Men Of The Cloth

74 Free Gay Erotic Stories in Men Of The Cloth

Gay Erotic Story

Confession #1

by jodude93.3

A priest who is a j/o buddy related this story which occurred earlier this year. Jack phoned the rectory to speak to a priest as he was very upset by an event that occurred the previous evening. Fr. J answered and asked the caller what he wanted. Jack asked if Fr. could hear his confession today as he was feeling quite upset about something. Fr. said that if it is that urgent, he should come...

Gay Erotic Story

Men and women of cloth

by ilikeit

Hi my name is sister Mary and I am 50 yrs. old and I am the head Nun of the training school for women who want to become nuns. Father Mike is the head priest and he is 55 yrs.old. Both me and father Mike are bye, but no one here knows that. We don't push ourselves onto anyone , but we won't turn it down if the occasion arises .We both work out in the gym in the school to stay fit and trim....

Gay Erotic Story

Awake with father Ted

by ilikeit

After being wore out from the great blow job from father Mack I went to sleep for awhile and then father Ted was shaking me to wake up as dinner was ready. I got dress and we ate dinner. Afterwards father Mack went down to hear confession .Father Ted and I went out to the back yard as it was a very nice night.He ask me how long I had know father John and I said about 3 years but we were never...

Gay Erotic Story

Father Ted and Father Macks visit.

by ilikeit

After our trip to the retreat father John would have me come over to the church about once a week to help him do different things. It seems like every time I went over I would windup getting dirty and would have to take shower before I went home, I think he always planed it that way just so he would be able to put his hand on my body and feel me up which he new always got me excited and...

Gay Erotic Story

My Turn

by ilikeit

That second night in the hot pool was just great I didn't know that having sex with older men could be that great. Well we had to leave the next day so we went back to our cabin to pack .The next day we sat with father Ted & Mack and had breakfast ,and found out that both of them where from the same church which was only about 2 hrs drive from our church.Father Ted mention that in...

Gay Erotic Story

Second night in the hot pool

by ilikeit

After our hike into the woods father John and I said goodby to father Ted & Mack and they said maybe will see you at the hot pool if you two are going to be there tonight. Well we got back to our cabin and I thought I would take a nap so I could be rested for the night activities . I must have been tired as I sleep for a couple of hours before I woke up.Well we went to dinner and then back to...

Gay Erotic Story

The next day With father john

by ilikeit

The next day we went to breakfast and we saw the two priest who we had such a great time with at the hot pool, I was so embarrass I could not look them in the eye. John ask me if there was anything wrong and I said I was just embarrass because I had such a good time last night with those two priest.John said who would know about what happen last night and not to worry about it. Well all...

Gay Erotic Story

Me and the Priest in the Hot pool

by ilikeit

After I had taken a nap and woke up,I found to my surprise the priest was sleeping right behind me press up against my back side still naked.I went to get up and the movement woke him up and as I look at him he had this very satisfying look about him. I took a piss and then went back into the room and he ask me if I was enjoying myself so far and how did I like this place,and I said yes it...

Gay Erotic Story

My third visit with the Priest.

by ilikeit

After my 2nd visit to the priest living quarters ,he really took a liking to me,every time I came out from mass he would shake my hand and say how happy he was to see me. About 3 weeks after I had went to see him at his home he ask me if I could come by and see him on Sat.morning and I said OK . Well I got there about 9:00 am and he greeted me at the door and said please come in and have a...

Gay Erotic Story


by Prama

After going over to the pastors house for the first ,when I left I was a little confused and I felt like I had done something wrong. Well I thought about it for sometime and I didn't go to church the following Sunday. well he called me up and was wondering if I was sick or something ,and I said no I was OK. So he ask why I didn't come to church and i said that I was feeling guilty about what...

Gay Erotic Story

Was just to young

by Prama

I was always helping people out who went to my church,and one of them was talking to the head pastor about how helpful I have been ,so one day when I was leaving the church after mass the pastor ask me if I could come to his office where they lived behind the church say at about 6:00 pm that he wanted to talk to me,and I said yes. Well at 6 I was there. I range the door bell and the pastor came...

Gay Erotic Story

Il Convento delle Delizie, Sesta parte

by Apolloduro

L’altare, sulla cui pedana Padre Marcello aveva tentato di dire parole di pentimento e di mediazione poco prima, prese a tremare. Padre Marcello si fece da parte e tutti i monaci si strinsero in cerchio attorno all’altare per osservare cosa stesse accadendo.L’altare tremava. Ma non si trattava di un terremoto. Il tremito era localizzato unicamente in quel punto.Fuori la tempesta continuava a...

Gay Erotic Story

Il Convento delle Delizie, Quinta parte

by Apolloduro

Una notte un temporale spaventoso si abbatté su tutta la zona, e il Convento fu letteralmente flagellato da chicchi di grandine grossi come pigne. Qualche monaco che era rimasto a dormire nel chiostro, all’aperto, venne sorpreso dalla grandinata durante il sonno e rimase ucciso dai colpi tremendi alla testa.Mentre la tempesta infuriava, ci ritrovammo tutti nella chiesa centrale. Le vetrate...

Gay Erotic Story

Brother Simon's Habit

by gaywarlock

BROTHER SIMON’S HABITByGay Warlock I have sinned! Oh, God forgive me, I have sinned! I have sinned against His most glorious Name! Guilt fills and wracks me. Guilt courses through my veins, flowing through every organ and every limb of my being. Guilt exudes from every pore and surrounds me: a halo of obscene presence around my body. My heart aches – heavy and overwrought as I am....

Gay Erotic Story

Clean Out Day ,My first Experence True story

by It just happen

I use to help out a lot around my local church which had 3 priest . The church was going to hold a rummage sale the following Sat and the oldest priest (57) ask me if I could come and help him clean out their big storage room and I said yes.He said that when I came over to help that I should just wear and old pair of shorts and shirt and bring a clean change of clothes as it was summer and...

Gay Erotic Story

Forgive Us Father

by Bubblebuttluvr

Father Ryan removed his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. The pressure was building up and promising to be one massive headache. Today had been quit an active day at St. Augustine's University for Men, where he was Dean of Students. As he closed his eyes and applied pressure to his forehead he could feel everyone of his thirty-nine years. Most days Father Ryan enjoyed his work but...

Gay Erotic Story

Brad: Naughty Choirboy 16

by Bubblebuttluvr

Brad look around the auditorium of St. Thomas Church. Today was his cousin Annabelle's wedding. He hadn't been back here since he left for college. There were lots of memories here. Brad's father, Lawrence, had been insistent that he be brought up with religion so the church had just always been there. It was something that Brad & his father did every week. It was routine. Brad never even thought...

Gay Erotic Story

Young Preacher, Part 1

by rutite

Young preacher's struggle with self-control, part 1. I'm Enrique Martinez, people just call me Ricky; I just completed my studies at Sacred Heart Seminary and was quickly assigned to the parish of Saint Francis in the inner city. It was early July and the heat and humidity had set in. So, by the time I got to the church, my starched black shirt was already damp with perspiration. I was there...

Gay Erotic Story

Young Preacher, Part 1

by rutite

A young preacher's struggle with self-control, Part 1 I'm Enrique Martinez; people just call me Ricky just completed my studies at Sacred Heart Seminary and was quickly assigned to the parish of Saint Francis in the inner city. It was early July and the heat and humidity had set in. So, by the time I got to the church, my starched black shirt was already damp with perspiration. I was there to...

Gay Erotic Story

My Confession to My Friend, a Minister, Part 3

by Tom Hanks

Pa...PP..Pas...(oh, this is hard) Mike! We laughed. Okay, Mike, I will try. Mike said, "Thanks Bill." I found I wasn't as sleepy as I first thought, so I knew what I had to do. I explained to this minister, I mean, 'Mike' what I was convulsing. "Mike," I said, "I was sexually molested for a number of years since age 8. I have been to doctors, to psychiatrists and I am better now, but...

Gay Erotic Story

My Confession to My Friend, a Minister

by Tom Hanks

It was one of the worst lightning and thunderstorms that I can recall. Still, I was not afraid, for reasons unknown to me; I love rain and thunderstorms, especially the rain. My new friend and minister had been in town about four months and was settled in. We sat in this restaurant; not wanting to traverse in this weather, so we just sat and talked as we drank hot coffee. During the past...

Gay Erotic Story

The Angel Made A House Call, Part 2

by Tom Hanks

The women to be baptized were directed to a dressing room. All the men were gathered in what looked like a basement that led to the baptismal pool. Every one was shedding the clothes and putting on some special clothes for baptism. However, the only man I had eyes for, was this angel, the chaplain. There is full view was this absolutely gorgeous guy with blue eyes and blonde locks of hair,...

Gay Erotic Story

The Angel Made A House Call, Part 1

by Tom Hanks

It seems like only yesterday, I was visiting my older brother Bill, while he was stationed in Germany. Bill and I were always close, except he was very religious and I was always rebellious. Still, we loved each others as siblings throughout life. Bill told me years later, he felt somehow responsible for his kid brother. Bill invited me out into to a water baptism by at some French...

Gay Erotic Story

The New Minister Teaches Giving and Take...

by Tom Hanks

As I promised, the house was in total darkness. We drove in and parked to the rear of the house. We went in and agreed we were hungry, so we fixed ourselves a sandwich.He was even sexy when he chewed his sandwich. After finishing up, I showed him our room, then where the bathroom was located. After brushing my teeth, I got into bed. Soon he came in and undressed. I had trouble keeping my...

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