601 Free Gay Erotic Stories in S/M

Gay Erotic Story

Andrew's Torture and Rape

by bottom41

As Andrew headed back to his car on that hot Friday night after finishing training he thought nothing of the van parked beside his car and when a stockily built man asked him for an autograph he happily obliged. As a star footballer, for many years, Andrew was very recognisable, as he had done a few television commercials for menswear/ jeans, and also some modelling work.From what seemed like...

Gay Erotic Story

Hart verdient, 17

by Scriptor

17. KapitelDer Mittwochnachmittag kam heran. Ich bestieg am vereinbarten Treffpunkt den Lieferwagen und konnte feststellen, daß außer mir schon neun andere im Wagen waren. Unterwegs stiegen noch zwei dazu. Im Umkleideraum herrschte ein regelrechtes Gedränge. Jan holte uns kurze Zeit später in den Vorbereitungsraum. Wir standen im Kreis um ihn und hatten Gelegenheit uns zu betrachten. Das...

Gay Erotic Story

The Forced Milking of Ryan Connolly, Part 10

by GuyzGoNakieFiorMe

Billy Lonnergan couldn't believe what he'd just seen projected onto the giant screen of the darkened arena -- footage of his idol, Xtreme fighter Ryan Connelly being force-fucked by mechanical copulation device. Wrists and ankles bound, muscled legs forced apart, the lean, copper-haired fighter had been lubed before having a 9 inch rubber dildo forced into his virgin ass again and again...

Gay Erotic Story

Der Samenspender, Teil 6

by steve19

Ich folgte der Leuchtschrift nach rechts, Richtung Medizinischer Abteilung. In diesem Moment kam mir einer der Jungs entgegen,die ich seit meiner Aufnahme kannte, die aber in einer anderen Abteilung wohnten. Er sah mitgenommen aus und deutete auf seinen nackten Arsch, und hier sah ich deutlich die Brandwunde mit seiner Sp-Nummer....

Gay Erotic Story

Baby's Incorporated, Part 2

by GuyzGoNakieFiorMe

Mike Capiletti lay exhausted, bound to the cross-spreader, wrists bound above his head, ankles tethered below in a giant X. His perfectly sculpted gym-teacher body glistened with sweat, making every muscle in his chest and abs seem even more defined. Though his forced ejaculation had been more than fifteen minutes ago, his thick nipples were still diamond hard and his 8 inch uncut cock...

Gay Erotic Story

Die Macht des Schicksals (M/m, D/s)

by TomDev

This is a fictional story inspired by a e-mail reply i received a few months ago.If you like the story, enjoy and encourage me to continue.If you don’t like it or are not able to read German, pleaseforgive me my first try ?--------Die Macht des Schicksals – German (The Force of Destiny) (M/m, D/s) (1/?)By TomDev 1. Der BeginnDie nackte Gestalt kauerte frierend in der...

Gay Erotic Story

The Forced Milking of Ryan Connolly, Part 9

by GuyzGoNakieFiorMe

Billy Lonnergan dreamed last night of finally meeting his idol, Xtreme fighter Ryan Connelly and going out for a beer with him, like they were best buds or something. Can you fucking imagine that, he thought to himself, actually getting to hang out with a true champion. Billy had gone to every match he could get to, and those he couldn't watch in person, he's watched on TV. He'd...

Gay Erotic Story

Baby's Incorporated

by GuyzGoNakieFiorMe

At the bar, Mike Capiletti was buying another round for his old frat buddies. This was a reunion of sorts. He hadn't seen his college bros for nearly ten years. Compared to some of his friends, he still looked pretty good -- full head of curly black hair, still ripped. Sad to see how some of his buds had gone to pot....

Gay Erotic Story

The Forced Milking of Ryan Connolly, Part 8

by GuyzGoNakieFiorMe

Billy Lonnergan sat on a bench in the locker-room of the Xtreme Fighting arena, waiting for champion Ryan Connolly. He couldn't fucking believe he had the balls to go up to his hero after the match, let alone strike up a conversation with him....

Gay Erotic Story

Komplettbehandlung für einen Trucker, Teil 5

by analplayer

Während der Trucker sich ausruhte (so gut das gespreizt im gynäkologischen Stuhl geht), machten Axel, Klaus und Eberhard Pläne, wie sie ihren Gast weiter erfreuen sollten. Axel bestand auf weitren Tests der Arschfotze während sich Klaus wieder dem Schwanz widmen wollte. Ganz genau so kam es auch nach einiger Zeit. Klaus hatte einige Katheter aus dem Schrank geholt und auch diverse...

Gay Erotic Story

Komplettbehandlung für einen Trucker, Teil 4

by analplayer

Axel war inzwischen im Nachbarzimmer gewesen und hatte einige Utensilien für die nächsten Behandlungen geholt. Der Trucker sollte jetzt Bekanntschaft mit einem in der Tierzucht gebräuchlichen Instrument machen. Damit ist es möglich, Haustieren mit Hilfe von Elektroimpulsen Sperma abzuzapfen. Bei Menschen angewandt muss man mit diesem Gerät Vorsicht walten lassen, damit die Impulse nicht...

Gay Erotic Story

Komplettbehandlung für einen Trucker, Teil 3

by analplayer

Klaus dirigierte den Trucker in die Dusche; an einer Seitenwand hingen eine Unzahl von Schläuchen und Kanülen. Die Kanülen waren in allen Variationen vorhanden; glatte, bis 15 cm lange und unterschiedlich dicke Kanülen; andere sahen wie kleine Torpedos aus, schmale Spitze, Verdickung in der Mitte und dann wieder schmaler werdend. Wer jemals solche Kanülen gesehen hat –oder besser noch,...

Gay Erotic Story

Komplettprogramm für einen Trucker, Teil 2

by analplayer

Durch einen Torbogen fahren die drei in einen Innenhof, der ringsherum von Gebäuden umfasst ist. Das elektrische Tor schließt direkt nachdem der Wagen passiert hat. Dem LKW-Fahrer wird es erneut ungemütlich und er beginnt zu fragen, was das alles soll, aber Eberhard gibt ihm eine kurze, passende Erklärung, dass er noch etwas anhand der Papiere überprüfen müsse und das alles seine...

Gay Erotic Story

The Forced Milking of Ryan Connolley, Part 7

by GuyzGoNakieFiorMe

Ryan woke up in his bed and his head was swimming. The lean, irish Xtreme fighter ran a hand over his chest and winced. His nipples were raw … still swollen from the way they had been pinched and tugged by Tony Sanchez as he stuffed his 8” dick up Ryan’s ass.“My girlfriend Maria loves to have her titties played with when I fuck her” Sanchez had grunted as he slammed his cock, full...

Gay Erotic Story

Straight Soccer Player Kidnapped and Raped - Part 1

by Sebastian

I’d like to keep this short, because I don’t really like talking about it. I’m not gay and have never felt the slightest attraction to men. I never will. I wish that gay people could accept that this is just how some of us are made. There are three individuals in particular who clearly have no intention of accepting this. I was on my way home from soccer practice when an oncoming car...

Gay Erotic Story

The Forced Milking of Ryan Connolley, Part 6

by GuyzGoNakieFiorMe

Xtreme fighter Ryan Connolley floated between consciousness and unconsciousness. His mind was dazed, his throat dry, and his ass was sore … like after a really good martial arts workout. He'd had the most fucked-up dream -- drugged, kidnapped by a conglomerate of faggots determined to revenge themselves on him for his homophobic comments and actions, he'd been held against his will,...

Gay Erotic Story

No Peeking

by flbottomguy

I came in contact with a guy through an online ad and although I didn't have a lot of M2M experience this seemed like a safe guy to experiment with since the purpose of us getting together was to watch some porn and j/o together.....pretty harmless. After a few email exchanges a time was set up and he sent me his address. It was a cool morning when I arrived and when I entered the...

Gay Erotic Story

The Forced Milking of Ryan Connolly, Part 5

by GuyzGoNakieFiorMe

Ryan Connolly woke dazed and confused, his muscles aching, his balls empty. As his eyes began to focus he realized he was laying prone inside the Xtreme Fighting Arena where he'd won his victory just the night before. At least, he THOUGHT it was the night before. He'd lost all track of time during his ordeal. His mind still woozy from the effects of the the drug he'd been slipped, he...

Gay Erotic Story

Forced workout mit hartem gutpunching

by Novius

Mein Name ist Marius, ich bin inzwischen 28 Jahre alt und habe manche Stunde meines Lebens mit Sport zugebracht. Gerne zeige ich meine Muskeln im engen Shirt oder am Strand. Zuletzt erreichte mein Muskelbody bei einer Körpergröße von 1,76m eine Masse von 85kg, fast ohne Fett und mit stahlharten Bauchmuskeln. Jahrelang hatte ich einen Trainingspartner, der zwar nicht schwul war, aber mit dem ich...

Gay Erotic Story

Late Night Workout and Shower

by Boy_X

I’ve been going to the gym now for almost a year. Once a scrawny pale guy of 5’11 and 150lbs, now I’m a buffer tan guy at 190lbs with a good lean muscular build. The gym I workout at has all types of gym guys, ranging from beginners to professional body-builders (different areas depending on your needs).Ever since I moved into the new area for “experienced” guys, I was working out with other...

Gay Erotic Story

Ich, maik, 18 (4)

by j-a-n

Es ist sehr früh am Morgen, als jemand die Hütte betritt. Blinzelt versuche ich die Person im Dunkeln zu erkennen,aber sie ist mir Unbekannt.„Ich weiß, dass du wach bist. Steh auf.“Ich gehorche und stehe auf. Nackt wie ich bin, gehe ich vor ihm in Grundstellung. Er ist sehr schlank und groß,so um die 25 Jahre, würde ich schätzen. Ich habe diese Person noch nie gesehen und bin deshalb ein...

Gay Erotic Story

Pengalaman Lucas yang mengesankan selama dalam pendidikan.

by Julio Fernandez


Gay Erotic Story

Trip to fla pays bigtime

by prozac4me2

one night so horny jacking off wouldn't be enough and not able to go out and find some cock i decided to get online for some stimulation.in a gay mens chat room met this man named tim who live in ocala fla. had a wonderful chat with him, ended up with him calling me on the phone and me jacking off talkign to him. he really knew how to get a guy hot with just sex talk.over the next few...

Gay Erotic Story

Abducted By Gays

by maritimesub


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