Gay Erotic Stories

Fucked in a Port-a-Potty at the Lake

by 9inchOkie

I was cruising the local mall after work looking for a hot jack-off session when I encountered my dream man. He was tall, totally furry, dark five-o'clock shadow and horny! While I sat in the bathroom stall looking through the peephole, he pulled out a massive cut dick. It was a monster and I wanted it up my tight butt. I had not been fucked by many dicks, but his was so beautiful I wanted it badly. We did the foot tapping routine and he shook and zipped up. I thought he was leaving, but he came to my stall door. I opened it with some trepidation as we were in a public restroom. He came in, unzipped and pulled out the gift. I slobbered all over it but couldn't get all of it down my throat, but it didn't seem to bother him.

I asked him if he wanted to fuck and he did. I said we've got to find someplace private. As I am married, I couldn't take him home, so we drove to the lake -- about ten miles from the mall. I kept thinking where are we gonna find seclusion? I did not know if the lake would be right or not. We finally pulled into the wooded area not far from the lake and as luck would have it, found a port-a-potty. It was hot as hell in Oklahoma that day, but I did not care. We jumped in and were both sweaty as pigs. He opened his shirt to reveal his beautiful pecs and abs...very sexy and covered in thick manly hair! I loved it and spent some time sucking and tweaking his tits. Of course, he wanted my ass, so I turned to face the door and he began to feed me his huge cock. It really hurt, but it also felt so sexy and hot. We were so wet with sweat that he didn't need to lube it -- just his precum and sweat make it easier for his club to slide in and that he did!

He started pumping me while reaching around to jack my harder than steel 9 inch cock. My precum was flowing steadily and I started spurting every time he pushed against my prostate. Man was it hot in more ways than one! He hugged me tightly while pistoning my hole. I loved it and moaned loudly. I came several times that hot day in that stinky port-a-potty not caring that it smelled like urine and shit in there...just focused on the sensation of his hot pole plugging me over and over again. He plunged deeply and gave me the sexiest grunts while shooting off and man did he fill me up! We stayed together, he pistoned gently using his cum as lube and finally pulled out with a pop sounding loudly.

I gave him my underwear to clean off with and we left it in the port-a-potty, chuckling. He said he would like to do it again and I said it would be great. We are both married so neither wanted to give the other his phone number, but I told him I would look for him at the mall next time I was there.

I ran into him twice more -- we never fucked again, but we did suck each other off several times is at Crossroads Mall in OKC. He was definitely one fine specimen of hot manhood and I always thought his wife was a very lucky woman.


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from 9inchOkie

Fucked in a Port-a-Potty at the Lake

I was cruising the local mall after work looking for a hot jack-off session when I encountered my dream man. He was tall, totally furry, dark five-o'clock shadow and horny! While I sat in the bathroom stall looking through the peephole, he pulled out a massive cut dick. It was a monster and I wanted it up my tight butt. I had not been fucked by many dicks, but his was so beautiful I wanted it


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