Gay Erotic Stories

Jesse and Aaron

by Thefirstevil

Jesse McCartney was at a fundraiser with many other celebs like Gwen Stefani, Lindsay Lohan, Aaron Carter, Jojo and many more. Jesse was talking to Jojo they have been friends for a few months now. "So what’s going on with you; are you going on tour ‘cause I need an opening singer and I thought maybe you’d want to".”

Jojo said, “Ohh my god that’s sooooo cool; of course I will. I gotta; go I have to be in L.A. tomorrow, bye.”

"Bye," Jesse said, "call me later.”

Jesse was walking backwards talking to Jojo and bumped into Aaron carter Knocking him down Jesse said, "Oh my god I’m so sorry."

Aaron said, "That’s okay.” Jesse reached out his hand with his great beauty. Aaron lost in Jesse’s eyes and said, "Hi I’m Aaron so what’s up?"

Jesse said, “Uh nothing.”

Then Aaron said, "You wanna come to my hotel room and hang out?"

Jesse said, "Hell yeah!"

Aaron said, “Lemme call my driver."

"Okay," Jesse said.

While Jesse was waiting for the limo he was talking to Gwen Stefani and picked up a autographed copy of L.A.M.B. Then Aaron came and got Jesse and they got in the car. Jesse was afraid of what was going to happen tonight; he never told anyone he was gay, but one of his best friends Jojo.

When they got to the hotel they were in the elevator going up to the 7th floor they stood very close to each other, like they were going to put their hands around each Other’s shoulders, but they didn’t; they walked with their hands close together.

They finally got to the room. Jesse sat in the chair. "I have to change," said Aaron.

Jesse said, "I’ll go in the other room."

"No,” Aaron said. These words made Jesse’s dick harden. As Aaron took off his shirt, Jesse now had a full erection; his 6 inch prick was tryin’ to come out. Aaron dropped his Pants, his green boxers now showed. Jesse was so horny. Aaron noticed the erection and said, “I knew you were gay.”

Jesse started to worry; he started to break a sweat; then a feeling of relief came over him when Aaron came and kissed him. They kept kissing; Jesse opened his mouth and their tongues were dueling. Jesse broke the kiss to take off his shirt, and then took off his pants

Aaron growled, “Oh you’re so fine and all mine.”

Jesse laughed; then they both took off their boxers. They started stroking each other’s dicks gently and more rapidly; harder and harder. Aaron screamed, “Suck me Jesse!”

Jesse said, “My pleasure.”

Aaron laughed; Aaron pushed his 6.5 inches all the way in his mouth. Jesse gagged. Aaron said, “Suck it up pussy baby.”

Then Jesse said for Aaron to fuck him Aaron said yes in an instant. Aaron started fucking him gently, then faster and faster--about five minutes of the best fucking Jesse ever had!

Now Aaron was just about out of breath; he tells Jesse to fuck him. He does the same and about one minute later he explodes. It seems like he pumps for another ten minutes. “Damn, how the hell did you pump so much?

“I saw you, that’s how.”

Aaron starts to suck his dick some more they both get tired and get into bed Jesse falls asleep on Aaron’s chest.


10 Gay Erotic Stories from Thefirstevil

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Jesse and Aaron

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John and Andrew

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Will, Jack, & Elliot

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Xander Harris Undead Boytoy

All references to celebrities are purely fictional and have no truth or validity in real life. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters are copyright and trademarks of WB, David Greenwalt, Joss Whedon, 20th Century Fox, and others. Angel, currently known as Angelus: Vampire cursed with a soul by a gypsy clan, real name Liam, currently evil due to experiencing a moment of bliss, that being


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