Gary'sRightHandMan has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Baptist Boys
This is a true story. Names have been changed, but the storyline is true and real.I don’t recall exactly when I first saw him, but remember thinking how much I wanted to get him in bed! A real bad boy type, hopping out of his beat up blue Ford pickup, grabbing his work stuff from the truck bed and then heading towards my building. Jeans, sweaty t-shirt and work boots! Let me at him I...
This is a true story. Names have been changed, but the storyline is true and real.I don’t recall exactly when I first saw him, but remember thinking how much I wanted to get him in bed! A real bad boy type, hopping out of his beat up blue Ford pickup, grabbing his work stuff from the truck bed and then heading towards my building. Jeans, sweaty t-shirt and work boots! Let me at him I...
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