ArtisticBiGuy has 3 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Men At Play
"I hate you," were the last words spit at me as Justin slammed the door closed on me and our friendship. To say I was stunned would have been an understatement. I didn't even notice when Tina slipped on her clothes, kissed me on the cheek and left, saying, "I'd better go." My best friend had just stormed out of my life, and I didn't know why. ********** Taking English 201 while the sun was...
Have you ever loved someone so much that the very thought of life without them incapacitates you? I have. I knew the total devastation of it as the doctors told us that Cheryl's cancer was too advanced; it was terminal; she had only a month or two to live. Fifteen years were ending in a few short days. The pain took me to my knees and the only thing that kept me from hitting the floor was Carlos....
I hadn't seen Drew in almost ten years. He'd been my best friend in high school. We'd gone to different colleges and after graduation we ended up on the opposite ends of the country. I honestly hadn't thought much of Drew in years. I suppose I didn't want to think about him, it brought up too many emotions. "Hey, dufuss." Ten years had passed and I could still recognize Drew's voice in a...
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