Gay Erotic Stories

Dreams Can Come True

by Stevecoops

I am a married guy in my mid 40's with a secret interest in hairy men. Several years ago I drove by this guys house in town who was outside mowing his lawn wearing just a pair of shorts and sneakers. He had thick fur on his chest and his back. I turned around and drove past to get another look. I wanted to find out who this guy was. A few weeks later I was at our local bar and this guy was sitting there by himself. I was with my group of friends and as they were leaving I told them I was going to stay for one more. I walked up to the bar and sat next to this hairy guy. I can remember that he had a polo shirt on and the hair was coming out of the top. He is about 5'6", brown hair turning gray and weighs about 200lbs. He is really well built. I ordered a beer and started some conversation about baseball. We had a common interest. We had our beers and walked out together and said it was nice meeting you. I found out that he too was married with kids. About a week later I was in the parking lot of our grocery store and I noticed him walking to his car. I approached him and he remembered me and we chatted. I told him I was just going to be hanging out with the family if he wanted to come by for drinks and to swim in the pool. He took my number and called me and said they would come by. We got along great.

We became the best of friends and did everything together. We would go fishing, hunting, name it. About 6 years later, which was 2 years ago, he had to take care of some business at his sister's house who recently moved and was selling her house. It was two hours away and he had some projects to do on it for her. He asked me to join him. He said he would buy me dinner and drinks for helping him with some electrical work and we would go out that night and drive home the next day. We went to a local bar and had a good night. We got back to the house and were having more drinks and I mentioned for the first time how hairy he was. We have been swimming together in the past and I had seen him, but never mentioned it. He told me that he used to be embarrassed by it, but now he doesn't care. During the conversation he lifted up his tee shirt and said "look at this shit" while he ran his fingers through it. Without hesitation I reached out and started feeling it. I told him how lucky he was to have it because it was so sexy. He said, are you some kind of fag or something? I said no, but I know chicks dig burly hairy men like you. While talking I kept touching him and I ran my hand down through all of the hair on his belly. He closed his eyes and put his head back. I said take your shirt off and let me see your back. He removed his tee shirt and stood up and turned around and I got to touch his hairy back. His chest hair actually continues under his arm pits all around to the back. At this point I am hard as a rock. He turned around again and I don't know where I got the courage to do it, but I grabbed his crotch and told him I wanted to see how hairy his balls and ass were. I undid his belt and dropped his pants and his underwear. I couldnt believe he was letting me do this.

I leaned in and started kissing him deeply while grabbing ahold of his cock. Suddenly he pushed me away and told me, if you ever tell anyone about this I am going to fucking kill you. I laughed and said that I have as much to lose as you do brother! He undressed me and we were on the couch touching each other all over. I went down and took his cock in my mouth. It was not the longest cock I have ever seen, but was surely the fattest. After sucking him I stood up and pushed my cock into his mouth. Certainly not the best blowjob I had ever received, but the hottest for sure. I then had him bend over the sofa so that I could see his ass. It was completely covered in brown hair that were in little curly queues. I spread his cheeks and began licking his ass and running my tongue over his hole. He knees started to quiver each time my tongue passed over his hole. I got it nice and wet and began fingering his ass. He decided at this point to move it into the bedroom. Once on the bed we did a 69 and I told him that I wanted to try fucking him. He agreed as long as I stopped if it hurt too much. I spit all over his hole to lube it up but just couldnt get my cock in there. I told him to hold on and went into the bathroom and found some lotion in there. I brought it out and lubed my cock and his hole up with the Jergens lotion and had him on his hands and knees on the bed. I was standing to the side of the bed and in one swift motion I got the head of my cock in. I am pretty well hung at 7.5" but not nearly as fat as his. He groaned a little and said take it easy take it easy. After a minute he began rocking back into me. I fucked him like that for a minute and then told him to get on his back. He layed back and I took his hairy legs and put his feet against my shoulders and slid back into him. We were staring into each others eyes. Once we were both comforatable again I began fucking him and touching all of the hair. He started stroking his cock and he shot a massive load all over his belly up to his chest. I reached out and scooped some of his cum onto my fingers and stuck my fingers into his mouth. I then leaned in and licked a nice shot up off of him. That was my first taste of cum that wasnt my own. That was it. I pulled my cock out and shot a load all over the fur and then rubbed him all over. What a sight! We both cleaned up and went to bed.

It's been 2 years and we are still best friends. We have never touched each other or ever mentioned that one night.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Stevecoops

Dreams Can Come True

I am a married guy in my mid 40's with a secret interest in hairy men. Several years ago I drove by this guys house in town who was outside mowing his lawn wearing just a pair of shorts and sneakers. He had thick fur on his chest and his back. I turned around and drove past to get another look. I wanted to find out who this guy was. A few weeks later I was at our local bar and this guy was


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