Mr X has 3 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Naked Sword
"Shit!" exclaimed Trey as he whipped his car into the nearly empty parking lot of his barber shop. It was five minutes past six, and he knew that Kevin was closing the shop for the weekend. Trey would have just gone home, but he really needed to get his black, curly hair trimmed and his goatee edged up. Trey jumped out of his car and rushed to the door. Fortunately, it was still...
David eased his weary body into the shower. It had been a long day…first, football practice at 5 a.m., then a grueling day of classes, then more practice, and then a long meeting with one of the coaches and then a workout. And he hadn't eaten since lunch. It seemed as if he couldn't catch a break between trying to maintain a decent G.P.A. and being a decent tight end for the...
Raphael stared at his young muscular prisoner; David was lying on the wooden table, moaning. The ass-reaming and abuse that Raphael had given David hurt him. But David was a strong stud; his endurance was phenomenal-even his football coaches wondered how he could work out in the middle of summer heat and never tire. But this was a different situation. Raphael had worked David over for...
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