Hotjack has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Guys In Sweatpants
It's one of those things that, in retrospect, should have been as plain as the nose on my face. If I would have been on TV, people would have been screaming at me for being so stupid. So...sue me for being stupid. I didn't believe it could be real, even when I made the connection. I figure it started some time around the time when my friend Eric and I played racquetball...
"Carl...I know this sounds weird, but I liked the taste of your cum." It stopped me dead in my tracks. There he sat, elbows on his knees, chin on his clasped hands. Biceps thrust out of his skintight, gray tee-shirt, and massive thighs flexed as he assumed the pose of a buff "Thinker". Rodin would have been proud. I could feel my cock getting thicker and heavier in...
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