Jizzman has 4 stories published on MenOnTheNet.com's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Private Playground XXX
Disclaimer: Please note that this story is purely fictional--that is to say this is a rape fantasy story, which did not happen. Unsafe sexual acts are not recommended or encouraged. Please practice safe and consensual sex. Who knows exactly why we chose them. It might have been that the two of them looked so innocent and naïve sitting on a park bench, like two guys who just...
Rich, Jeff and I had been buddies since childhood. Our parents lived on the same block and we grew up going to the same junior high and high schools. We played sports together, and for a while even formed our own rock band. As we grew up, got married and each started a family, we always found time to spend together. We had an annual vacation in the summer where just the three...
I live in an abandoned building in a part of town that if you're smart you stay away from. I live in a loft that has the view of an alleyway, where I have witnessed things that would make your hair stand on edge. Fortunately, no one has ever noticed me watching what goes on. And I've leaned to keep my mouth shut. If you're really smart, never walk through this alley at night....
As the plane taxied towards the terminal, the immense crowd of young people – largely girls – began cheering and shouting. The plane stopped. The steps to the airplane were wheeled to the door, and immediately the ranks of police formed two lines. Buffering the long, wooden walkway, elevated 3' above the dense, clamoring crowd, they would guard the arriving, celebrity from the plane...
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