Anyman2 has 5 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
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I lay in bed doing what I usually do, thinking about cock. I was so caught up in my daydreams that my cock was getting really hard and I began stroking. I thought that I might even cum, unusual for me. I went in the bathroom and continued pumping. I finally decided that it wasn't going to happen and gave up. But I couldn't keep my hands off my throbbing cock. At last I was able to quit and...
I had just passed thru the checkout at my favorite store and spotted a man sitting on a bench. I had nothing to do, no friends so I joined him for some casual conversation. He told me that he was waiting for his wife so I figured to stay till she arrived. Paul and I had a lot in common so conversation was no problem. Eventually, Paul's hand was on my leg. I felt nothing of it, figured it was...
I would welcome comments at A look back at the first time I sucked cock. While I loved eating Pussy I wasn't getting any. I thought about male sex but not seriously. As time wore on, I became desperate. I started searching the net and chatted with a few guys. Finally, one sent me his phone number and it scared the hell out of me. In my desperation for sex, I decided to...
Peter and I enjoyed watching porn on his large screen TV. It was in his basement and Megen (Pete's wife) never bothered us and had no idea what we were doing. One day we got on a Gay site and found it to be pretty exciting. Eventually we progressed to stroking while watching. The next logical move was to stroke each other. One day Pete surprised me by taking my cock in his mouth. That was...
Jack and I would get together every Saturday and have a few beers and chit-chat.This one weekend in particular, Jack's girlfriend Patty, joined us. I don;t know what she was drinking but it wasn't long before we were all pretty well shot. The conversation started to get a little raunchy. Eventually we got around to oral sex. Patty was bemoaning the fact that Jack would not go down on her....
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