Gay Erotic Stories

Bear Rub Massage

by Aacub

I really needed a rub down. Being a former rugby player, I had a lot of hard muscle up top. Sitting at my desk I looked at the clock--only 1/2 an hour to go before I could leave for my massage appointment.

I felt the hard fur covered muscle of my pecs through the white business shirt. Over the years a layer of fat had started to descend on top of the muscle mass, but I had kept up my weight training and my chest had filled out so I now looked like a big hairy muscle daddy.

It had been a big week at work, and I was looking forward to a good rub down to get rid of the aches and pains that built up after a while--now that I was 45 it began to be something I really needed.

When I got to the clinic the receptionist said my usual masseur, a trim 25 year old was away, but that Rick could fill in for him. I hadn’t met Rick but I said sure, not a problem-- as long as my muscles got some firm hands on them.

I went into the room. It was warm and quiet with a massage table and soft lights. As I waited I heard the receptionist getting ready to go. I always ended up having the last massage appointment of the day, so I was used to knowing that by the time the massage ended the place was deserted except for my usual masseur and me.

Then the door opened and Rick walked in. He looked like just what I needed--probably about 30, a big man, wearing just a muscle tee and shorts. He had a large belly overflowing the shirt, but his arms and hands were enormous. I got a tingle in my crotch looking at him, which surprised me. I’d never thought of my masseur in that way before, but this guy was making me feel strange.

Rick introduced himself, and then said, “Just get ready, I need to lock the front door ‘cause it’s only you and me left here--just get undressed and lie on the table and I’ll be back in a moment”.

My usual masseur usually provided me with a towel, but Rick must have forgotten. I didn’t think much of it but just started to undress. As I unbuttoned my white shirt, and took off my suit trousers I wondered about taking my jockey shorts off too. I usually had a massage in the nude, but without the towel I was a little unsure what to do. In the end I thought, “This guy must have seen thousands of men. He’s not interested in me that way,” so I pulled off my white jockey shorts. My fat uncut cock was starting to plump up so I was relieved to lie face down covering it up. This was strange, I never normally felt at all horny having a massage!

Rick then entered. He had some oil in his hands that he had obviously been heating up. The first touch of those big hands covered in hot oil was electric! It felt like he could really wrap those hands around my body, making me feel like I was about 10 inches high and I was being massaged by a giant; a giant with a generous amount of golden fuzz all over his thick forearms. Rick first massaged my back, those furry paws wrapping around me and pressing deep into my broad shoulders and back. As he leaned forward his jutting belly pressed into me as well.

The temperature in the room was getting pretty hot. I saw Rick pause and turn to wipe the sweat off his brow. “Pretty hot day today,” I said,

“Yeah! I always get pretty hot doing massage,” Rick replied. “Look, it’s only us men, do you mind if I get rid of my shirt? It’s all damp anyway.”

“Sure,” I said, not wanting to sound like some sort of a prude.

“Great,” Rick said. He turned away and pulled the sodden shirt over his head. While the shirt covered his face I was able to take a good look at the thick golden fur that covered his pecs, almost hiding two big red nipples the size of cherries. The fur continued down to cover that big round belly, and down where there was an overflow of fur coming out of his rugby shorts. This guy was making me feel pretty strange, but I liked what I saw.

Rick then began to massage my legs. Those big fat fingers travelled from my calves and then wrapped around the thick stumps of my thighs before moving back down to my feet. It seemed that every pass his hands moved closer and closer to the hairy globes of my balls. One final pass and I was sure that the back of his hand accidentally brushed my tightening scrotum. I hadn’t shot for a week, but this accidental touch was making my dick harder than a redwood tree.

As Rick leaned over me to work on my glutes, his swollen belly rubbed against the dense fur of my upper thighs. The golden swirl of hair tickled slightly against my darker curly fur.

“Okay there Alan, time to roll over,”

SHIT! My dick was still throbbing under me, and there was no way it was going to go down anytime soon. I had never felt this way before about a man, but this guy was making me feel real hot. The way his large soft hands felt on my body, the occasional brush of fur against fur, the rhythmic pressing and kneading of the massage was all making me feel like one huge swollen organ, ready to explode at the slightest touch.

I tried to think of the least sexy things I could--car tyres, road kill, rotten fruit, cardboard box; I asked for some water to delay turning over for a moment, and he turned away to get me a glass. DAMN, this gave me a great look at that hot ass and his massive thighs stretched tight over those small rugby shorts as he bent over to get the water.

Finally I had to roll over and expose my manhood. The delay meant that at least my thick uncut cock was now no longer a raging hot hardon, but I didn’t know if Rick would be fooled by the definite fatness of what was a half-hard tool.

Rick however didn’t make any comment and began to massage deep into the two furry black mounds that were my tits. His hands squeezed and pressed, gathering up each muscle-laden pec as if it was a piece of dough. Every now and again his thick forearm would brush against my nipples, causing them to jut out like headlamps.

Then he returned to my legs, hands crossing and pressing into my thick tight quads. Then he did a long stroke, covering my entire leg and ending up at my hip. Rick’s hairy forearm was just a fingertip away from my cock on each stroke. On the last stroke, the back of his big fat hairy hand just barely touched the tip of my fat dick.

Oh, that was it; I just couldn’t hold off any longer. My cock ballooned up, its veiny length expanding and throbbing. I was now lying there with my hard dick exposed. I could feel the red-hot tip of my cock being exposed as my foreskin slowly retracted. A big pearl of precum oozed out of my cock and formed a pool on top of the black fur covering my tummy.

There was no way that my masseur could ignore this fat angry red cock. Rick moved to above my head and put some more oil on his hands. As he leaned over me I could see the golden swirls on his stomach. He was so close I would be able to lick the glistening sweat that now covered his body. I could feel something else as well, as he leaned over me his black rugby shorts pressed against my head and I could definitely feel something fat and hard rubbing against the top of my head. This guy was as hard as I was!

I couldn’t believe what was happening. This beefy cub seriously turned me on, and it looked like he was as well. Rick stood slightly to the side as he massaged my lower chest. I turned my head and I could definitely see a thick tube pointing straight down.

Then it gave a throb, and I saw the tip of his cock poke through the opening of his shorts. It was so close that I could smell his hot male musty odor. It was a fat, uncut knob, and it was so close to my face. What was I thinking, looking at this man’s cock? I had never felt like this before. But I just opened my mouth and said, “It’s getting pretty hot in here, why don’t you take off those shorts?”

Rick hesitated, his professional integrity failing fast. Then with one swift movement he stepped away and pulled down the black cloth of his shorts. As I suspected he wasn’t wearing anything on underneath. As he stepped up to resume the massage his massive 8- inch tool swayed and throbbed inches from my face. The golden fur that covered the rest of his young cub body became thicker and darker as it framed this massive tool.

I couldn’t resist any more and reached forward and engulfed that man cock in my mouth. Oh it felt good! Just as I began to give that hot man cock a tongue bath I felt Rick lean over and felt an amazing hot breath cover my raging manhood. If I thought his hands were heaven, it turns out his mouth is his real talent too!

That hot mouth over my straining, throbbing dick was all I needed, the pent up pressure of this hot mans hands all over my body meant I just couldn’t hold back. I exploded again and again sending massive spurts of cum unto the delicious mouth of this fur god. At the same time I heard a muffled moan and Rick’s fat hot uncut cock pulled out of my mouth and spurts of sizzling hot cum buried itself in the sweaty black fur of my chest. OH, OH, Oh this was the best massage ever!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Aacub

Bear Rub Massage

I really needed a rub down. Being a former rugby player, I had a lot of hard muscle up top. Sitting at my desk I looked at the clock--only 1/2 an hour to go before I could leave for my massage appointment. I felt the hard fur covered muscle of my pecs through the white business shirt. Over the years a layer of fat had started to descend on top of the muscle mass, but I had kept up my

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