Hngboybtm has 2 stories published on's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Corbin Fisher
It had been a long time since I had much alcohol, and it kind of sneaked up on me. Earlier in the evening, my team had won the work recreation league basketball title, so a few of the guys and I went out to celebrate. The problem was that I had celebrated a bit more than I should, since I had driven my own car. My best friend on the team, Shawn, had ridden with me. He had had a few drinks as...
I had been working out very hard for a few months and it was definitely beginning to pay off. It wasn’t as if I had ever really let myself go – I was in pretty good shape to begin with, but I was determined to get leaner. I started playing basketball again and hit the weights harder than before. Slowly but surely, the washboard stomach had returned, as had the “cups” that accentuated my...
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