Gay Erotic Stories

Lost bet

by Dickdude

It was the month of July and hot as hell. Me and my brother Todd we're playing basket ball, of course he had my ass beat being the big sport star that he was. He kinda towered over me Being 6' 5" 170 pounds. 20yrs. old and damn good looking. Me well I wasn't the big stud he was with the girls but at 18yrs. old 135 pounds and 5' 7" I wasn't to far behind. Anyway we we're playing ball and like I said he had my ass beat But I was holding my own the score was 8 to 10 in his favor and he was about to go for 2 more. My mom said that she was going to spend the rest of the afternoon with a sick friend and that leftovers would be in the oven, so we were on our own. As he went to shoot and my mom sped off he looked at me, froze and gave me a devilish grin. He then in a low tone turned to me and said " Let's up the stakes of the game" I naively said " Ok, but I'm broke until Friday and I don't have any savings." He said " That's ok we can play for something else". " Well I don't have any new CD's I can put up". I said, remembering how many I had already lost to his athletic stamina. " No I have a better idea, we'll play for each other's ass" looking at me sternly. I thought the last time we played for each others ass it meant that we worked the losers "ass" off and he had purposely left his smelly socks and underwear in his room so that I had to pick them up. As I scolded " Fuck no"! he made a 2 pointer. He said " Come on it won't be that bad, besides I won't make you do anything you don't REALLY want to do". My gut told me not to trust him but I said "ok" Of course it was a landslide and I walked up to him and said " As the winner what was my 1st duty as his peon ass". He looked and said " Your first job is to vow the responsibility of your master's needs". I said " Fuck you, and kiss my ass". " There will be plenty of time for that later".He said, making me a little apprehensive."But 1st you will pledge yourself to my every whim".Now at this point I'm starting to get a little hot at the prospect of my brother taken possession of my ass. He then said check this out as he pulled open the side of his umbro's out flopped a good size piece of dick meat. I felt my mouth start to water and think " What the fuck am I doing" as I started to sink to my knee's " What's up bro, you drewlin over this big dick"? He said as he pulled his short's over a little more. I couldn't say a word but felt my chin drop as his thick cock snaked out of it's confines. "Holy shit" I said " How fuckin big is that thing man". "9 fuckin inches when hard man" He said " 6 when soft which don't happen real often" He mumbled. "I bet the ladies love that shit" I said with a grin on my face. He pulled his short down so I could see more of his pubic hair and then hoisted his cock up and out over the top of his waistband. "Yeah I've fucked quite a bit of ass with this ass splitter but I like a good tight fuck to cream somebodies guts. I thought "Imagine all those girls moaning and groaning as my brother Todd pounds their pussies". I must have looked dazed because he spoke up loudly and said " Yeah but my favorite thing is head, I love to have someone just get down on their knee's and suck my dick"! He looked at me and added " A nice deep wet throat to shove this thing down. I just looked at him and said " I'm sure you don't come across that real often with that fuckin tool". " He smirked " Well seeing is how you lost the bet dude". My eyes jumped " No fuckin way man I ain't no fag. " You don't have to be to enjoy a good blowjob man". He waved his fully hard cock just inches from my face as I noticed a little cum dribbling out of the end. " Suck it man, eat my dick". I started to stick my tongue out and lick the head and felt a major hard-on in my short's, the big mushroom shaped head stared at me begging for me to take it in my mouth as I started to go down on the purplish tube shape I heard my brother sigh " that's it man all the fuckin way down" I started to ease it down my throat and was surprised it went considering this was my first time to do this " Yeah dude make me blow this load". As I started to piston up and down his shaft I could feel his grip getting tighter on the back of my head. " That's it polish that knob boy" He growled as sped up the pace, I started a more frantic and rough rhythm hoping I'd get a good face full of cum. I started to jack-off myself getting hotter and hotter by the minute. And just as I was about to cum he started face-fucking me hard. When I heard " Oh fuck yeah man that's it blowin it down your throat ". With that I felt the first of many blast's of cum shoot down my throat " Aaaahhh, hell yes that's it suck it, suck it, suck it". I felt my own balls tighten up as I shot my load some of it on my leg some on his. Some even landed up on his balls and the spot between his balls and asshole. " Oh man that is some awesome fuckin head man" he said as he started to shake. " Turn around " I said " What"? Looking at me confused " Turn around" I barked he turned around and I slightly bent him over " Relax man I'm not gonna butt fuck you....not yet anyway" I leaned in and started to lightly lick my load off his balls and by his asshole. He let out a groan and said" Oh baby lick that ass" I did and when I was done I looked and said looks like I got the prize but then again who's keeping score?

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10 Gay Erotic Stories from Dickdude

Amusement Park

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Losing Bet 2

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Lost bet

It was the month of July and hot as hell. Me and my brother Todd we're playing basket ball, of course he had my ass beat being the big sport star that he was.

Pop at the gloryhole

I was home from college for the summer, my parents are divorced so I spent the first part with my mom the second part with my dad. My dad picked me up at the airport, grabbing my luggage he threw it in the truck then hugged me "It's great to see you" he smiled. I smiled back "It's great to see you too". He opened the door "Let's get out of here, before security runs us off." We

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The Hot C.O.

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