Gay Erotic Stories

College Friends Reunion

by PACollegeJock

This is a true story. I went to Pitt during 1990-1994. During the four years, I made many friends, but one that I was really interested in was Bill. Bill is 6'3, blond hair, thin, tight body and a 8" cock. During my four years, Bill was my roommate and good friend. But he was straight, and I was afraid to talk about my sexuality.

Many times, I would go into the bathroom when Bill was taking a shower, to "brush my teeth" when I really wanted to get a look at his hot body. I really wanted to suck his nipples and cock. But I held off because I was afraid that he would kick my butt if I made any moves.

I am 5'9, brown hair and eyes, and a good swimmer’s build. I had many girls, but was interested in hooking up with a guy.

Anyway, a year after our graduation, a friend of ours was getting married. I was living out of town and called Bill to make arrangements to stay with him during the weekend.

The day of the wedding, we were getting ready, and I took a shower first. When I was done, Bill went in, but left the door open. I was sitting on the couch with a clear shot of him in the shower, and that beautiful cock being soaped and rinsed.

I had enough. I thought that, what the hell, it was time to make a move. If Bill was offended, then I would just leave and not see him again. So, while he was still in the shower, I walk in, naked, and joined him.

First, Bill jumped back and shouted, "What the hell are you doing!" I put my hand on his chest and said that I had been attracted to him for many years, and I wanted to see if he was interested in me. If not, I would go. However, his cock was already giving me my answer. It stood at complete attention.

I told Bill to relax as I kissed him, then worked my way to his groin. His cock was hard and tasted great. It seemed that I sucked him off for hours, but it was more like a couple of minutes. He was groaning and sticking his cock in and out of my mouth until he came.

We went to the wedding. That night, we slept together, held each other, and sucked each other off. The next day, I worked up enough courage to have Bill stick his cock in my ass. It hurt, but felt good.

I left for home that day, but Bill and I have been seeing each other at least once a year rekindling old friendships.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from PACollegeJock

College Friends Reunion

This is a true story. I went to Pitt during 1990-1994. During the four years, I made many friends, but one that I was really interested in was Bill. Bill is 6'3, blond hair, thin, tight body and a 8" cock. During my four years, Bill was my roommate and good friend. But he was straight, and I was afraid to talk about my sexuality. Many times, I would go into the bathroom when Bill was


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