Dr. Mark has 5 stories published on MenOnTheNet.com's Gay Erotic Stories, including:
Visit Kristen Bjorn
I'm a family doctor with my own practice just outside Boston. I have two other doctors I work with. One is a female who sees most of our women patients and the other is a pediatrician who sees all the children. I see most everyone else. My wife, two kids and I live in a nice house right next door to our best friends, Peg and Ed and their 3 children. I'm also their family doctor. Peg sees my...
That day Ed and I spent fishing and swimming off the boat. It was a warm sunny day and our friendship took a different turn. After last night, we were closer than ever. That night we had a long talk about what happened. We both realized that neither of us had a desire to have sex with other men. This was between us and us alone. We were happy with our families and didn't want any of that to...
I'm a General Practioner at a family practice just outside of Boston. I've been a doctor for over 10 years now and I'm happily married with 3 children. At 42 I'm happy with my life and career. Nothing too out of the ordinary (for a doctor) really ever happened until one morning when my nurse told me I had a new patient. I told her to take him into one of the examination rooms and start the...
I'm the sports physician at our local university and I take care of all the male athletes and coaches. I've always been into sports and really love my work here. Most of it is taking care of minor injuries and physical therapy rehab. Our track coach, Phil Rizzuli, had torn some ligaments in his left leg and I had him on a rehab program that brought him to my office three times a week for some...
Two things that I've always been interested in since I was a kid were sports and medicine. So it was a natural for me to go into sports medicine after I graduated from medical school and completed my residency. I took a position with a large university and worked very closely with all the student athletes and coaches. Oh, did I mention that I'm bisexual? Well, I am and have been comfortable...
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