Barry has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
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Ini adalah kali pertama aku tulis di ruangan ini. Ini adalah kisah benar berlaku pada tahun 2000. AKu telah berkenalan dengan seorang eksekutif bank (X) yang bekerja di sebuah bandar di Utara Johor. Aku pula bekerja di bandar selatan johor. Kami berkenalan melalui internet. Kemudian bertemu di bandar di mana X bekerja. Aku check-in dekat hotel. X telefon dan kami bertemu di bilik...
Having attended the university for four years, I was fairly well acquainted with most of the faculty in the English department especially since I was an English major. When registering for classes this fall I noticed that Leslie Scoggins was teaching a course in Native American literature. I decided to sign up for it since I could use the exposure to new forms of literature, and I...
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