Stevieg has 4 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Aussies Do It
I am a bi-male who has always found both men and women attractive, but have never had the courage to pursue my interest in men. This story is completely true and it was a baptism of fire for me. As I grew more and more interested in finding out how it felt to get a dick up my ass, I decided to practice first, so I decided to get myself a dildo to get used to the feeling. I bought a 10 inch...
It was Monday morning and I was in a great mood because I’d had a meeting with my boss. I’d known what it was about so, I didn’t mind having so see my fat hairy boss. I was in line for a big promotion which I deserved after working so hard for the past three years. I got to his office and we greeted each other and he told me to take a seat. I was ready for the great news and he began telling...
My name is Tando and I am an 18 year old black boy living in South Africa. I have always liked both girls and boys and began enjoying the pleasures of anal sex. I had heard about a gym nearby where mostly gay men worked out and so I decided to just have a look. When I arrived I was given a personal trainer and this guy was huge, he was about 6ft7 and he had arms thicker than my head. We began...
I’m a 22 year old guy who secretly would love to get fucked by a mature grey haired guy so I jumped at the opportunity to help out with swimming classes at a nearby old age home. I figured that there was bound to be some horny old men who just wanted a fuck even if it was with a guy. The classes went great and I befriended a man called Roger who was a widower. Roger and I had similar interests...
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