LAFIII has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Baptist Boys
Balamb Garden isn't exactly the name you would give to a school, that dedicates its teaching for mercenaries-for-hire. Nevertheless, it was a prestigious school, and well known throughout the world. I stand at the front gate and stare at the impressive size and magestic archetecture that gives it that godly awe. The hues of blue, gold, and mettalic could hypnotize anyone who wasn't...
The next morning I woke to take a shower. Zell was still sleeping and listening to his music that he played loud enough for him to hear but low enough not to disturb me. I entered the cold shower and turned on the heat to keep riveted. As the steam began to engulf me I had begun to wash myself. I washed my face, back, chest, and began to wash my genitals, when I thought of...
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