Rudeboy has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
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Hip Hop Souljah I can’t believe this is happening. My dumb ass actually enlisted in the Army. As I get off the bus all I can do is have second thoughts about what I just committed myself to. I guess a nigga will do anything to get of the streets of Inglewood (in California if you don’t know). My first day of Basic Training was a crazy one. As I walked my 22 year old, 6’2”, 195 lbs, caramel...
“Drop, Drop, DROP! And I don’t mean for push-ups,” screamed DS Jones. “What does he mean,” said PVT Morales, with a confused look on his face. I knew exactly what he wanted us to do. As we went to our knees I was thinking there is no way I could ever put that big black dick in my mouth, it was huge. PVT Morales looked over at me, and then looked at the Black Mamba that DS Jones called a dick. As...
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