Gay Erotic Stories

English 101

by Jockman

Sundays had quickly become Carl’s favorite day of the week. Each Sunday morning, as the sun would come pouring through the windows on the east side of his tenth floor apartment, Carl would wake up to find Stan, fast asleep and rolled up in the folds of his thick down comforter. Stan was one of Carl’s students at the university where Carl instructed English courses.

The two had met roughly a year and a half prior, when Stan was enrolled in Carl’s Literature course. Stan was a very attractive young man, but he was fairly withdrawn in Carl’s class, and aside from always turning in excellent work, the guy spoke very little in class. Carl would see Stan with his friends around campus off and on for the next year, and the two would exchange generic greetings, as Carl did with most all of his students. Carl had been with his then partner for six years, and would have never considered becoming involved with a student. Yet within the year, Carl found himself single once again. His relationship ended bitterly, with his lover moving out of state. Carl found himself lonely, the eve of his 39th birthday just around the corner. It was perhaps the combination of loneliness and sexual frustration that united him with Stan.

Stan was an Italian born 22 year old, with striking features, and dark black eyes. He had rich olive skin, and dark hair. He stood about 5’10, but had toned arms, and a natural athletic build. He was instantly attracted to his English professor on his first day in Carl’s class. Carl was 6’2, with broad shoulders, and short salt and pepper hair. He had muscular arms, and often wore tighter fitting shirts, that would accentuate his muscle tone. Stan rarely spoke in Carl’s class because he was always so in awe of his teacher’s great looks. A year and a half after having Carl’s introductory English course, Stan was enrolled in his Advanced Literature studies class. He was once again awed by Carl’s incredible looks. Neither Stan nor Carl can really explain how their first romantic encounter came to be, but the specific details of their lovemaking are firmly etched in both their brains.

Stan and Carl found themselves in Stan’s dorm room. Stan lived alone, but the college issued bunk beds that didn’t separate, in all of the student residences, regardless of the number of occupants. Carl was extremely apprehensive about the encounter, but his loneliness and obvious attraction to his gorgeous, exotic Italian student urged him over to Stan’s dorm room. His student’s bold proposition echoed in his head him after class on the third week of the school quarter. He was careful not to be seen walking into his student’s room, and once inside, Stan initiated the physical encounter. Carl nervously let Stan run his lips and hands over his chest and face, as they began to undress. Carl reflected on eight months of loneliness and a lack of physical encounters with anyone. He stood in front of Stan, and watched as his student undressed himself. He secretly admitted to playing out this moment in his head during class numerous times. He would imagine Stan in his office after hours, alone. He imagined them together on his desk, or maybe on the floor. But it never went beyond brief erotic daydreams in class, as he watched Stan when he wasn’t looking, either during lectures and tests.

Stan stood totally undressed before his professor. Carl slowly removed his shirt, pants and socks. He was too apprehensive to pull his boxers down. Stan grabbed his hand, and led him to the lower bunk. They lay down next to one another kissing softly. Stan motioned to his nightstand. There were condoms and lubricant resting by his lamp. Carl glanced at the condoms, and instantly felt a pang of fear. He began to worry about the ramifications of getting caught. Stan, continued to kiss and stoke his professor, successfully giving Carl an erection.

Carl told Stan, “Are you sure you want this?”

Stan replied, “I can’t stop thinking about you, I’ve had you in my head since last year.”

Carl told Stan, “I haven’t been with anyone in a long time.” Stan didn’t reply, he simply sat up ward, and repositioned himself in the tiny quarters of the lower bunk.

His cock was swinging to and fro as he climbed over and straddled his professor. Carl couldn’t help but laugh nervously because Stan’s erection was so large, that it looked almost cartoonish the way it knocked around. He grabbed Stan’s waist, to help steady him. Stan started to laugh as well, because the close quarters they were in made it such an ordeal just to get situated. They continually bumped their heads, and elbows, as they fumbled and shifted into position. Stan eventually rested on top of Carl, and his ass pressed against his professors thighs.

The thought of sliding his dick inside Stan’s warm tight ass sent mixed emotions of fear and longing throughout Carl’s body. Stan put his hands on either side of Carl’s head, and leaned over him. Carl lifted his head upward and kissed him. His heart was beating hard in his chest, and he felt his hands trembling. Their lips pressed against each other roughly, as they slide their tongues together. Stan was breathing hard behind his kisses, and his nipples were tender and swollen. Stan guided his professor’s hands against his chest, and Carl followed his lead sheepishly, by squeezing Stan’s chest gently. They kissed slowly for a while, while Stan ran his hands along Carl’s arms, and shoulders.

After a few minutes, Stan pulled his head back and broke from their kisses, yanking Carl’s boxers down around his knees. Carl fumbled for a condom nervously, and ripped it open. Stan clasped his hands on top of Carl’s, and told him that he wanted to put it on for him. Stan could sense Carl’s nervousness, and wanted to assure him that their lust was mutual.

Carl let Stan steady his erection and roll the latex over his swollen mushroom head. Carl closed his eyes for a moment, and bit his lower lip. It had been so long since he had felt someone else’s hands massage his own erection. Stan teased Carl’s balls, and slid the condom down over the length of his cock. Carl felt some of his anxiety fade, the gentle nature of his student, the awkwardness of the small bunk bed, and squeaking and whining of the wooden bed frame made the situation somehow less intense.

Once the condom was in place, Carl reached for the lubricant and began stroking up and down the latex slowly. Stan used the rungs supporting the mattress above them, to lift himself off of Carl’s thighs. His muscles flexed as he supported his entire weight with his arms. He raised his knees up, and the metal frame of the bunk bed whined. Carl positioned his erection under Stan carefully. Stan lowered himself gently onto Carl’s erection. Carl’s cock slowly began to press against Stan’s ass, urging itself inside. Stan took the head in slowly, and Carl closed his eyes, as he felt Stan close in around his cock. Stan let his professor inside, inch by inch, slacking his arms just enough to accommodate more of Carl’s erection. Once Stan’s feet were pressed firmly against the mattress on either side of Carl’s waist, Carl bucked his hips upward. Carl’s cock pushed into Stan entirely and Stan’s balls smacked against Carl’s stomach.

Stan tightened his grip on the metal rungs above them, and breathed in sharply. He wasn’t prepared for all of Carl’s cock inside of him just yet, and the sharp thrust of his professor sent pain shooting through his abdomen. Carl pressed his head back hard against the pillow, and began to gyrate his hips and push himself into Stan’s ass. He gripped his student’s waist, and pumped his hips up and down. He remembered what it felt like to be close to someone, and he began to lose himself in the pleasures of Stan’s skin. Stan closed his eyes tightly, and tried to accommodate all of Carl’s inches. Carl was groaning, and writhing against the mattress. Stan’s ass was tight, and it gripped his cock like glove. His eyes closed he could hear Stan’s soft grunts, and took them as a sign to increase his pressure on Stan’s ass.

Carl began to jerk his cock in and out of Stan more sharply. After a few minutes, the pain started to increase, and Stan began to cry out, “Ow, please, you’re too big, it hurts when you go that fast.” Carl opened his eyes, and saw Stan wincing in pain. He immediately sat up, and cradled Stan’s back so that his student could release his grip on the rungs above them. He realized he had mistaken Stan’s groans of pain for pleasure. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I got carried away. It’s been awhile, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he told Stan.

Stan was breathing hard, and catching his breath, “It’s fine, I know that you didn’t do it on purpose, I just haven’t been with anyone as large as you, and I though I could take you from this angle.” Carl massaged his hands up and down Stan’s back gently, “We should stop, and I don’t want to hurt you.”

Stan answered, “No, no I want to, I just need to get used to you inside of me.”

Carl lifted Stan off of his lap, and his cock slide out of Stan’s ass slowly. “Let’s try this slowly,” whispered Carl. He let Stan lay next to him, and they kissed, and rubbed one another. Stan was still breathing deeply, so Carl kissed and stoked his stomach softly. He let Stan catch his breath, and they fondled and explored one another again. Stan rolled onto his stomach, and Carl climbed on to his back. Stan felt Carl kiss and lick his neck and shoulders, and his professor’s hot breath on his back was comforting and arousing.

Carl was careful to mount his student this time, easing himself against Stan’s supple and round ass cheeks. Carl pressed his cock between Stan’s soft warm flesh, and Stan let him in slowly again. Once he was halfway inside Stan, he stopped. He began to massage Stan’s shoulders, and told him how amazing he thought Stan’s body was. Stan closed his eyes, and relaxed himself. His professors whispers of assurance helped ease his silent reservations about being penetrated again. Carl slowly pressed in further, and soon he was buried entirely inside Stan. From this position, Carl was able to control his entry, and made certain he didn’t thrust himself inside too sharply. With soft fluid strides, Carl began to fuck Stan more rigorously. Stan began to moan and gasp against his pillow, as his professor’s cock rubbed his insides.

Between soft thrusts, he continually whispered to Stan, “Are you alright? Let me know if it hurts.” Stan urged him on. Carl’s sweat dripped onto Stan’s back, and the two of them began to take rhythm together. Confident that Stan was now able to handle him, their bodies pumped and rocked back and forth together, their sensations increasing. Carl rested against Stan’s back, and he could feel his student letting him inside deeper and deeper. The sweat on Stan’s shoulders tasted salty and sweet on Carl’s lips. He ran his open mouth around Stan’s neck, and moved his tongue around to his ear and cheek. Stan was clenching his teeth, breathing in short hard gasps as Carl bore down on him. He turned his head, and met Carl’s lips. They exchanged wet kisses, sucking and breathing into each other’s open mouths. Stan’s nerves were electrical, and waves of pleasure shot up and down his spine. Stan had never had anyone as large as Carl, and his professor was gentle and firm, his rhythm long and continuous. Stan was used to short and unfulfilling encounters, with other inexperienced and awkward horny college guys. But Carl was constant, his hands and lips affectionately caressing Stan’s body.

Carl curled his toes, and slid his open palms down Stan’s thighs. The mixture of sweat and lubricant slicked Stan’s skin, and Carl matted the soft brown hairs on Stan’s thighs with his hands. Stan pumped back and forth under Carl’s weight, groaning and gasping. Carl had not experienced passion this intense since long before his own break up. Sex had become so mechanical and boring with his previous lover, but hearing Stan cry out from underneath his cock, made Carl mad with lust.

Stan felt his balls tighten, he reached his hand beneath himself, and found his cock. Its tender and oversensitive head was rubbing against the sheets, and it was leaking precum generously. He gripped his cock, and before he could give it a solid jerk, he felt himself cumming.

Carl felt Stan tighten underneath him, and began to thrust harder. Stan grabbed at the sheets and squeezed his eyes together crying out loud. His cock began to swell, and he exploded. His cock spurt out streams of cum, and it smeared and splashed against his belly. Carl continued to push deeper and deeper with his cock, and Stan choked on his own breath. He heard himself gasping, but it was distant inside his own ears, as though it was coming from someone else. Carl began to kiss his neck and stroke his moistened hair, whispering softly to him, “Am I hurting you?”

Stan’s orgasm began to subside, and he opened his eyes. The sheets were soaked in sweat, and his professor’s body was hot against his skin. His flesh tingled beneath Carl’s stroking fingertips. Stan managed to spit out, “God no, I just came harder than I ever have in my entire life.”

Hearing Stan orgasm so intensely Carl began to feel himself swelling. He jerked backward, and withdrew himself from Stan. His cock slide out of Stan’s tight warm ass, and began to throb. Stan rolled over onto his back, and Carl ripped the condom off his dick. He looked down at Stan, and clenched his teeth, groaning deeply. Sweat was pouring from his chest onto his gorgeous lover. Stan reached up and massaged the area of skin between Carl’s scrotum and asshole. Carl jerked furiously on his cock, grunting hard, and shot streams of hot cream all over Stan’s chest and neck. Stan’s fingers massaging him and the waves of pleasure made Carl dizzy. He collapsed onto Stan roughly, and tried to catch his breath. Stan ran his hands through Carl’s wet hair, and down his back.

They laid in silence for a long while, the last bits of their orgasms fading. Stan muttered, “That was amazing.” Carl forced a small laugh in agreement, and squeezed Stan tighter against him as he gasped for air. Their encounter lasted almost an hour. It was quite late, and Carl asked Stan if he could just stay the night. They slept well into the next morning. Carl was dressing himself, as Stan was waking. Stan looked at him with his deep dark eyes, and Carl invited Stan over Saturday night to his apartment. Their chemistry was intense, and Carl was overjoyed with the notion of a new lover.

These encounters became a Saturday night tradition. Stan would arrive at Carl’s apartment safely away from campus, and they would spend the evening, and following Sunday morning together. They were able to send time during the week together off campus when their schedules permitted. Carl had lots to show Stan, and his young lovers eagerness and constant affection filled the sense of loneliness that he had been experiencing since his break up.


3 Gay Erotic Stories from Jockman

English 101

Sundays had quickly become Carl’s favorite day of the week. Each Sunday morning, as the sun would come pouring through the windows on the east side of his tenth floor apartment, Carl would wake up to find Stan, fast asleep and rolled up in the folds of his thick down comforter. Stan was one of Carl’s students at the university where Carl instructed English courses. The two had met roughly

Getting Off After Work

Patrick was a bartender at a club not far from my work. I had seen him around the neighborhood in the past. He was amazing looking. One evening, after work I stopped in his bar, and was pleased to see him behind the counter. There were only two other men inside, off to the back, talking softly. He motioned me over, and I ordered. He was quick to start conversation, and we hit it off right

My Friend Jim and I Have Sex

Jim is a good friend of mine from college. I had never considered fooling around with him even though I knew he was gay. I had always thought he was attractive; he was brown haired, from Irish descent, green eyed, and pale in complexion. He and I would go to the bars together, since there wasn’t much a gay scene at our University; he was content to drink at the straight bars with myself and


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