Asterix4obelix has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
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Here is Part I of Sheriff Parker Cock Expert. It was a warm rainy southern spring night and I was caught in it. My house was on a rural road several miles from the basketball gym. Didn't expect it would rain this hard or I would have asked one of the guys for a ride. In the distance I saw bright lights and flashing blue police signal. The car pulled up next to me and a person said "git...
Part II of Sheriff Parker Cock Expert When we arrived at the hotel we had separate rooms--really nice rooms. The Sheriff had a Presidential Suite. He told me not to be nervous and don't do anything that I didn't want to. He said he was sorry if I didn't really want to come on this trip. I said I was really looking for to being away from home for a change as I had never been anywhere. ...
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