bed, and then rolled out onto his feet to begin his daily routine. First, he took his shower, shaved, then threw on his bathrobe and got his kids breakfast ready with the requisite sugar-loaded cereals. After his kids got themselves down to the breakfast table, he made himself some coffee, poured himself some OJ and lightly buttered his lightly toasted cinnamon raisin bagel while listening to his kids prattle on about Harry Potter and Nickelodeon, making sure to be just caring enough. After finishing their morning meal, the kids got dressed for school, and John got dressed in his business casual uniform of khaki slacks and a crisp white shirt. After giving himself a quick once-over, he grabbed his briefcase, kissed his wife goodbye (with tongue) and loaded his kids into the family SUV for their ride to school.

After dropping his kids off at the local Catholic school, John made the 30-minute trip to his job at the suburbs, supervising the computer help desk at a satellite office of some anonymous insurance company. The job itself was pretty hum-drum, jumping in to help the really clueless his staff couldn't handle, doing on-site training from time to time and simply making the place run right. His underlings, however, were far from hum-drum. In fact, he had an all-female staff, which is pretty rare considering that in the information technology industry, men outnumber women 11 to 1. Combined with PR pressure from a string of sexual harassment suits in the main office, John had assembled quite a cast of characters to help out clueless computer users throughout his company.

John's personal fave was the alternate OS guru Andara, or Andi as she preferred to be called. She's a White, stocky, very butch, very lesbian (and very married, thanks to the state of Vermont) computer geek, and her technical knowledge was as obvious as the tattoos around her wrists and her nose piercing. Sitting in the cubicle next to hers was the effervescent Brandy, a Heather Hunter look-alike who, despite her image, seemed to know her way around every OS configuration issue Bill Gates' boys found a way to fuck up. Across the way from her, in a corner seemingly hidden from the rest of the office, was Mary, a dowdy, timid, white-bread, married long-time secretary who worked her way down to the office for her expertise with, well, MS Office, as well as other office-productivity software. Finally, there was the very ordinary Anita, a Chinese girl fresh out of college who knew her way around networking issues as those painted-on jeans that seemed to be her trademark.

That Friday in the office seemed pretty ordinary, just the usual order of computer illiterates flooding the office with calls, along with ranting and raving from the big boys upstairs about this training class or that technical issue. "How did humanity get this stupid," John often thought to himself. "Why is it that a bunch of people with college degrees can't read a fucking manual?" Thankfully, though, towards the end of the day, the calls had slowed to a trickle. After organizing his schedule that following week's training classes for the company staff, he mercifully cut off the office's phones, got out of his office and started speaking to his staff.

"Hey ladies!" John called out. "Enjoy another electrifying week of computer stupidity?"

"Yeah," Mary noted, barely noticing his joke. "But I don't mind. After all, I am helping people."

"Thank God one of us is enjoying this," John responded. "I can't believe how stupid people really are."

"I do!" Andi called out from inside her cubicle before standing up. "I just love stupidity…just as much as I'd love a couple of hung studs plowing out my tight pussy!" she finished in mock seductiveness before bending over the side of her cubicle in a belly laugh.

"Hey, ANDI! You know you want it, bay-bee!" John shot back in his best impression of Austin Powers, causing everyone in the office to let out a chuckle. Everyone knew that the running gag of the office was John seducing Andi, but it never ceased to cause a few laughs.

"Tell you what, ladies. I feel like kicking back after a hard week. Anyone up for a few beers at the bar?"

"I-I'll pass," Mary answered in her meek voice.

"OK," answered Anita. "I could use something to relax."


"Sure! I'm down! Are you coming with us Andi?"

"Alright, alright. I'll roll. Mind if I'm designated driver?"

"Sure, Andi. Hey, ladies, meet me down at the parking lot. I gotta let the Mrs. Know what's up."

"Alright," Andi remarked, as all four of the ladies were getting ready to leave the office. "See you down there!"

As the ladies filed out the office for the day, John quickly ran into his office and dialed his wife's cell phone.

"Hi honey! How's it going? Look, could you pick up the kids from the babysitters? There's been a slight change in plans. Nothing major…"


So the 3 female co-workers and their male boss decided to retire to a booth at a local watering hole for happy hour, where the din of inebriated white-collar working stiffs drinking and tons of those meaningless musical confections called "Adult Contemporary" struggled to drown out their conversation. While Brandy and John worked on Corona after Corona to drown their sorrows, Anita found a way to get tipsy off of a couple Smirnoff Ice's, and Andi was sitting there drinking Diet Coke.

"So, John, how are your kids?" asked Brandy.

"Little Hank and Tisha are doing well. Hank is the little superstar in the church league basketball, too. Gonna be a star guard just like dear ol' dad."

Andi said on cue, "So he's gonna be in coma soon? Because that's the only place you were a star…in your dreams!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure."

"Awww…that's so sweet about your kids," Anita said. "I hope one of these days to have some kids."

Taking the final swig of his Corona, John responded, "yeah, it's kinda nice. Just try paying their bills and trying to get them to go to bed." Holding up his empty beer bottle, he joked "why do you think I drink this stuff from time to time." Looking at his empty bottle, he realized that he wanted another beer. He called the attention of one of the waiter's floating through the bar. Once he got their attention, he asked, "Can I get another Corona?"

"Oh, that reminds me," Andi said with a start. "I got a surprise for you in the car."

"What is it Andi?"

"Uh, duh! Part of a surprise is that you don't know what it is." After gesturing for Anita to slide out of the booth, she slid along the vinyl seat, and then took up to walk out. "I'll be right back, OK?"

As Andi walked out to the parking lot to get her surprise, John was clueless at to what the surprise is. "I wonder what the heck Andi's up to. Is it some sort of a gag gift?"

"Knowing her, it is," chimed in Brandy. "Besides, it's a Friday night. Lighten up a bit. You look too concerned."

"Eh, you're right. It's probably too much of that good ol' ethanol in my system." Seeing the waiter walking towards their booth with his Corona, "speaking of ethanol, my pusher is coming through with another hit." After the waiter set the beer bottle on the table, John removed the lime from the top and took a sip of the fresh beer. Just as he managed to swallow his sip, Andi arrived back at the table, brown paper bag in hand. She stuck out the paper bag towards John, saying "here's your surprise!"

"What is it?"

"It's just some clothes. I'd thought you'd like them."

Taking the bag and looking at the bag strangely, John asked, "So what do you want me to do with them?"

"Put 'em on silly! Relax. It's just some underwear I'd thought you'd like," Andi countered.

"Come, boss. Do something nice for us," Brandy added. "Just do this for fun. C'mon! It's Friday, for crying out loud."

"Aw, alright, I'll put in on," John said to the ladies. With that, she slid out the bar and walked to the men's room. "It's probably some silly boxers," he thought to himself. "What can it hurt, right?" Upon entering the men's room, he made his way to one of the stalls and checked out what was in the brown paper bag. "Hmm…this feels kinda smooth, like one of Julia's stockings," he thought to himself as he pulled out the contents of the bag. Much to his surprise, it looked like something Julia would wear…a matching set of white bra and panties made out of pure satin. John looked at the articles of women's clothing a bit mortified. Then, Brandy's parting remark rattled through his head. "Eh, what's the big deal?

It's all for fun," he thought to himself. As a result, he decided to put on the bra, noting the 40DD size before putting it on, and slip the silk panties on after stripping off his boxers. After straightening himself back out, he walked out of the bathroom back into the bar. "Damn, this feels nice. I'm not sure I could deal with this though…way too much stimulation for my tastes," he thought to himself.

"Hey, boss! Welcome back," greeted Andi. "What do you think about your new unmentionables?"

"Uh, they're OK. They feel a bit too sensitive to the touch, but I think I could handle this for one night."

"That's good to here," Andi opined. "But I gotta make sure that you are wearing them. Brandy, would you mind checking him for me?"

"With pleasure," Brandy replied, her long hair caressing John's chest and her blood red talons rubbing over John's shirt. "Hmm…it feels like he's wearing it here, but let me make sure."

Brandy unbuttoned a couple of the buttons on John's shirt, then reached her hand under the shirt and started feeling up John's chest, rubbing on his nipples and forcing him to have a sharp intake of breath. "Mmmm…that feels kind of nice there, Brandy. I oughta cheat on my wife with you," John joked, trying to keep his composure under Brandy's ministrations.

"Hey, what can I say? " Brandy bragged. "I've taken care of a few men in my life…and felt up a few bras," she finished as she kneeled up on the booth's bench, caressing John's chest. "Mind if I check if you have on the panties?"

"No problem. Do what you want," John said with a chuckle. With that, Brandy bent over John's crotch, then looked into her eyes as her hands unzipped John's pants. She slipped her hand in the fly and started feeling John's package through the silk panties as she looked into John's eyes and smiled. As she felt John start to respond to her lusty caresses, Brandy licked her lips, smiled and mouthed to her boss, "nice package." All John could do was smile and nod, feeling his dick twitch to hardness under Brandy's hand.

"Hey, quit feeling him up!" Andi screamed out in mock anger. "Is he wearing the panties or not?"

Turning to look at Andi and Anita, Brandy answered, "Oh, yeah, he's wearing the panties. It turns out though that you weren't the only one with a little package for us here…or should I say a BIG package!"

Andi rolled her eyes, annoyed at the thought of a penis in that way, while Anita purred, squeezing her legs to put out the little fire there. "So, uh, Brandy, mind telling me how big this package is exactly?"

"Sure," Brandy answered, still feeling up John's dick and balls through the panties. "Just allow me to get him to full size here." Brandy then felt out her boss's dick, squeezing it and stroking off the semi-hard member through the silk. "One thing I can see, Anita, is that it's nice and thick. Wouldn't you say that, oh fearless leader?"

"Mmmhmm," answered John, biting his lip to keep from screaming in the bar. "Oh, don't stop that, babe…that feels so nice."

"Oooh, thank you, boss," Brandy continued, now opening stroking John through the panties. "I see you like how this feels, right?"

"Oh yeah…don't stop that."

"Mmmm…I can feel your getting nice and hard for me. Do you want me to stop?"


Brandy kept stroking John's hard dick through his panties, feeling up the twitching member in her small hands. Slowly, she started stroking John in earnest, her mouth watering at the thought of the cock in her hands. As John tried to keep as quiet as possible, breathing heavily, she kept her gaze into John's eyes, pawing at one of her breasts through her shirt while licking her lips and purring in pleasure as John started to involuntarily buck his hips.

Meanwhile, Anita sat across from the two nursing another Smirnoff Ice, squeezing onto her seat with her free hand and rocking her crossed legs back and forth. Her nipples were making peaks in her white t-shirt, and her eyes were transfixed on the scene in front of her. Finally putting down her bottle, Anita asked, "So, um, how big is he?"

"I'd guess about 8, maybe a bit more," said Brandy, whipping her hair across John's chest as she turned to look at Anita. "I'd love to play with this more often."

"Sounds nice," Anita replied as Brandy stroked John with stronger and stronger tugs. "Maybe this little girl can get a taste of that chocolate one of these days," she said with a chuckle, getting everyone else to laugh with her.

"Hey! Me first," Brandy shouted out. "I got first dibs on this thing here," she finished as she felt up John's pantied crotch. "Wait a sec, here. Looks like our boss is going to ruin your surprise here, Andi. Mind if I clean things up here?"

"Nah, nah, go on ahead," Andi replied, stroking her chin as she surveyed the scene. In response, Brandy bent over John's crotch and started licking at the wet spot the pre-cum had made. She let her tongue drift around his tip, licking all around the hard and twitching member while John held onto the table for his life, doing all he could to keep his composure. John was breathing harder than ever as Brandy seemed to find every single nerve ending in his tip, making his head swim in pleasure and his vision start to blur.

"Hey, boss, would you mind unbuttoning your pants for me?," asked Brandy, licking her lips. "I'm afraid I'm gonna have to suck on your tip for a bit. Don't wanna ruin those panties, after all. Do you mind?"

John quickly unbuckled his pants, and then unbuttoned them. Brandy then deftly pulled his panties up and over his cock and tucked the hem under his balls before going to work on his dick, kissing the tip with her wet lips. She wetly kissed all over John's hard shaft, soaking his dick with moisture as her long, wavy hair veiled her actions to the world around her. Feeling a strand of pre-cum flow down to her lips, Brandy licked the drop that landed on her lips on, then smiled up at John and licked off the rest of the pre-cum like his dick was an ice cream cone. She wigged her tongue around in John's pee slit, making him giggle just a bit and, while cupping John's balls with his panties, swallowed half of his shaft into his throat. Caressing his heavy sac with her small hand, she used her other hand to keep her balance while she sucked hard on him, swirling her tongue around the shaft as she kept pumping away.

John was lost between his legs, his every nerve feeling his co-worker's tongue work her magic. All he could clearly discern was the cool air of the bar drying out his slick shaft, Brandy's warm lips pulling on his shaft and the rough side of her tongue making sure to press with friction with every suck, driving his senses wild. He vaguely say some people in front of him, even heard one of them egging Brandy on with her blowjob. All he could feel was Brandy's soft lips on his pulsating cock. Feeling his heart beat against Brandy's tongue, he felt her hand roughing start pulling and squeezing his balls, and her lips pressing against his pubic hair. He bit his lips, took in a sharp breath and let go of his control, blasting shot after shot of cum down Brandy's throat. He slumped back in his seat, his vision coming back into focus as his co-worker slipped his dick out of her mouth.

"Enjoy that, huh, boss," Andi chimed in.


"Don't panties feel kinda nice, don't they?"

Finally getting a visual hold of Andi, as Brandy tucked his manhood back into his panties and zipped him back up, he replied, "Yeah. They feel nice. Plus, the nice little sexual charge doesn't hurt either."

"Tell ya, what, boss. You can keep those frillies you have on now, on one condition."

"Sure. What is it?"

"You gotta wear them to work on Monday."


"C'mon! Besides, how better to understand your female underlings that to walk a mile in their panties?"

The four people in the booth all got a good chuckle out of that line. Then, John settled them all down and said, "You know what? You're right. Besides, they feel nice…especially after a certain person made me feel more comfortable with them." He flashed a wink in Brandy's direction, then said, "You know what? We all need to get home. Besides, I miss the kids. Down to give me a ride?"

"Sure, no prob, boss. No problem at all."


The weekend turned out to be mildly nerve-wracking for John, despite keeping busy with his kids. He was thinking about how he was going to manage to get his panties on without his wife and kids finding out. Mercifully, the weekend managed to pass fast, and suddenly it was Monday morning, leaving him to make his move. After a rough night's sleep, he woke up alone in his bed, leaving him part in fear and relief. "That's right. Julia had to leave early to prepare for a client," John thought to himself. "I could have used on of those good morning fucks. They always manage to calm my nerves."

All alone, he took his morning shower, shaved as he always did on Monday mornings, and then walked into his bedroom, fishing out the brown paper bag with the bra and panties. He took a whiff out of them, and noticed that they faintly smelled of perfume. "I wonder how come I didn't notice this on Friday," he thought to himself. Reserved to his fate, he nonchalantly slip on the panties, then threw on his bathrobe and went to wake up his kids, going through the morning routine solo.

Coming into the office that day felt particularly strange to John, with all eyes in the office seemingly on him. Just as he was about to open the door to his office, he heard someone calling him.

"Hey, boss!" screamed Andi. "Wearing those panties we gave ya?"

"Uh, yeah. I am."

"C'mon boss. Show 'em to us. It ain't no big deal. We're all wearing them, ladies, right?" The other three women in the office murmured in agreement. "So show us. Ain't like we're gonna see nothing we ain't see before."

"Oh, alright. I'll show ya." With that, John unbuckled his belt, unzipped his slacks and pushed them down to his knees, revealing the white panties he had on. He lifted up his shirt so that the ladies could get a better view, and then turned around in a circle to show them off.

"So there they are. What do you guys think?"

Andi just stood there and clapped, chuckling at her boss' predicament. Brandy looked right into John's crotch, eyeballing the panties, then said, "Mmm…they look nice on you. They go well with your complexion, plus what's inside them is simply delicious!" Brandy, Andi and Anita all had a chuckle at that double entendre, and even John had to smile at that. Mary, however, looked at her boss with concern.

"Are you comfortable with that? I mean, are you a crossdresser or something? I mean, umm…"

"Relax, Mary," John assured her as he pulled his pants back up. "It's just something fun for the office. Nothing major. Besides, in a weird sort of way, I'm boding with you guys this way."

"Well, alright. I kinda get it," Mary said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"NOW GET TO WORK!" John screamed in mock anger, making everyone in the office roll over in laughter. "OK, boss!" Andi and Brandy replied in unison, chuckling as their boss went into his office.

The morning from there was pretty uneventful, mostly consisting of answering tons of e-mailed support questions that had piled up over the weekend. While most of them were incredibly idiotic, some of them required that he had to make some calls to the main IT department to get some information. Eventually, though, by the end of the morning, John had managed to resolve all of those issues. Just as he was getting ready to get up and go to lunch, he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in!"

Walking in was Andi holding what looked like a make-up bag, and Brandy walked in behind her holding a plastic head hold a long, platinum blonde wig. Reading the looks on their faces, John knew something was up.

"Hey! What are you two up to, Lucy and Ethel?" John asked, more than a bit bewildered, as they laid out the make-up bag and wig on his desk.

"Oh, RICKY!" Brandy deadpanned as she helped Andi take out some make-up from the bag. "But seriously, boss, I decided to do something nice for your first day in panties," Andi chimed in. Picking up the wig from the head, she continued, "I decided to put you in make-up and a wig for the rest of the day. You know, just to see what you'd look like. I recruited Brandy's help in this little scheme, and now we're gonna have some fun for lunch."

"Well, I don…"

"C'mon man! Lighten up! Have some fun!"

"Alright," John said, sitting back in his chair. "Do your worst."

Actually, Andi and Brandy did a pretty good job. After putting some foundation, the two preceded to spend the next 15 minutes working their magic. After putting on the platinum blonde wig on John's head, they put on light blue eye liner and eye shadow and extended his lashes with 3 coats of mascara. After putting some light pink blush on John's cheeks, they put on 2 coats of metallic pink lipstick on John's lips, and then added some gloss and black lip liner. When they were finished, they handed John a mirror so that he could look at himself.

"Wow," John said in disbelief, looking at his reflection. "That's me? That can't be."

"Yes, it is, hun," Andi assured John. "You look more like a Janine that a John now," she chuckled.

Just as John was ready to turn and glare in Andi's direction, Brandy grabbed John's chin and looked deep into his eyes. "Well, I agree with Andi, myself, but let me say you look HOT!" Pushing John's chair back a bit from his desk, she moved aside the make-up, the plastic head and John's keyboard, then jumped on the desktop in front of John. "In fact, I think I have some uses for that pretty face of yours," Brandy continued, spreading her bare legs in front of her boss and revealing her shaved, wet pussy.

"So, boss, wanna return the favor from Friday night?"

"I'm dunno. I'm happily married and all, and…"

"C'mon. Ain't like you turned down the blowjob from me. Besides, oral sex ain't cheating."

"Well, if you insist," John said with a shrug. He then pulled his chair forward so that he could be between her legs, then grabbed one of her legs and planted a wet kiss on Brandy's knee, smudging his lipstick. Brandy gently stroked the platinum blonde hair away from John's face and smiled. "Ooh, that feels nice," Brandy said with a smile. "Let's see what you can do."

John licked his painted lips, tasting his lipstick, and went to work. He licked his way up Brandy's café-au-lait colored thighs, lapping at her smooth skin like a kitten. As he got closer to her honey pot, he started to tongue kiss Brandy's thigh, driving her wild, making her grab onto John's wig and dig her heels into John's back. She squirmed under her boss' tongue, enjoying the wetness on his skin, and getting herself wet in anticipation of feeling those soft lips on her clit as they got so close to her drooling lips. When John let his soft lips falling off of the top of her inner thigh, she tugged on his wig, dying to feel his lips on hers. However, John had other plans, blowing a line from the bottom of Brandy's slit to her clit, then licking his glossy lips and letting a smile beam out from between them up to Brandy's eyes.

He then proceeded to give her other thigh the same attention he gave the first one, wetly kissing and slowly licking his way back down Brandy's thigh, taking it the mix of scents from her skin and her wet cunt. Drooling at the possibilities that lay between her thighs, John let his saliva drip onto her thigh, then spread it out with his lipstick, leaving a wide, glossy streak leading right up to Brandy's pussy. Just as Brandy was about to push John's face hard onto her pulsing vulva, John raised up her hand as a signal to stop. Brandy lay back on her elbows, peaking over her heaving chest to see what her boss was doing.

John let the tip of his tongue work its magic, running it along the edge of her inner lips, making sure to avoid accidentally brushing her clit. He then licked along Brandy's nude inner lips wetly and wildly, lapping at it like he was a starving animal, and making Brandy collapse her arms and fall out across the desk. As she looked up to see Andi idly pawing the crotch of her jeans, she felt John spread her inner flat and inside out, then pressed his puckered lips to the pink undersides, wiggling it against her wet lips. She then felt his tongue lick lightly and his lips give butterfly kisses to her outstretched lips, driving her wild and making her moan wildly.

"Oh GOD!!! Make me fucking cum…eat that pussy!!" Brandy screamed out, losing herself between her legs.

Taking a quick glance at the clock on the wall, John decided to finish her off, taking Brandy's clit between his soft pink lips and licking it hard, driving her wild. She grabbed onto John's blonde wig, closed her thighs around John's head and rode his face to an orgasm, being driven wild by her boss' tongue.

"Good job, there John. Maybe you should have been born a lesbian," Andi joked. "You sure know how to eat pussy." "And soon, you will be one," Andi completed in the line in her head.

Eventually, Brandy came down from her orgasm, huffing and puffing, her face glowing with sweat. "Wow! That was incredible there!" Brandy exclaimed, short of breath from her little death. Suddenly, an idea came to her head. "Get up, boss," Brandy ordered her boss. "I think we have someone else who might be interested in your services."

Brandy hopped down from the desk, then led John and Andi out of John's office into the larger office, looking for Anita. Conveniently, she was sitting there quietly eating lunch, surfing some humor sites.

"Hey, Anita, want something special?" Brandy asked.

"Huh…what?" Anita looked at three of her co-workers in surprise. Brandy was standing there, her face in a lustful glow and visibly breathing hard. Standing next to her was someone she assumed was her boss by the shirt and slacks. However, the head was that of an incredibly pretty girl, with a platinum blonde wig hanging down to her…um, his back, a face tastefully made up in light colors and her lips and chin noticeably wet. Finally, on her boss' right, Andi was standing there, running her fingers through her boyishly-short hair.

"Want something nice for lunch, Anita?" Brandy asked.

"Uh…sure. I guess so," Anita replied, her head starting to put things together.

"Stand up. It'll be easier that way," Andi commanded. With that, Anita stood up from her chair, letting her slight tall frame rise up. Even though she had recently graduated college, her body still had a pubescent awkwardness to her, despite her womanly hips and her large breasts hinted at under her baggy t-shirt.

"Hey boss! Get down on your knees, and take off her jeans."

"I dunno Andi. I mean…"

"Uh, apparently you haven't paid attention to the past few days, huh? You know you aren't supposed to sleep with your underlings, right?"

"Yeah, you're right."

Stopping her boss before he could continue, Andi continued, "Hey, if you take care of her, I think we can look the other way, right Brandy?" She punctuated her remark by feeling up Brandy's ass, teasing her sensitive pussy.

"Uh, yeah, we could manage that," replied Brandy, unsure of what to say next.

"So, boss! Let's get going!"

John nervously got to her knees, then unbuttoned and unzipped Anita's jeans. Peeling them off revealed the rather nice set of legs only hinted at by the jeans, along with a red thong that framed her ass and pussy perfectly. John was about to pull off Anita's panties and Anita was about to tuck her shirt over her breasts when Andi suddenly shouted "STOP!"

"Turn around Anita," Andi commanded. "I want our little sexual harassing boss to take them off with his teeth. Oh, and I advise you not to get smart with me, John."

John, realizing that he was caught between a rock and a hard place, reached up with his mouth at the hem of Anita's thong. Slowly, he peeled off the thong with his teeth, his breath causing Anita to giggle just a bit. "Hey, boss! Your breath tickles!" Anita chuckled out as her thong came to rest around her knees. With that, John spread Anita's cheeks and went to work on her body.

Anita wiggled and sighed a bit as she felt John's pink lips kiss the top of her ass crack, the tip of his tongue snaking out. Feeling up her tight ass with his hands, he kept kissing his way down the crack, snaking his tongue along her tailbone and letting his spit roll down her butt onto her asshole, making Anita squirm. She looked down over her shoulder at her boss, and the visual surprised her. Here she was in her office, having what looked like a beautiful Black woman with big full lips and blonde hair pleasuring her ass and, to her surprise, licking around her asshole, making her moan suddenly.

"Oooh…that feels so naughty. Could you eat my ass for me, boss?"

John responded with his tongue, worming his tongue into Anita's asshole, then licking all around it. He kept reaming her with his tongue; making Anita moan and lose balance on the chair she was holding herself up on. John licked away on Anita with passion, his blonde wig flailing around, and his spit soaking his chin and rolling down to her pussy. He held onto one of her wide hips while fucking his tongue in and out of her ass, while his other hand was busying toying with her clit, driving Anita wild. When she started humping into his tongue, John slid it out, letting his licks drift down to Anita's pussy, with was dripping onto the office carpet below her. Anita reached behind her and held her boss' head to her pussy as he licked it, spread them with his tongue with every lick so that he could tongue fuck her. Once he found her sugar walls, John tried to lick them clean, twisting around his tongue in there to get all her wetness while rubbing and pulling her clit between his fingers. 60 seconds of this action were all it took for Anita to cum, pressing her boss' face hard to her as she let herself ride out her orgasm as it came crashing over her.

Sexually satiated, Anita fell out onto the chair she was leaning on for support, then, realizing where she was, quickly pulled up her thong and her jeans. "What the hell was I thinking?" she screamed out, worried that someone might walk in and realize what was going on. "This is not the place for this, right?"

Brandy, startled out of palming her tits through her dress, stood up straight in response, then relaxed. She then reassured Anita, "Hey! Don't sweat it. After, the guy who just ate you out is our boss, right?"

"She's has a point there, Anita." Andi chimed in, furtively zipping up her jeans. "Don't worry. Our boss CAN'T fire us, remember?"

Scrambling to his feet, John replied, "Yeah, you're right Andi. It wouldn't make any sense."

Just as he said that, Mary walked back in the door, waving hi to everyone. "Hey, how was lunch? I just got back from eating with my husband and…” She finally caught a glimpse at her beautifully made-up boss; his pretty face contrasting strikingly with his otherwise manly dress. "What was going on during lunch?"

"Oh, nothing much," Andi chimed in before anyone else could speak. "Just having fun with John, that's all. Nothing major. It ain't like this is going to be a regular thing."

"Well, I guess," Mary said, her worries assuaged for a bit. "It smells kind of funny in here. Oh well."

Pulling off the wig, John went back into boss mode. "Listen. It's a bit past the end of lunch, so people should start calling soon with computer issues, OK? I'll be in the bathroom washing this stuff off. Now get to work, now."

The four ladies returned to their cubicles, put their headsets back on and went back to work as usual. Starting towards his office, John realized what he looked like now and left the office, heading to the bathroom down the hall.

"Hello? This is Anita speaking. How may I help you?"


Surprisingly, the rest of the workweek through Friday morning went on without any incidents. Granted, John had to explain to Julia the burgundy set of lingerie he'd put on that morning, but even that elicited nothing but a few chuckles at the color and the cup size on the bra. That whole week, all John had to do was show off some proof of the lingerie to his underlings in the office, and go on about his business. It became a big joke to the ladies in the office, looking at their manly boss wear some frilly women's lingerie, but it was a big deal. However, things changed that following Friday just as the day was winding down.

"Hey boss!" Andi called out as she opened the door and walked into John's office.

"Hold on a sec?" John called out before sliding away from the computer on his desk. "Whatcha want?"

"Well, first, I wanna ask you, something."

"Go ahead. Shoot."

"Hey, can you free up tonight? I was thinking we could go drinking with the whole office, you know, another girl's night out so to speak."

"Well, I dunno. I was thinking of spending some quality time with my Mrs. And all."

"Come on, boss. It'll be worth it. Besides, I got a surprise for ya."

Slumping in his chair, resigned to whatever plot Andi had came up with, John threw his hands up and said, "OK. What is it?"


Brandy slid into the room, holding a garment bag in one hand and the now-familiar make-up bag with the other. She handed off the bags to Andi, and then asked "could you hold these for me while I get the rest of the stuff?"

Andi nodded her head in the affirmative, and Brandi walked back out to get the rest of the stuff. As she walked back into the doorway, with that same platinum blonde wig and another bag, when Mary asked her what she was doing with that stuff just as she was about to step in the room, she screamed back, "You'll see!"

Brandy placed the rest of the supplies on John's now cluttered desk, then turned to Andi and asked, "Shall we begin?"

Andi simply nodded her head and sneered, and replied to Brandy, "Let's."

Within the next hour, Andi and Brandy worked their magic to turn their boss into an incredible and beautiful woman. Not only did they turn John's face into that of a perfect angel, but they worked on the rest of his body too. As Brandy made up her boss' face, Andi took off John's pants and shaved his legs. After managing to do that with as few complications as possible, they continued their preparations by putting false fingernails on their boss and painting both them and his toe nails nail polish the same shade of pink as his lipstick and slipping in some silicone falsies to fill out that large bra of his. As the final piece, Andi took out a flower print dress from a garment bag and put it on her boss, and finished it off with matching sandals with 3-inch heels. When everything was ready, Andi called everyone into the room.

When Anita and Mary walked into the room, they were looking around at the finished product of Brandy and Andi's labor. "Wow," Mary remarked, looking at John. "Who is this? Is this our boss' sister or, um, cousin, or um, well…"

"It's our boss," Andi interrupted. "Though, he's more of a she now. I think I'll call her Janine. What do you think of that name, Brandy?"

"Nice," Brandy answered, standing up on her tiptoes to wrap her arm around John's shoulders. "Janine it is." She playfully ran her hands over John's body, squeezing on those silicone falsies through the dress, and then running her hands over his belly and down one of his legs. Teasingly, she lifted up the hem of the dress, and then squeezed her boss' panty trapped cock. As she teased it with one hand, she motioned over to Andi with her other hand and whispered something in her ear. When Andi came away, she said to Brandy, "Go ahead. Do it. Why should I care?"

"Hey Mary!” Brandy called out. "Wanna play with our boss here?"

"Well, I dunno…"

Brandy lifted up John's dress, and then pulled aside John's panties, letting his semi-hard dick pop out. "Come on, Mary," Brandy said as she slowly stroked John's dick. "We've all played with our boss before. Remember Monday when you came in from lunch."

"Yeah, I remem…" Mary said before a look of realization came across her face. "…Oh my God! I can't believe…I mean, um, this is incredible!" she continued, shaking like a leaf.

"Relax, Mary," Brandy said as she let John's dress fall, the erection tenting it out, while she went an retrieved a condom from her purse. "Besides, if you're worrying about getting in trouble, we've got that all covered."

"And don't you dare talk about what's going on here, understood?" Andi barked out to Mary. "After all, we could tell your husband what's going on here and, shall I say, embellish it some?"

Mary stood there in shock, frozen to the spot where she stood. Andi walked over to her, unbuttoned her dress slacks, and then pulled them and her panties down to her ankles. Meanwhile, Brandy slipped on the condom onto John, then pulled him down to the floor by his bra strap. After John was laid out on the floor in front of his desk, Andi pulled Mary over to John's prone form, and Brandy walked over to comfort Mary.

"I still don't know if I can do this. I mean, I love my husband and all."

"Come on, Mary," Brandy said, rubbing her shoulders through her blouse. "Relax. It's not that big a deal."

Mary scanned her eyes over the room, looking for a sympathetic gaze but getting none. She then closed her eyes and lowered herself over John's hard dick, feeling her tip slip over her hair bush. She opened her eyes just long enough to align her pussy for the proper insertion, then she slid down onto John's latex covered cock, letting it stretch herself out as she felt her boss' balls against her ass. When she opened her eyes, she saw what appeared to be the very feminine form of her boss being felt up by Brandy's painted hands.

"Come on, boss. Stick out that pretty little tongue for me," Brandy asked John, and he responded by sticking out his long pink tongue through his slick pink lips. Brandy stuck out her tongue and played her tongue around her boss', making her purr and wiggle just a bit. "And come on, Mary. Enjoy yourself. After all, what's an orgasm after some adultery," Brandy said, punctuating her remark with a wink.

Mary just closed her eyes and slowly let the thick member stretch her sugar walls out, riding it up and down at a nice pace. As she felt her boss' dick inside of her, it seemed to hit the right spots as she worked her hips, getting her hot. Finally feeling more comfortable with fucking her boss, she opened her eyes, worked a hand through her bush to rub her clit and looked around her. She saw Andi coolly watch the scene in front of her, while Brandy felt up her boss' pretty face with her fingernails and Anita groped at her breasts through her t-shirt.

She felt the warmth of John's dick through the latex, feeling soothing against her lubricating puss. She worked her hips up and down faster and faster, making herself hotter and hotter as she stirred her honey pot. She placed John's hands on her hips and rode her boss with abandon, driving herself crazy with the size of John's dick. Eventually, she felt her boss finally pound into her as her pussy began to quake, humping up into her as she came closer and closer to an orgasm. With one hand squeezing one of her breasts, and the other hand rubbing her clit, she slowly began to cum, cooing softly as her hips began to drive hard down on John's dick and her eyes rolled back in her head. Finally, she fell back from her upright perch; exhausted from the efforts she made getting herself off.

"Mmmm…I can see you're finished there," Brandy said, her finger's going through John's wig. "I see you've made our boss sweat a little. Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Yeah, I guess. I gotta try this kind of control with my hubby, though. It looks like it would be fun," Mary said, slipping her pussy off of her boss' cock and pulling her pants back up. "Why did you have to dress him up as a chick, though?"

"'Cause it's fun," Andi said. "Besides, a real man wouldn't let himself be pushed around by a bunch of chicks, right?" All four women had a chuckle at that last remark, and even John had to force a chuckle. "I wonder why she said that," John thought to himself as Mary left his office and Brandy and Anita took positions on either end of his torso.

"Can I play with you now?" Brandy asked, looking for another condom to replace the one already on John.

"Uh, I dunno…"

"Come on, let's have some fun!" Brandy said before placing the condom between her puckered lips, taking off the old condom and slipping the new one on with her lips. She rolled condom down her boss' still hard dick, sucking on it as she rolled it all the way down. After Brandy took a few sucks, she decided to stroked John off a bit before straddling his hips, pulling aside her thong and slipping herself on to John's hard cock.

Meanwhile, above him, Anita looked down at John's pretty face with a wide smile. "Hey, you know what, boss?"

"What, hun?"

"I think that pretty face and nice little tongue of yours is turning me into a lesbian," Anita said with a giggle. Looking at what Brandy was starting to do with John's dick with envy, she continued, "mind eating me out for a bit?"

"Sure. Why not?"

With that response, John saw Brandy pull down her jeans, then lean against his desk as she pulled off both the jeans and shoes. She then straddled his head and lowered her shaved pussy over his lips. In response, he reached his head up and planted a soft kiss on her vulva. As he felt Brandy squeeze his hard dick with her pulsating pussy, John lightly licked each outer lip, feeling the fuzz tickle his lips. While he slipped his tongue in between Anita's lips and tried to lick along the insides, he gripped Brandy's round soft ass, digging his fingernails in and making her squirm some more. Aiming to please, John let one of his hands trail up to one of Brandy's breasts and pinch the nipple through her thin top while he sucked one of Anita's inner lips in between his lips, nibbling it lightly and licking along the edge.

"Oh, yeah, boss! That feels nice!" Brandy said, pulling off her tight white top and exposing her nipples to his boss' grasp. "Play with my fucking tits!"

John was lost in his sexual duties, his nails gently raking Brandy's firm tits while Anita was writhing over his face as he sucked on her lips, her wetness dripping onto his chin. He palmed Brandy's breasts as he started humping into her, trying to make her cum while getting himself off. As he ground his hips into Brandy's, his tongue kept time with his hips, stabbing and twisting around Anita's pussy as she humped his face. Finally, he slipped his hands around Brandy's hips, grabbed on and fucked into Brandy's pussy, driving her crazy. He decided to pull her tongue out of Anita's pussy, beaming a smile between his pink lips while he worked his dick hard to make Brandy cum.

He decided to take Brandy's clit in between two of his nails, scratching and pulling on it as he pumped as hard as he could into her, blowing on Anita's clit to make her squirm and keep her hot. When he finally felt Brandy's pussy begin to milk his cock, he relaxed and let Brandy ride out her orgasm, feeling her ass bounce on his legs. Turning his attention to Anita, he starts to tongue her clit, swirling his tongue around it, and then batting the tip of it with his tongue. Just as Anita was squirming hard on his face, John held onto Anita's hips, then took her clit between his lips, sucking and flicking his tongue on it, driving Anita to a wild, buckling orgasm on John's face. As he slipped his hands from Anita, she felt back onto his chest, huffing and puffing as she finished out her orgasm. When she finally came down, she rubbed her rubbed her pussy across John's face, then stood up to put on her jeans and shoes.

John looked up to see Brandy straightening out her hair with her hands while Anita zipped up her jeans. Suddenly, he felt Brandy's gaze between his legs as his surprising still hard dick. "You haven't cum yet?" Brandy said, surprised at her boss' state. "Stand up, and lean against the desk. Let me finish you off."

John clumsily got to his feet, taking care to get his balance on his heels, then stumbled over to his desk and leaned on it, his hard on tenting out his skirt. Brandy quickly got to her knees, lifted up the skirt, pulled off the condom and started stroking off her boss.

"Don't you wanna cum?" Brandy purred as she looked into John's eyes, licking her lips. "Don't you wanna cum in my pretty mouth?" Brandy then licked John's tip like a lollipop, making him moan and shudder in pleasure. Sensing his pleasure, Brandy took his tip between her lips and sucked while pumping her boss' shaft. She twisted her tongue around his dick, and in response, John held on Brandy's hair, desperate for a release. Brandy took her mouth off of John's tip, licked at it while pumping the shaft furiously, and then smiled up at her boss. John looked down between his falsies at her pretty face, and then let go, shooting his cum into her mouth. Brandy then slipped his cock down her throat, swallowing the rest of her boss' load as he poured his thick cum inside of her. When he finally slowed down, Brandy slipped his tip back into her mouth, sucking the last little bit of cum down into her mouth, then tucked his dick between his legs and pulled his panties over it.

"Hey, boss!" Andi called out, her eyes staring off into the distance. "Wanna go drinking with us again?"

"Sure, why not. Ain't no big deal. Just let me get my wallet and keys out my pants."

"No prob, boss. I'll be waiting for you. Just let me get my stuff."

"OK. See you ladies in a bit!" John then shimmied around in his heels, looking for his keys and wallet. As he found his pants to pull out his wallet, he heard some footsteps. Suddenly he felt a slight prick, and then everything went black.


The next few days were a blur for John. He seemed to remember hearing medical equipment, some nurses, a few doctors in scrubs. Nothing he remembered became coherent…except the pain. His body was racked with pain, all around his chest and his hips. He didn't know what had happened to him, but he knew it wasn't good. Eventually though, he became spacey, dreaming about high school and sports fantasies and staring in his own porno movies. It all became very strange.

Eventually, John came to in a hospital bed. The first thing he noticed were the bandages around his chest, and the fact that his face and throat were so sore. Then, he looked down his torso to find more bandages covered his stomach. When he pulled down his bed sheet, he noticed that his legs were still smooth, and that his toe nails apparently had a fresh coat of polish put on after what must have been a couple of days. Just past his toes appeared one of his employees, Andi, looking a bit too happy considering the circumstances.

"Good morning," Andi said as she picked up his gaze, standing up to walk towards him. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," John spat back. "I'm in lots and lots of pain, and I think it has something to do with these bandages. Explain."

"Well," Andi said, leaning over the hospital bed to look into her boss' face. "I've decided to make a few…changes. Some lipo, a tummy tuck, a rib removal, some tattooed-on cosmetics, some electrolysis and the piece de resistance, some nice size breast implants. Nice, huh?"

"What the flying fuck? How did you…"

"Easy, boss. While you were napping, I dropped you off in this hospital, where a good friend of mine who happened to be a plastic surgeon took care of ya. Now before you think about the wife and kids, I told them you were badly banged up in a car accident, and she decided to let me call the shots as far as medical treatment. After all, she has a couple of young kids to watch, and you know how good friends we are." Andi winked at her prone boss, then returned to the chair where she rose. "Besides, thanks to our company's 'progressive' insurance plan, all you have to pay is the deductible."

"May I ask a question?"


"Why? Why go through all of this?"

"Because you aren't a man."


"Let's face it, boss. You're a soft touch. You let us do whatever, don't care about what's going on, and barely care whether the job gets done or not. Plus, let's be blunt. You have no sense of machismo. I mean any other straight guy would have tried flirting with their staff a long time ago, trying to get some. Ain't that what being a man is about?"

John sat up and responded, "Excuse me, miss. For one, I'm a happily married man who likes being employed, thank you very much! And why would I go all being blustery and what not? I'm trying to get the job done as smoothly as possible without all the dramatics. Yeesh."

Andi stared at John for a bit, then got up from her chair and said calmly, "I'm telling your wife and kids that you've decided to be a girl."

"What? I mean, how could, I mean, Oh my…"

"And by the way, in an hour, I'm having a friend give you a weave the same color at that wig. If you resist, I tell the police you raped Brandy."

John started to say something, then slumped back down on his bed, resigned to his fate.


The next couple weeks seemed like an eternity for John. Thankfully, his wife visited him a couple of times, Andi's threat to tell not realized yet. Little by little, his body began to heal from the pain, and he was able to start walking around, getting used to his new body and the higher center of gravity. He also spent a lot of time looking in the mirror, looking at his new self. "So I'm a girl, now, eh?" John said to his new reflection. "Guess I need a new name now. Hmmm…Janine sounds close enough to John, right?" He took a look at his reflection, and then thought to himself, "Yeah, that works, I guess."

Finally, the day came when it was time for him to go home. After a once over by the surgeon, he dressed in a fairly ordinary navy blue dress suit, with a knee-length skirt, a white blouse, some lingerie from Lane Bryant and some sensible matching flats. After he was wheeled out of the hospital, he caught a cab back to his house. As he slid into the back seat, he felt the driver's eyes scan over his body, calling attention to his new curves.

"So where are you going to, miss?"

John was taken back by the 'miss', then answered in a slight falsetto, "Oh, I'm just going home," before giving him the address to his house.

"So, honey, what were you in the hospital for?"

"Um, I just had some kind of surgery."

"What kind of surgery?"

"You know, um, nothing major. Not a big deal."

Staring at his new breasts in the rear view mirror, the driver continued, "Well, based on what you have in that blouse there, I'd say it's a big deal."

John sat there, mortified at the driver's remarks, unsure how to react.

"You know, miss? You're a fine woman there. I bet you don't have a shortage of guys willing to fuck you."

John, once again, just sat there, his eyes like a deer in the headlights.

"You know what miss? You need to loosen up a bit. Perhaps all you need is a big, fat dick up your ass." Sneering a bit, the driver continued, "Perhaps I could be of service with that," chuckling a bit at his last line.

John looked up out the window, taking note of the street signs. "Thank GOD I'm close to home," he thought to himself. "I can't take much more of that guy's eyes." To his relief, he saw his house come up. He dug out his wallet from his suit jacket, handed the driver a ten-dollar bill, then got out of the car as fast a possible, not even thinking about change. He took a good look at his house, then took a deep breath and walked to his front door. John took a glance at his block, noting how it appeared to be an ordinary weekend day in his neighborhood.

He took his set of keys and unlocked the door of his house. To his surprise, he found his wife standing there waiting in front of the stairs, with his kids Hank and Tisha looking at him from a safe distance, wary of his presence. From the look in his wife's eye, he was prepared for the worst.

"So what's your name now?"

"Um…I decided to go with the name Janine. Why do you…"

"You fucking prick! When were you gonna tell me this shit, huh? I mean, what the fuck? All we have is a marriage, a house and a couple of kids. I mean, what the fuck is Hank supposed to think? You spent all that goddamn energy giving him that name, saying how he's supposed to be this great man and shit, but how the fuck is he supposed to grow up right with a father like you? And when you were gonna tell me this shit, huh?! When the FUCK were you gonna tell me that I was married to a fucking fagot!"


In what seemed like slow motion, Janine slapped her wife across her face, breaking a couple of nails and leaving a mark on her wife's face.

Taking a deep breath, Janine pointed at her wife, then responded as calmly as possible, "Don't you dare disrespect me again, especially in front of my kids. Understood?" Turning to his frightened kids, she commanded with a glare, "Go to your rooms. Now." Quietly, Julia and Janine's kids walked upstairs to their rooms, scared stiff by this woman that was apparently their father.

As soon as she hood the door closed, Janine roughly took Julia in her arms and carried her into the living room, where she deposited her on the couch. Janine climbed onto the couch behind her…


2 Gay Erotic Stories from BrettLynn

The Gift, Part 1

Well, here's something new for my flock of followers. It's something, shall I say, different. I own all commercial and all other non-electronic rights. Please do not read this story if you are not legally permitted to do so. So, without further ado, let's get on with the show. Happy holidays, my fair fans, and have a blessed new year! THE GIFT By Brett Lynn "Huh? What honey?"

The Gift, Part 2

As soon as she hood the door closed, Janine roughly took Julia in her arms and carried her into the living room, where she deposited her on the couch. Janine climbed onto the couch behind her wife, then grabbed Julia's head, had her stand up on her knees, turned her head and kissed her hard on the lips, making her tongue invade her mouth. She then grabbed onto Julia's breasts with both hands


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