Artyn has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Cocky Boys
I was in my early 20’s when this particular event occurred… it changed my life forever. As a youth I always dreamed of an older more mature gent taking charge, immobilising me and having his way but that is really as far as this fantasy went, until this day. I had finished work early afternoon and went into town to find myself a pair of black shoes to wear with my new trousers I had bought a...
My balls felt like they were turning blue by the time he had finished manipulating them with this foot. He got me to stand up, turn around and then un-tethered by genitals, he removed the red Speedos and unbound my hands. I was again free to move around. I was told to stand bedside the chair that was in the middle of the storeroom because we needed to have a little chat! He said that he was...
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