Wordslangah has 3 stories published on MenOnTheNet.com's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Hard Brit Lads
bouncin' up & down on mah lipz by word slangah slang d mah - my n - in uh - a doggfather - dick howling wolf - hard dick mr. cleanhead - dick pink - tongue 730 - police code for going crazy leadbelly - hard dick da room waz lit with low-intensity blue fluorescent light & smelled like "indian fruit money house blessin'" air freshener. jamaal waz tha man of the moment. he had...
i know u got it by word slangah slang d uh- a porksword - dick homebrew - cum ride - booty i bumped n2 himwhile i wuz walkin down lasalle & grand ave.mah eyes caught his face. he wuz fine. his head wuz wrapped upn uh raw umber colored bandana.he wuz uh tall light-skinned brutha with muscle on his bones. he wuz n hustle mode. he had that just-got-outta-jail &...
use dat tongue boi by word slangah (aka henry hardee) slang d - ass wide O - asshole b - be b4 - before balloons - bubbles, humps big screen - bootie c - see cash register - asshole cookie monstah - asseater couch potatoes - bootie da - the dawggie biscuit - bootie enuf - enough floppy - tongue fruit on his tree - body parts funland - just inside the ass lips gangstah -...
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