Gay Erotic Stories

Abs first time

by BttmBoi87

I finally got a day off from school on a Tuesday afternoon. I decided I would check out an adult bookstore about 45 minutes away from my house. As a bi sexual 22 year old who has never been with a man, I was only expecting to shop around for sexy underwear, and maybe get a dildo. I arrived around 2:30 wearing tightest jeans that don't leave anything to the imagination, a green polo, and a tight pair of baby blue bikini briefs. As I walked in I noticed the store seemed empty except the older man behind the counter who instantly asked for my ID. I looked around at the dildos and underwear for awhile, until I noticed a dark hallway with doors lining the sides. As I entered the hallway I discovered that it was a videobooth hallway. I quickly ducked into a large booth closed the door and inserted a dollar. Without realizing I hadn't locked the door, a Fat white guy just walked in and locked the door behind him. I wasn't sure what to do so I slowly walked over to Him. He quickly unzipped his pants and produced a moderate 6 incher. I just stared at his cock for what seemed like an eternity, until he walked over to me and pushed me down onto knees. I began to suck his thick veiny cock while he grabbed Head and began to violently fuck my face. I didn't even notice when a second man walked into the room. The 2nd man looked to be late 50's African American. I stopped sucking for a second to look over at the new cock, when my first new friends cock exploded all overt face and hair. He quickly zipped up and walked out. My new black friend was just getting ready though


1 Gay Erotic Stories from BttmBoi87

Abs first time

I finally got a day off from school on a Tuesday afternoon. I decided I would check out an adult bookstore about 45 minutes away from my house. As a bi sexual 22 year old who has never been with a man, I was only expecting to shop around for sexy underwear, and maybe get a dildo. I arrived around 2:30 wearing tightest jeans that don't leave anything to the imagination, a green


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