Gay Erotic Stories

My Neighbor, the Coach

by Dr. Mark
18 Feb 2003

Doctor Straight Men, Gay Sex

I'm a family doctor with my own practice just outside Boston. I have two other doctors I work with. One is a female who sees most of our women patients and the other is a pediatrician who sees all the children. I see most everyone else.

My wife, two kids and I live in a nice house right next door to our best friends, Peg and Ed and their 3 children. I'm also their family doctor. Peg sees my woman colleague and I'm Ed's doctor. Ed is an athletic director at the local university. We're all in our early 40's and really enjoy being friends. Our kids go to school together, we vacation together and spend most holidays with each other. It's more like an extended family than best friends.

One Sunday morning last summer Peg, Ed, my wife and I were having breakfast around their pool when Ed complained of stomach cramps. I asked him a few cursory questions like what he had for dinner the night before and decided we should just jump in the car and go to my office where I could examine him better. He balked at first, but his wife convinced him to come with me, so we hopped in my car and drove to the office.

Since it was Sunday no one was there so we arrived in our tee shirts, bathing suits and sandals. I flipped on the lights and told Ed to get undressed and put on a gown. I went out to find his chart. When I came back, Ed was sitting on the exam table nude. He said why use a gown when nobody else was here but us. Now I've seen Ed nude many times so this wasn't so very unusual.

Being in athletics his whole life, at 42 Ed still had a great looking body. He's 6 foot 2, about 210 lbs of solid muscle with just enough hair to make him look good, not overly hairy like some men. Ed and I are the same age and when we first met I was a bit out of shape from too much medical school and not enough activity. Ed began to whip me into shape so that now, while I'm not in as good a shape as he is, my body is tight and not bad for a man my age.

As I said, I've seen Ed naked many times, in my office and at the gym. We used to joke over who at the biggest dick. We decided after some good-natured ribbing that it was a tie. His was bigger when soft, about 5 inches while mine when soft was only about 3 inches. But although we'd never seen each other with a hard on, we both said that erect, we were a good 7 inches.

I told Ed to lie back on the table and in my most serious voice I told him that I knew what his problem was. His face darkened and asked what was wrong. I told him it was obvious that his dick was shrinking, as he got older. He looked at me funny then burst out laughing.

We settled down and I began to examine him. I was feeling around his abdomen for anything unusual that might be causing pain when he told me that he thought he knew what might be wrong. I stopped examining him and asked what it was.

He hesitated and stammered a bit then he told me that two months ago he and his wife were having sex and he was using her vibrator on her. He said one thing led to another and Peg convinced him to let her try it on him. I wasn't overly shocked, but he had my full attention.

He said he'd never put anything in his ass before so they used a lot of lube and with some effort she finally got it about half way in him and turned it on. He said it was the most fantastic feeling he'd ever had and he had the most shattering orgasm in years. He said he got hooked on it and not only have they used it together every time since, but he's been using it alone when she wasn't home. I asked him how often that was and he blushed and said everyday and now he was afraid he might have used it too much and hurt himself.

I had to keep myself from laughing but he saw me grinning and we both broke up. I told him I doubted he'd done any serious damage, but we could do a rectal exam to make sure. I asked if he'd noticed any blood and he said no, which was a good sign.

I got a pair of latex gloves and the KY Jelly. I had him pull his legs up to his chest and spread open. I lubed my finger and began to press against his anus. I slipped my finger inside him carefully. His prostate felt normal and there were no visible signs of tearing or damage. I was concentrating on the exam and without looking up, I said to him that everything felt good. To my utter shock, he practically moaned and said, "It SURE does!" I looked up and Ed had a grin on his face and an erection that was throbbing to beat the band!

I slid my finger out of him and chuckled. He apologized and said I probably thought he was a pervert or something. I said no, not at all, just a normal, horny guy but he was lucky I was his best friend and his "secret" would be safe with me. We laughed some more but I noticed his erection was not only NOT going down, but also he had a tiny drop of pre-cum dripping out the head of his cock.

He surprised me again by reaching down and putting one of his big hands around his dick. He said he wasn't going to be able to get his bathing suit back on. I laughed and said he could finish up in the bathroom if he wanted to. He gave his dick a long, slow stroke and very quietly said, "You're my doctor, couldn't you help me out?"

Normally if he were just a patient I would have sternly declined and left the room. However when I looked at him, all I saw was the handsome face of my best buddy. Without a thought as to what I was doing I reached out and slipped my finger back between his ass cheeks. Ed closed his eyes and sighed as I slowly pushed my finger back inside him. His body shuddered and he began to gently pump his engorged cock, which was now leaking pre-cum and getting very slick.

He began to push against my hand so I gently pumped my finger against his prostate. He was breathing heavy now and quietly moaning. I didn't think he'd last long and I was right. I looked at me and quietly said, "Here goes, buddy, watch out".

I couldn't take my eyes off him as I felt his ass muscles clench against my finger. Two more strokes of his slippery cock and he began to grunt and pump jet after jet of his cum across his chest. His head was rolling back and forth and his body convulsed on the table. He began to settle down and his breathing was getting quieter. I slowly slipped my finger out of him. He sighed.

I gave him a towel to clean up as I took off my gloves and washed my hands. We were both quiet. After he got dressed, he turned to me and said he hoped what just happened wouldn't change our friendship. Before I could say anything he said he was sorry but he couldn't help himself. I sat him down and reassured him that I was still his friend and that I didn't think any less of him. I said, "As a matter of fact, I'm a bit jealous. You really seemed to get off on that."

He said his newfound "hobby" had really perked up his sex life, with his wife and without! I laughed and confided to him that I could use a little "perking up" myself. He said I had no idea how good this feels and that my wife and I should give it a try. I told him I didn't think my wife would go for it because she was pretty "straight" about sex. I couldn't believe it but the next thing out of my mouth was that she hardly ever gave me oral sex either since the kids were born.

We were both quiet for a minute and Ed said I should just take matters into my own hands like he did. We looked at each other and again started to laugh. He said, "Hell, I could even return the favor. It's the least I could do after what you just did for me."

I couldn't tell if he was serious or not. We just laughed as we got back in the car and drove home. We told our wives that he had a little stomach virus and was just fine now. We didn't say a word about the "exam".

But I couldn't get Ed or his look of ecstasy off my mind. I tried to remember the last time I had an orgasm as earth shattering as the one I'd helped him have.

The following Friday happened to be my birthday. As usual my wife and I celebrated with Peg and Ed. They cooked a fine dinner at their house and afterward we all had cake and coffee. Ed and Peg surprised my wife and I with a birthday present that they said was for both of us. They'd arranged for her mother to come and watch the kids for the weekend. My wife and Peg were going to a spa for a full treatment the following day. It was an overnight stay. My part of the surprise was that Ed and I were going to spend Saturday and Sunday on his boat, which is a nice sized cabin cruiser that slept 5. We were going fishing. We thanked them profusely and had a toast to our friendship.

The next day Ed and I left for the boat, which was moored about an hour away. We parked the car and began to stow our gear on the boat. When everything was aboard, we shoved off for two days of sun and fishing. We got to Ed's favorite spot, which was a secluded cove, and we dropped anchor.

We'd been fishing and drinking beer for about an hour when Ed said he thought it was time to give me my "other" present. I had no idea what he was talking about when he handed me a nicely wrapped gift. I looked at him oddly and he just smiled and said, "Go on, open it."

I unwrapped the box and my jaw hit the deck when I saw what was inside. Ed had bought me a vibrating dildo and a small tube of KY. He winked at me and said, "Hey, what are best friends for. This can be our little secret." I smiled at him and put the box down. We said no more about it and resumed our fishing.

A couple more beers later and while I certainly wasn't drunk, I was feeling a bit bolder. Ed looked over at me and must have read my mind because he said, "Go on. Go down below and give it a try." Without giving it another thought, because I'd probably chicken out, I picked up the box and went below to my cabin.

I got out of my bathing suit and lay down on the bed naked. I was shaking with anticipation. I took the lube and put some on my ass and then some on my cock and stroked it to erection. Then I laid back and slowly placed the dildo at the opening of my ass. As a doctor, I was careful and knew I needed to relax my muscles if this was going to work. Slowly I pushed and twisted until I felt my ass muscles relax and begin to open up.

To my surprise my cock felt harder than it had in years! Once I had about an inch inside me I turned it on. The second it began to vibrate inside my ass the most incredible feelings came over me, my ass opened up, and the dildo began to slide where nothing had ever gone before. Before I knew what was happening, I had about 6 inches of vibrating dildo inside me and my cock was bouncing and leaking and ready to burst. I lost all sense of time and place, but I know it didn't last long. Soon I was moaning and ready to cum. When I felt the first shot boiling up in my balls I was seeing stars! My ass pushed against the dildo and took a couple more inches easily. As soon as that happened my cock exploded and I came so hard that it hit my neck and face. Some of my cum even landed on my lips and without thinking I licked it off. The salty taste was exotic and erotic. I came and came until I finally was exhausted. I let my legs slide down and felt the dildo slowly slip out of my ass. My head was spinning and I just lay there catching my breath.

I don't know if I dozed off or not, but the next thing I knew there was a gently knock at the cabin door. It was Ed. I was too weak to move and just told him to come in. I didn't even bother to cover up. Ed came in and there I was sprawled out on the bed, naked with half a hard on and cum all over my chest, neck and face.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and handed me a towel. As I cleaned up he said he didn't need to ask me how it was because from the moans and groans he could hear above, he KNEW I was enjoying my new toy. I blushed 10 shades of red. I said I didn't realize I was so loud. Ed laughed and laughed. He said not to worry, it was just us guys. He left and I got up and put on my bathing suit again to join him up on deck.

I said to him that he was the best friend I'd ever had and I really was grateful to him for the gift. I said I thought I could maybe gently introduce the idea to my wife and we might be able to rekindle our sex life. I was a bit surprised when Ed said, "Well buddy, if she won't help you, you've always got me." I wasn't quite sure how to take that, but I found out later on that night.

We fished a bit more then as it got later we made ourselves a nice dinner in the galley and shared a bottle of wine. As it got later I said I was tired and was going to hit the hay early. Ed smiled at me and winked. He said, "Don't wear out the batteries." I laughed and laughed. Then he told me he brought his own little toy this weekend and was planning a nice workout before going to sleep. He smiled and said he hoped he didn't keep me up with the noise.

We cleaned up and went down to our cabins. I got out of my clothes and hopped naked into my bunk. The dildo and lube were on the shelf next to me. I looked at it and decided not to go over board on the first night. (no pun intended). I shut out the light and rolled on my side and quickly drifted off to sleep.

A bit later I woke up. At first I thought the rocking of the boat woke me, but I soon realized it was perfectly still on the boat but there was some sound coming from Ed's cabin. I listened closely and I could hear the hum of the vibrator and Ed softly moaning. The thought of what he was doing got my juices flowing and soon, I had a nice hard on going. I reached for the light to turn it on and got the dildo off the shelf. I began to lube it up a bit when by accident I dropped it on the floor. I said, "Shit!" and reached over to get it. I must have been louder than I thought because the next thing I heard was Ed laughing and calling out, "You okay in there? Don't hurt yourself." I began to laugh also.

Next thing I knew, Ed was at my door naked as the day he was born. His dildo was in his hand and his cock was standing straight out from his body. He quietly said, "Want some company?"

Before I could even answer he was in bed next to me. I don't know why, but it didn't seem strange at all to be naked and ready to JO with my best friend. We did everything else together, why not this.

Without saying a word, we both lay back and pulled our knees up. We switched on our vibrators and placed them at our asses. Soon we were both fucking ourselves and beating off. The bed wasn't that big so Ed's body was right up against mine. Not only was the feeling of the vibrator in my ass turning me on, but I realized that this hot body touching mine was also. And it was ED...Not my wife.

He looked over at me and smiled and sighed. We were both slowing working the dildos in our asses and feeling great. He looked at me and said, "I told you this was wonderful." And he placed one of his hands on my thigh and began to stroke it. It seemed so natural for him to touch me that I in turn, placed my hand on his abdomen and stroked his stomach. He closed his eyes and sighed and moved closer to me. We were now touching head to toe on our sides.

No more words were spoken between us. Ed turned on his side and faced me. I turned to face him. He wrapped one arm around me and with his other hand, he reached down and took my dildo from me and spread open my legs. I just lay there as he began to push it in my ass. He muscular arms around me felt great. Our cocks were pressed between us as he pumped the dildo inside me. I reached between his legs and found his dildo and began to use it on him. We were two hot muscular men, entwined in each other's arms giving each other unbelievable pleasure.

As we pumped each other's ass with the dildos, we ground our cocks together. Soon, too soon I realized I was getting ready to cum. I looked Ed right in the eyes...he whispered, "Go for it…I'm ready too."

A couple of seconds later and we were both groaning and thrashing against each other as we began to both shoot our loads between us. I don't know how long it lasted, but all I remember is being wrapped in Ed's arms with our hot cum smeared all over between us. Ed was breathing heavy in my ear. He gave me a huge hug and sighed. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning I woke up alone in bed. I got up and cleaned myself up, put on my bathing suit and went above. Ed was already up making coffee and he hadn't bothered to put any clothes on. I looked at my naked best friend and a nice warm feeling came over me. We talked about the night before and were both fine with what we'd done. We were best friends and both very much in love with our wives. This would be our secret pleasure. I looked at Ed and thank him. I told him I hoped we'd do it more. He just smiled at me and said, "You know, I was thinking this morning that if the dildo feels that good, well…I just wondered..."

He stopped and I told him to go on, there wasn't anything we couldn't tell each other now. He just said he wandered if my cock inside him would feel as good as the dildo. I had to admit the thought hadn't crossed my mind. He smiled back at me and said, "Well, let's fish for a while and mull it over."

As he walked across the deck naked, I watched my best buddy’s ass and had to admit, the idea of my cock inside him (and later, his inside me) was making my loins twitch.


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My Neighbor, the Coach

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