Dick Lick has 5 stories published on MenOnTheNet.com's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Jock Breeders
Tonight I was feeling extremely horny and decided to try my luck at an old cruising spot near where I live. This area is a picnic area with bathroom for the public and is known as an area where a lot of married men cruise to get blowjobs from guys like me. As I pulled into the picnic area, I noted that there was a car parked near the last table on a one-way circular drive thru the area. I...
I have liked men ever since I discovered sex in my pre-teens. Like many others from my generation went the straight and narrow for many years. Then about five years ago, my life changed again. Having just gotten out of my last relationship with a woman, a chance encounter with a fella at the laundromat changed my direction. Over the years, I have managed to attract my share of men my age,...
Like many from the "Baby Boomer" era, I grew up in total denial of my true sexuality. Like many I experimented with other boys during puberty and thought that like them, I would grow out of it, so to speak as time went by. To some degree, that did come to pass. Raised in a strict religious setting, I had many taboos against me from the start. In my own mind, I never saw anything wrong with...
Mike and I had first met through one of those adult male sites online when he responded to my profile. He had written indicating that he was curious about what I might have to offer. I had written that I had a discreet place to play, was very oral, and wanted to service mature guys age 45+. When Mike wrote he indicated that he lived in the same town and he hoped that would not be a problem....
Carl was older than me and had married my niece who was younger than me. Their marriage was rocky from the start as Carl had several run-ins with the law. It finally caught up with him and he was sent away to prison for three years. My niece couldn't take it and divorced Carl while he was put away. After he got out of prison, we saw one another occasionally and I had always liked Carl, so we...
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