Clarke Packer has 3 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Sketchy Sex
Physically, Zack was the opposite from Adam. Zack had just turned nineteen and was celebrating his freedom with a summer visit to his beloved brother whom he had not seen in six years. Adam and I drove to the airport to meet him. “You might not be able to pick this one out,” Adam said. It was true I had never seen this nephew. “If I find him, I get to pop his virgin asshole.” ...
Driving South on US 84 out of Ontario, Oregon, I was headed for Phoenix, Arizona. The company mobile studio purred easily along. It was the latest state of the art: the best digital cameras and programs to blend the subjects with backgrounds. My assignment was to drive from Seattle to Phoenix and then back to the main office in San Diego. I had been to the Renaissance Fair in...
The first time I had a blowjob, I gave it to myself. No, I’m not excessively endowed, just very gymnastic. I was lean and agile and by lying on my back and then rocking up onto my shoulders, I could bring my knees down to my shoulders and suck my own cock. I never got brave enough to suggest sex to another person until I was almost twenty. I was my own best friend. I graduated...
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