Gay Erotic Stories

Finally had my first cock!

by AdamWade

I had been curious for years. I finally took the leap and met a guy. We started talking online knowing that he would soon be coming to town. He was older, about 25 years older, professional and in town for a week. Our first meeting was at a bar a couple blocks from his hotel on the Riverwalk. He had salt and pepper hair, a decent build, a nice smile, and lots of charm. I was already very excited, but this guy knew just how to sweet talk me. He bought me a few drinks, we talked until I felt very comfortable with him, and before I knew it, we were at his hotel room.

He knew just how to touch and kiss me to make me melt. Since we had already discussed my fantasies, he sat against the headboard and began taking off his belt. I started feeling his inner thigh as he unzipped his pants. I tugged on his pant leg as he worked his underwear down. I felt my jaw drop a little and I gasped slightly as his beautiful cock was exposed. His eight inches were already pretty stiff. I couldn't take my eyes off of it as I climbed on the bed beside him. Over the next half hour or so, he instructed me on sucking cock. It started with lightly stroking, then licking the head, slowly rolling his balls around, wrapping my lips around his shaft, moving my head up and down, and working on my rhythm. He was getting much harder and at one point he told me to stop so that I could stroke him and suck on his balls. After a couple minutes, I was attempting to swallow his cock again. As he started to moan, I felt his hand on my head. I could tell what was about to happen, but somehow I was more excited than nervous. Just as that thought crossed my mind, he let loose with several ropes of cum. The taste was awesome, the feeling of his cock pulsating was amazing, and the whole experience of making him cum was exhilarating. He told me to swallow, which I gladly did, and then he had me lick up the small amount that had escaped my mouth.

He had me undress in front of him while he finished taking off his clothes. I was a little surprised that I wasn't hard as rock, but I had been focusing on the task at hand too much to really think about my own cock. I then lay on my stomach with my hands near the headboard. He began rubbing me and massaging me gently. He worked my shoulders a little, my neck, down my back, and then spent the most time on my ass. I was getting pretty relaxed when he started running his hand between my cheeks and the excitement started to build again. His fingers soon found my virgin hole and my legs instinctively spread. As his fingertip circled around it, I felt my asshole start to twitch slightly. This whole time he's talking to me in a soothing tone. He said how great the blowjob was and how it turned him on that it was my first time. He reached over and opened the nightstand drawer and I saw some toys and a large bottle of lube. He had told me that he had a bit of experience and obviously he came prepared. He lubed his fingers and continued to play with me. I felt my hole pushed open gently as his fingertip slid into me. He was pushing, pulling, and twisting his finger which made me start moaning and grabbing the comforter. Over several minutes, he worked my hole, adding another finger to his movements. He was pushing into me about as far as he could go. At this point, I wasn’t really thinking. I reached over and started stroking his cock. It was getting stiff enough to stand up, but still soft when I grabbed it. I guess that was his queue, because then I felt his fingers hook and pull up a little as I felt him climb on top of me. He took his fingers out and stroked his cock to lube it a little more while he lined up.

As his big head met my hole, which was obviously much larger than his fingers, he spread my ass cheeks apart and starting slowly pushing. Within a few seconds, the lube did its job and he popped inside of me. I remember feeling relieved that it was finally happening. Of course, I was moaning and grabbing the sheets. I squirmed a little, but he wouldn't let my hips move much. With a slow and steady thrusting motion, I felt him sliding against me and could tell he was going deeper and deeper. While I'm not sure if he put it all the way in, it certainly felt like it. I could feel him getting harder inside me. The feeling of my first fuck was more than I ever imagined. I was just laying there enjoying it. He was hitting spots inside me that I didn't know existed. I could feel my own cock rubbing a little between my stomach and the bed. It was definitely getting harder as he sped up. He had just the right motion going and I could tell as he picked up the pace that he was starting to think more about getting off than my pleasure. I really didn't mind though; everything he did made me want more. I wanted him to cum. He was now very hard and thrusting downward, pushing me into the bed. He even smacked my ass which made me flinch. He must have liked it too because after one more smack, I felt his cock start to pulsate again my hole. His tempo increased a bit as I felt his first shot of cum gush into me. The combination of the excitement, his cock hitting the right spots, his warm cum swimming inside me, and my cock rubbing against the bed made me start cumming too! With him still thrusting and almost done shooting, I let out a loud moan, grabbed the headboard, and (from what he told me after) yelled "ooh god” and "fuck me" several times. I could have sworn I was only thinking that to myself. As we both caught our breathe, he slowed to a stop and I could feel his cock twitch a few more times. I wasn't expecting his next action, but I have to admit, I liked it. He reached for the nightstand and pulled out a spade-shaped butt-plug. At its center, it was about the same girth as his hard cock, but by the base was much smaller. As soon as he pulled his cock out or me (and even that felt amazing), he slid his toy into me. I was told to hold it there for later.

I didn't move for a while after he finished. I was relaxed and satisfied, but still very excited. His toy was holding his cum inside me. When I finally rolled over, I saw the wet spot from my cum that we had ground into the bed. My cock was still glistening. He had got us a couple damp wash cloths from the bathroom to clean up with. We toweled off our cocks and he took a minute to wipe off any excess lube from around the toy in my ass. There was a little more small talk and then we crawled under the covers to rest a while. I was barely able to sleep. I would define it as more of a conscious dream. All the fantasies I'd had over the years came rushing back to me. I wanted to try them all. I lay on my back trying/pretending to sleep for several hours. Occasionally, I found myself reaching down to touch the flat end of the butt-plug and push on it a little. I guess my new found teacher didn't need much sleep and I heard him starting to move around. I felt his hand on my stomach. He moved down and found my cock already standing at half-mast. His fingers played with my balls a little and then he took hold of his toy.

Still under the covers and just his hand playing with me, he began tugging on his toy which spread my hole slowly. I hadn't even fully opened my eyes and I was already moaning and breathing deeper. He tugged and released over and over for a minute or two. My enjoyment was very evident as I moaned and squirmed. Then, with the same instinct as just hours before, I reached for his cock. It was hard to say the least. I touched his shaft, tugging a little as if to tell him that I wanted it. In no time, I felt the covers thrown off of us. He rose to his knees and positioned himself between my legs. The room was dark, but I could see his sexy chest and hard cock pointed at me. He was still tugging on his toy while he reached for the lube. I heard the cap snap open and a second later, the bottle was tossed on the bed. He was stroking his cock and the gentle glisten of the lube made it all the more appealing. He tugged the butt-plug out a little which pulled my hole outward as well. I felt his lubed fingertips circling my slightly inverted sphincter. He twisted the toy to spread the lube around. At this point, my knees were bent and legs spread for him. As he finally pulled the toy out, I grabbed my balls and pulled them toward my stomach as I'd seen in so many pornos over the years.

A second after the plug was out; I felt his hard cockhead on my hole. As with the night before, he was gentle while putting it in. There was plenty of lube and just applied slowly increasing pressure until I relaxed and he popped in. Just like my first time, it was just an amazing feeling. He put his hands on my upper thighs as he slide into me. I moaned and squirmed a little, but he had full control of me. It was almost trance-like. Thinking about his cum already in me while he was fucking me again had me more turned on than just hours before. I took a little effort to accept his girth, but after I squeezed against his shaft a few times and he held me open, it felt much easier. As he really began to thrust, I could tell he was going deeper than last time. He was hitting all the right spots, but this time there was a little pain as well. This was probably the most my hole had ever been spread. The pain made me jump several times, but there was no way I wanted him to stop. I wanted him inside me and I knew I would have to learn to take it. I had seen the videos of monster black cocks jack-hammering white asses and knew I wouldn’t be ready for anything like that for a long while.

Surprisingly though, after the monster cock thought crossed my mind, I loosened up some and the pain all but vanished. After another minute, and a little more lube, his cock was a welcome guest sliding in and out of me. I felt his hands on the back of my knees as he pushed my legs toward my sides. He had a huge smile on his face as I'm sure I did too. My ass cheeks spread apart as my pelvis tilted up allowing him a better angle to enter me. I visualized the position and how it must have looked when he thrust. I was finally feeling everything I had seen while jerking off in front of my computer. He had taken control and was using me to pleasure himself. This felt better than any sexual experience I'd ever had. I've thought about men, or more specifically cock, since puberty. I'm not feminine by any means, but while watching straight porn, I always wished I was the girl sucking and getting fucked. Now this sexy older man with a gorgeous cock was deep inside me. He was holding me down with my legs and driving into me. I had reached behind my head and grasped the headboard firmly while moaning uncontrollably. He had started making some noise as well as he fucked me. I was in heaven. He said while exhaling heavily that he was getting close. After a few more deep pounds, he pulled out, stroked a few times, and started to erupt. The first shot flew over my cock and landed on my chest. The next was lower and left a line of cum starting at my stomach and going across my cock. The third I could feel hit my balls and taint. Then he rammed his cock inside me and thrust as he continued to cum. I could feel him throb and I knew he was shooting a lot. At this point it felt like more of a primal, animalistic act. He had given in to his urges and was doing what pleased him. Honestly, it hurt again for a few seconds, but it was a surprisingly enjoyable pain. As he finished using my ass to milk his cock, he told me to start stroking. I grabbed my fully erect cock and started jerking. His cock was softening inside me. He used his fingertips to rub his cum all over my balls. My eyes were closed at this point and I was breathing heavily. I felt his finger on my chest playing with more cum. He put his finger in my mouth and I began to suck it. His cum tasted even better than before. I was about to explode. My cock was ready to burst. I moaned loudly started to fire. I was expecting to feel my juicy excitement hitting my chest, and at the point maybe my face, but that didn't happen. I looked down and he had his hand in a cupping position. I just enjoyed the moment and finished up.

As I slowed down, I saw his hand moving. It began to tilt while above my face and I felt the gooey cream hit my chin just below my mouth. I opened wide while he let his hand drain. Most went in my mouth, but some was around it. Even my own cum tasted amazing. I swallowed and began licking my lips. He flattened his hand and lowered it so I could lick that too.

The entire experience was amazingly satisfying. I had an excellent time. I had just been fucked by a sexy man with a relatively large cock. I gave my first blowjob and was able to not only make him cum, but swallow his load. I found that getting fucked was better than any sex I'd ever had. I was sure I picked the perfect guy to be my first. He was patient with me, gentle at first, and knew how to take control, yet make me feel comfortable and relaxed. I didn't see him again while he was in town, but he says we’ll play more when he comes back. I have a sneaky suspicion that he hooked up with at least one other guy while he was here, but that doesn't really matter to me. When he wants me in his room, I'm going to be there. Until then, I'll see what other fun I can have.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from AdamWade

Finally had my first cock!

I had been curious for years. I finally took the leap and met a guy. We started talking online knowing that he would soon be coming to town. He was older, about 25 years older, professional and in town for a week. Our first meeting was at a bar a couple blocks from his hotel on the Riverwalk. He had salt and pepper hair, a decent build, a nice smile, and lots of charm. I was already very excited,

My second cock... and first deepthroat.

After my first encounter, I was constantly thinking about things I wanted to try and what type of man turned me on more. My first was 25 years older than me, had salt and pepper hair, a nice build for his age, and a really nice cock. I found myself watching porn and jerking off a lot more than normal. Every time I saw a man penetrate a willing hole, wanted it to be me. When I saw a man fire his


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