SexiBeast has 4 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Young Perps
I was just about ready to hop into bed for the night when I heard someone pounding on my door. I glanced at a clock on my way to the door. It was 12:46, a little late for a visitor. I peered out of the peephole before swinging the door open with an uncertain grin. “Ken,” I greeted as soon as the door was open. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Ken looked at me through grim hazel eyes...
I probably don’t look that strange to you. If we passed on a crowded thoroughfare, there’s probably nothing that would single me out in the crowd and cause your head to turn. There is no hint anymore of what I used to be, no shred of the wonder and glory that was once mine. I am a human now, fully and completely. I’m not sure what you’d call my story. Irony would mock that it be known as a...
The high afternoon sun was shattered by the myriad of tangled and gnarled branches overhead. It might have been bearable had there been leaves on those branches, but this part of the forest was dead and gray. The stench of rot hung on the air, a sure sign of the evil I had been hired to hunt. I clutched the sword at my side restlessly, my crystal blue eyes darting every direction at once as my...
I cursed silently under my breath as I walked underneath the scorching desert sun. I had gravely misjudged my gas mileage and was now stranded in the middle of nowhere with a car that refused to budge. And, of course, I would have to choose the most desolate road in Arizona to do my traveling. I had been walking now for at least three hours and still hadn’t seen any signs of life, unless you...
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