Chaserboy02 has 3 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Family Creep
That was it! The Eagles had just lost their tenth game of the season. Nick was sure Coach would have a stern talk to the team; if not a private talk with Tim himself, since he was the star quarterback. And a star he was. Everyone lusted after him. His natural athletic ability, good looks and impressive muscles combined to make him very appealing. Nick really put himself into the team...
Chris couldn't even remember how long he and Scott had been friends. They had first met years ago when Scott moved to town. The two hit it off instantly and in no time became the best of friends. Now years later the two were still inseparable. They both attended the same college and had even shared a dorm room. Even today the two only lived a block and a half from each other. Chris could tell you...
Brad never looked forward to coming for the holiday break, but his family always expected him to be there for Christmas. Since moving away to college Brad had gained such a sense of liberty and freedom, and it was hard to give that up when under the roof of his parents. Brad had just acknowledged that he was gay, and he feared that under the rigid standards his parents set up they would never...
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