Hitchcock has 4 stories published on MenOnTheNet.com's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
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I loved to go to the local swimming hole in the summer. Always lots of local young guys jumping and hot-dogging off the awesome rope swing. I had done it a lot too, and was pretty good at it. The creek was pretty deep, and the tree that the rope was tied to leaned way over the creek about 50 feet up, so the swing "ride" was pretty far out and you could fly out and almost the whole way back, then...
My sophomore year in college my best friend from high school came to the same college I was in and we decided to room together. He was a year younger, and a few inches shorter, but built like a wrestler. Blond, blue eyes, a great smile, and we shared a lot of similar interests. His main fantasy at the time was Victoria Principle, and mine was HIM. I loved watching him. In high school I was the...
In college I swam laps for exercise every other day. I hated exercise, but at least under water you don't sweat so much, and you can see lots of cock in the showers and locker room. The pool was open ‘til 10 pm, so a lot of times I would swim 9-10 and take my time cleaning up so I could linger and watch the other guys without being rushed to a class. One night a particularly hot guy was also...
It was really fucking hot, and I had just got finished mowing lawns all day for a landscaping company. I was sweaty and sticky, and my clothes were covered in grass clippings, and I felt like I was burning up. I knew a good swimming hole nearby, so I stopped on my bike at the trail that led from the roadside to the creek. I left my sweat-soaked tank top on the bike and headed down the trail. ...
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