Gay Erotic Stories

My Uncle, Myself And The Spa

by Marshmellowman

This story is about me (David) and my Uncle (Mick). I was 18 when this sexy scene happened. I’m a 6’ 6” tall, blue-eyed guy, with short, bleached spiky hair. I’m muscular for my age and have a four-inch floppy cock. My uncle looks a lot like porn star Donnie Russo, whom we both admire. Uncle is 6’ 4” tall, with blue eyes and short spiky hair. Uncle Mick is extremely muscular and he has a six-inch floppy cock.

One day, my uncle had a building job to do in my hometown. He found out later on that it was next door to my house. He saw me walking, which is part of my daily routine and we started to talk. After a bit, I invited him to come over to my place on his lunch break. He accepted.

I had my lunch at noon and I was getting into my spa. Five minutes later, I saw him jump over the fence and he spotted me in the warm water. I asked if he wanted to join me.

“I haven’t got anything to wear,” he said,

I replied, “Neither do I.”

Quickly, he stripped off his clothes and climbed in. There was one thing I was longing to see - his cock. I finally saw it. His meat was at least 7-½ -inches long…and it was only semi-hard!

I closed my eyes to relax and put my hand on the armrest. His hand was already there. I moved it away. But, he said, “It’s okay.”

The pumps went off after 10 minutes and I saw his semi hard cock bobbing in the water. He caught me staring. I thought he would have killed me. But, he asked if I liked it.

I said, “Hell, yes!”

He asked, “Would you like to suck it?”

I looked at him and replied, “Yes. But, not yet.”

I leaned over to him, kissed his neck and sucked on his earlobes. I moved to his lap and could feel his now fully hard eight-inch cock. It throbbed every now and then. Our lips locked together and we kissed passionately for about five minutes. I moved down to his armpits and licked them clean.

I targeted his nipples. I sucked and bit the nubs until they were hard. Next, I moved to his cock. I sucked his prong for 15 minutes, while squeezing his balls and finger-fucking him.

“I’m about to cum,” he gasped.

I told him, “I want it all.”

He filled my mouth with hot juice and I swallowed very drop.

I begged him to fuck me with his entire manhood. I grabbed the lube I’d hidden under my towel. He lubed my asshole and I lubed his cock. He ordered me to stand up and bend over. He positioned his twitching prong behind me. He slowly shoved his cock head in my arse. I screamed. But, soon the pain stopped and he slid the rest of his meat into my aching hole.

I told him to fuck me as hard as he could. He went wild! I was moaning in time with him and screaming, “Fuck me, Mick! Fuck me harder!”

He slammed into my tight ass again and again. After churning my guts, he exclaimed, “I’m cumming!”

“I wanna feel it inside me!” I replied.

He came and I felt a warm liquid in my bowels. It felt so good. He pulled out of me and I licked the rest of his cum off his cock. I told him to lick all of it out of my arse. We started to kiss again and he told me that his lunch break was over. The next time I need a fuck; he said I could go up to his place.

If you want to contact me my email address is


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Marshmellowman

My Uncle, Myself And The Spa

This story is about me (David) and my Uncle (Mick). I was 18 when this sexy scene happened. I’m a 6’ 6” tall, blue-eyed guy, with short, bleached spiky hair. I’m muscular for my age and have a four-inch floppy cock. My uncle looks a lot like porn star Donnie Russo, whom we both admire. Uncle is 6’ 4” tall, with blue eyes and short spiky hair. Uncle Mick is extremely muscular and he has a


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