Alex Fisher-Kane has 4 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
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The shower room was old; the tiles on the wall were worn and cracking in places, and the floor was concrete sloping down to a drain in the middle of the room. But at least the water heater worked well. The two showers that were running full blast produced hot water that nearly filled the room with steam. The two studs fucking in the middle were almost hidden by it -- almost, but... From an early age Marky knew he had a large penis. He first realized this during his frequent masturbation sessions with his next door neighbor Greg. Greg was a few years older than Marky and had introduced him to masturbation. Greg and Marky would often look at Playboy magazines together and then masturbate when spending the night at each other's house.... It was the night after a long performances on the Marky Mark tour. Everywhere in the hotel everyone was sleeping, at least That's what they thought. Marky slept in his bed . He was soon awakened by a noise. He heard a familiar noise but he couldn't make it out. He arose from his bed, with his member fully hard. He stumbled over a couple of things as he...
e-mail Era una giornata d'estate, Marky stava facendo un giro nel deserto con la sua Porche, l'aria era calda e anche Marky si sentiva stranamente eccitato. Ad un tratto la macchina si mise a fare uno strano rumore, Marky vide del fumo uscire dal cofano e decise di fermarsi per controllare. Appena aprì il cofano si accorse che il radiatore si era gustato...
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