Mcoburn9053 has 3 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
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Hey guys sorry I took so long getting back to this story i have been really busy with classes and school work homework and work im paying for my school and as many of you may know it is very expensive for a full time schedule. But i am back to finish up the story and the rest of the story will be better and way more detailed :). Enjoy:)...............................……………………Eric...
My dad was standing in the doorway to my room with a monster in his hand. As soon as he noticed i saw him he started to put his cock away and i barley had enough energy to speak my voice was ragged and horse when i told him not to do that. Eric looked over and and said ,...
Eric and I had been going out for about 3 years one day when he was bringing me home from class one day. I said hey my dad isnt home u wanna come inside? he says yeah! and we get out and go inside and as soon as the door is closed Eric is all over me like white on rice. i had to break the kiss and tell him to wait for us to get to my room! Wen we get to my room he lays me on mi bed and...
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