Bigguy has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Raw Hole
I was walking home from work on a Friday night, kind of excited to finally be having the house all to myself. You see, my boyfriend and I had broken up four weeks prior to tonight, and I was just getting back into a normal rhythm. This was supposed to be my first relaxed night at home without wishing he were here. Our relationship had always been rocky, but we had honestly given it...
You'd think nothing ever happens in the Mississippi woods. I used to think that, too, until last summer. My nephew, John Michael, lives less than a mile from us. "On the next hill," as we usually say. He's my younger brother's oldest, an eighteen year old with a smile to die for. He used to be really blond, until he turned about fourteen, then his hair began darkening a little and...
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