Hornyfred has 4 stories published on MenOnTheNet.com's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Men
This was the first time that I exposed myself to anyone. I had just gone out of state to college and I was 18 years old. I was renting a basement apartment in a four-plex. The building and parking lot backed onto a convenience store and I noticed that some of the college students would cut through my backyard to get to the store. There was one guy in particular that I would see quite regularly...
The next day I was getting very hot having the three guys staring at my body. I decided to have some fun with them. I deliberately bent over my bicycle to let them see my ass. I could sneak looks in their direction without them knowing that I was watching them as well. It was extremely exciting to see how they would look at me and try to hide what they were doing. They would play catch and...
I was living in a ground floor apartment several years ago. There was one really cute guy who lived next door. I would see him hanging out with his friends. They were all around 18 years old. On one occasion he was stripping in front of his upstairs window. Although I lived downstairs I could still see straight up into his room. His jeans were on very tight and he really struggled to...
Last summer I was supposed to meet some friends at a camp ground for the weekend. However, at the last minute they backed out. The site was booked so I figured that I might as well use it. When I got there I noticed that the site was fairly secluded so I would be able to jerk off in relative privacy. The only campers nearby were three guys in three tents behind me. One of them looked...
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