Backup16 has 4 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Guys In Sweatpants
As I start this I need to clarify a few points. I am very much in the closet and no one who personally knows me, has any idea I am bi or really get excited when it comes to being around men. Other than a few encounters from when I was growing up, about 5 at rest areas, maybe 5 in college and one gay bath house experience, I have been totally straight acting. Being married and with a family and...
If you read my rest area experience prior to leaving for college you would probably think I headed straight there to find as much sex as possible. However, the opposite is true. You must remember that I am older so when I went to college in the 60's "gay was not cool". The plus side was we had never heard of AIDS. So when I arrived, I put my gay experiences behind me and you could not find...
Let me start with a quick background. When I was 18 I got into a bad accident with my bike. I ended up in the hospital for several days and then at home in a brace for over a month. Both my collarbones were broken along with my arm so they had me in a brace that looked like I always wanted to walk up and hug you. (It was a real bitch--trust me.) Because of this, my mom had to get someone to...
Let me start this true story with a little background on my self. I was raised by a single Mom and had no brothers or sisters. Everything about sex I learned on my own. From as early as I can remember I enjoyed playin’ with myself and getting an erection and as I got older, I was playin’ and had my first climax and ever since I have not been able to stop. I had the usual childhood...
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