Bottomslut4tops has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Military Classified
Jake & MeOne summer during my high school years, my parents sent me off to spend a few months at my grandparent's farm. I tried to protest as I thought I'd be bored silly out in the boonies, but my parents insisted that they knew what was best for me. Little did I know or expect what was in store for me. I had known at an early age that I was attracted to men, especially masculine,...
Losing My Cherry To DadMy parents divorced when I was about 5 years old. Dad evidently had had a long time sexual affair and when Mom found out about it, she couldn’t accept that. I rarely saw my father once they separated as he moved to California shortly thereafter. During the summer months, I would almost always visit Dad for 3 or 4 weeks and I really enjoyed those visits. I loved him so...
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