Gay Erotic Stories

A Lesson From Uncle

by Manix

Tommy was the eldest of my dad’s three brothers and the one we got on best with. He had a son my age and we used to hang out. One day playing football with my cousins i fell and cut my knee. I went back to my cousin’s house to get cleaned up. There was no sign of my uncle so I went to the bathroom took off my jog pants and wiped my knee. I went to go into my cousin’s room to get some shorts but rushed into the wrong one. I swung the door open to see my uncle standing in front of an Indian man who was knelt down sucking his cock. I quickly mumbled an apology and left, shocked at the site I had witnessed.

I just reached the front door to leave when I heard Tommy calling me. I turned to see him still naked and hard heading towards me. He begged me not to say anything to anyone about what I had seen. I promised him I wouldn’t and he hugged me thanking me over and over. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my bare leg and I could feel myself getting a little excited. I went home and wanked off thinking about Tommy and the guy. That became a regular thing until I started dreaming that I was the guy with Tommy. He did have a massive cock and I longed to touch it.

About three months later I knew Eric (my cousin) was going to be hitting the local bars with some pals and knew Tommy would be there alone or maybe he had arranged some company. I waited for Eric to leave then called round. Tommy greeted me and we started chatting. I told him I was at a loose end and my folk’s house was a bit crowded and asked if I could stay there for the evening. He said it was okay but he did have someone coming over soon.

"Is this your man friend?" I asked.

"Yep, are you okay with that?"

"Sure, at least you don't have to hide it, enjoy yourselves." Then feeling a little horny I said, "I will try not to burst in this time, unless I get fed up down here."

He looked at me in a way he hadn't done before. The doorbell rang; I got up to answer it. The Asian guy looked shocked but introduced himself as Benny. I assured him I was cool about the situation and he seemed to relax a little. Tommy came into the room; he had changed and was now wearing just a robe. He and Benny stood up and hugged then kissed fully on the lips. Without warning they were kissing quite passionately and I could see Tommy was getting hard. His cock was sticking through the robe and I could see his hand rubbing Benny's cock through his trousers. I watched as they got more and more into each other.

Tommy could see me watching and lead Benny's hand to his now free and rock hard cock. Benny started to wank him off while they still kissed full on. I realized that Tommy was putting a show on for me when he kept looking at me and then winked at me. He unzipped Benny's trousers and released his thick cock before dropping to his knees and taking it in his mouth. I watched as Tommy slid his mouth up and down this lovely cock then suddenly he stopped and looked me right in the eye.

"You okay with this or do you want us to stop?"

"It's cool," I said hardly able to speak.

Tommy took off his robe and helped Benny to strip before 69ing each other. Both guys started moaning then switched position so Benny was on his knees sucking Tommy all the way down. Then Benny turned over and leaned on the sofa by me so Tommy could move round the back. I watched as my uncle lubed his cock then slowly slid it into Benny' ass. Tommy started to fuck Benny really hard; he was groaning and moving about next to me.

Suddenly Benny reached his hand out and touched my leg; I froze with fear and excitement. He rubbed his hand up my leg and a few times touched my hard cock through my shorts. He didn't keep his hand there long but I wanted him to. He did touch me a few more times, one time having a good feel of my cock before moving his hand to his own cock. Tommy jerked forward and stopped, Benny turned round so I got a good look at his ass. His hole looked massive and my uncle’s spunk started leaking from it. Tommy was now underneath him sucking away at his cock. Benny stood up and faced me. Tommy got behind him and started wanking him off. Only a few minutes later he shot his load onto the sofa near to my leg.

I quickly made an excuse and headed for the toilet to wank myself off. I returned to the lounge, Benny was getting dressed but Tommy sat on the sofa fully naked. Benny was ready to leave, kissed Tommy one last time then said goodbye to me kissing me on the cheek. When he had left Tommy looked at me, "I hope I wasn't out of order carrying on like that. I got the impression you wanted to see it. Was I wrong?" I shook my head not daring to speak. "I hope you didn't mind Benny touching your leg."

"He touched more than my leg," I said.

"I know, he said you had a hard on." I blushed. "He likes you. When you went to the toilet he asked if he could see you sometime."

"How do you mean see me?" I asked.

"I think he wants to get naked with you and let you fuck him."

I was shocked and scared; I didn't know what to say. Tommy came and sat next to me, still naked. We chatted for a while longer still not confirming whether I would see Benny alone or not. As I got up to go, Tommy hugged me again but this time more lovingly. Again I could feel his cock against my leg but this time I pushed my leg onto it. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips. Just a quick kiss then reached for his robe, I could see his cock had stiffened a little.

I left to go home still thinking about whether to sleep with Benny or try for Tommy...

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A Lesson From Uncle

Tommy was the eldest of my dad’s three brothers and the one we got on best with. He had a son my age and we used to hang out. One day playing football with my cousins i fell and cut my knee. I went back to my cousin’s house to get cleaned up. There was no sign of my uncle so I went to the bathroom took off my jog pants and wiped my knee. I went to go into my cousin’s room to get some shorts but

A Lesson From Uncle, Part 2

After the night before when my uncle put on a show for me with his "man friend" I went to work still feeling horny but not knowing what to do about it. Benny had told my uncle that he wanted to have me and I was tempted but so nervous because I had never been with a guy before. At work I was still thinking about it when, "Hi, there’s a guy downstairs to see you." "Did he give a name?" I

A Lesson from Uncle, Part 3

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