
742 Free Gay Erotic Stories in Fetish

Gay Erotic Story

Ms. Domina and Bobby

by benthar

It was out of the blue and quite honestly, I suspected that it was a hoax. The website is called Fetlife and it is a “dating” site for kinky people but not many are looking for a married, middle aged man, yet this woman was contacting me to gauge my interest in some kink play. I immediately sent her an answer that I was fairly inexperienced and MARRIED. I had done so kinky play, naked house...

Gay Erotic Story

Die Zahnspange und ihre Folgen - Teil 1 - Einleitung

by Abitrus

Mein Name ist Philipp und ich bin 20 Jahre alt, aber sehe durch meine strohblonden Haare etwas jünger aus. Im Großen und Ganzen bin ich mit meinem Körper ganz zu frieden. Von Natur aus bin ich gut bestückt, da ich zur Zeit keinen Penis zum Vergleich habe, denke ich, dass meiner L – Größe ist. Bisher habe ich nur wenig sexuelle Erfahrungen weder mit Frauen noch mit Männern. Zu meiner familiären...

Gay Erotic Story

All White- a slow burning romp (Part One)

by JohnnyWhite

It was just a fleeting moment, but it hit my heart like a brick. He was sitting there on the low wall outside the uni buildings, texting or sexting in the summer sun, his legs swinging, white socks glowing between jeans and sneakers. I must have paused too long, because he looked up. I had nowhere to go except into a quick smile. I turned tail and walked. After a few steps I stopped....

Gay Erotic Story

Zwickmühlen - Teil 4

by pppppppppp

Zehn Tage vorher stand Laurenz sehr nervös auf einem großen Platz in seiner Heimatstadt und sah sich um. Er konnte selbst kaum fassen, dass er hier war…er hatte auf diese seltsame Anzeige im Internet geantwortet, irgendjemand suchte Sklaven, junge schwule Jungs, die sich in perverse Zwickmühlen bringen lassen wollten. Auf seine E-Mail war sehr schnell eine Antwort gekommen, und nach einigem Hin...

Gay Erotic Story

The Pink Seal Invitation

by FanofFiction

James, an unassuming white man of short stature, was a bottom with his boyfriend. But despite being an insatiable bottom, he was the sexually dominant of the two. James decided when Darnell got to experience climax, and James decided how and when they fucked. He loved the power of control over his taller, stronger, black lover. James would push Darnell to his limits and sometimes beyond...

Gay Erotic Story

Mein Nachbar die Sau Teil VIII

by palover

Wieder ist eine Arbeitswoche vergangen, in der wir uns immer nur kurz gesehen haben. Heute ist Freitag und der Sommer scheint zum Glück kein Ende zu nehmen. Wir haben uns heute zum Laufen verabredet. Nach einem wenig anstrengenden Arbeitstag, fahre ich nach Hause, Dusche mich und rasiere mir die Achseln. Ich habe festgestellt, dass ich kein Deo brauche, wenn die Achseln frisch rasiert sind....

Gay Erotic Story

Mein Nachbar die Sau I

by palover

Der heutige Sommerabend ist wieder einmal warm und angenehm. Es weht ein leichte Brise und die Sonne geht langsam in einem satten Orange unter. Wie gewöhnlich jogge ich zu dieser Zeit um mir meine Figur zu erhalten. Ich bin gerade 36 Jahre alt geworden und würde mein äußeres eher als durchschnittlich bezeichnen. Mein Bauch ist zwar kein Waschbrett, aber dick bin ich auch nicht.. Brust und...

Gay Erotic Story

David 3: Louis

by kiwirules99

(Feel free to give me some feedback at kiwirules00@gmail.comDavid licked his lips with lust. He saw his next conquest further down the hall of their college; Louis. Louis was in the same grade as David but much shorter, had green eyes, the same color blonde hair and was skinny. But besof all for David the pervert, Louis seemed sexually frustrated; he has never kept a girlfriend long but...

Gay Erotic Story

Eine schmutzige Begegnung

by FreeBird

Eine schmutzige BegegnungFein säuberlich stellte ich meine Zahnbürste und die Zahncreme zurück in den Badezimmerschrank. Ich sah mir selbst im Spiegel in meine dunkelblauen Augen und rückte meine Brille zurecht. Ich kämmte durch meine blonden Haare und legte den Kamm danach zurück auf seinen Platz. Ehe ich das Bad verließ kontrollierte ich noch einmal, ob auch alles an seinem...

Gay Erotic Story

Filthy friend

by youngboy

I have known him for years, he was only few years older than me but we would always get along and he was my best friend. I knew I could always rely on him and he would always do his best to help me. He was like a big brother to me.And then he started drinking. We gradually stopped talking to each other, but one day he suddenly called me, told me that he lost his job and couldn't pay his rent...

Gay Erotic Story

David 2: Harrington

by kiwirules99

After his domination of his friend Paul the day before, David walked through the door of his collage with a spring in his step....

Gay Erotic Story

David 1: Paul

by kiwirules99

(Note; I would appreciate feedback. Thank you.)David was a pervert. Everyone knew that. He never kept a boyfriend for long and he was always having sex with people he barely knew. But nobody really blamed him; he was pretty good looking with a slight tan, freckles, blonde hair and green eyes on a tall semi-muscular body. David's specialty was total domination;he wanted the other guy...

Gay Erotic Story

My Final Year

by patrick buckley

My Final Year...Chapter One:Most of my final year at school would be spent on my grandfather’s farm. Grandpa Isaac was my mom’s father. I was an only child named Caedon, and had just turned eighteen. I was a good looking city boy that looked mostly like my dad Gareth. Don’t get me wrong, my mom Ruth was also attractive, but in a masculine way. Both my parents were 5’10”. My mom came from a...

Gay Erotic Story

Sparky, Mac & Tang.

by patrick buckley

Sparky, Mac & Tang…Chapter One:Having graduated from college, I rented an apartment in the city that I was required to move to. My dad was a disciplinarian who believed that you had to earn everything you got in life. In high school he told me that if I wanted to attend college, I had to get a scholarship to pay my own way. That being the case, I worked my arse off to attain the required...

Gay Erotic Story

Harry, Willie, Alf and Tommy

by patrick buckley

Harry, Willie, Alf and Tommy…Chapter One:After finishing school I got a job in a large and successful warehouse as their computer fundi. Fortunately I was paid an above average salary because of my considerable computer knowledge. Being a geek in high school had really paid off. I was average looking and measured 5’9” in height. I weighed about one hundred and forty five pounds and had an...

Gay Erotic Story

Cage Fighter

by patrick buckley

Cage Fighter…Chapter One:After finishing college with a computer degree, I went for three job interviews. Fortunately all three jobs were offered to me. I accepted a job at the smallest of three companies. The pay was okay, and it somehow it just felt right. I really liked Ferdie, the owner of the medium sized engineering company and introduced myself as Tristan. He was bubbling with...

Gay Erotic Story

Public Stripper (Stripping Straight Men in Public), Part 1

by Sebastian

He'd heard about people who did awful things to others. He'd heard about atrocities inflicted with sadistic pleasure on others, about serial killers and the like. He'd heard and read about them with intense distaste. He tried, nonetheless, just for a moment in his mind to relieve these acts of their morally reprehensible nature, to pretend for just a moment that they were just acts or...

Gay Erotic Story

Max & Alex, Part 1

by Sebastian

This is a story about two straight men. Both are in their late teens, and both study at the same university. Alex is extremely popular, both with men and with women. He’s athletic and attractive to the extent that he’s even done some modelling work. He’s a keen member of the soccer and athletics teams. He’s one of those people that others tend to envy, born with good looks and a wide...

Gay Erotic Story

A Sheriff of the 60's (Part Two)

by icyhot44

I knew the phone call would come. I just didn't expect it this soon....

Gay Erotic Story

The day of Justice

by Fantasybondage

As I was driving down the road minding my own business and deep in thought about the situations I faced all day long and the feelings I bottled up inside me about my life and how it was going, just drove me almost completely insane, figuratively speaking, but none of that mattered at that moment until I noticed the red and blue flashing lights in my rear view mirror. Great, just what I need a...

Gay Erotic Story

Rubber Hausboy 3

by racoon82

Aus 1 mach 2Hallo Zusammen, nun fällt die Entscheidung. Sorry das ich so lange nix habe hören lassen, aber ich schreibe am liebsten, während ich im Zug sitze, und das war die letzten Wochen einfach nicht der Fall.Nach einer Woche bekomme ich fast zeitgleich von Chris und Chen eine Nachricht mit der Frage, ob sie denn den Posten hätten. Und was ist mit mir, ich kann mich nicht...

Gay Erotic Story

Rubber Hausboy 2

by racoon82

der Zweite Anwärter3 Tage nach dem ersten Termin kommt der zweite Anwärter auf den Posten als Hausboy. Chen ist Asiate, und ja ich mag Asiaten, die Fotos die ich sah, waren sehr vielversprechend. Ein schlanker kerl, mit gut ausgeformtem 8 pack, süßes Face und 3 mm Haarschnitt. Als es klingelt steht er vor mir in engem Lycrashirt, kurzer Adidas Glanzshorts, Tubesox und used hohe...

Gay Erotic Story

Rubber Hausboy

by racoon82

Rubberhausboy, die Idee und UmsetzungJa, es ist geschafft, ich bin endlich fertig mit dem Studium, habe einen guten Job und eine schöne Wohnung. Mir fehlt nur noch mein kleiner Diener, wenn möglich mit einer Vorliebe für Gummi. Um mir diesen Wunsch zu erfüllen habe ich eine Anzeige in den passenden Portalen gestellt: Hausdiener gesucht. Ich suche einen jungen Diener, der Latex und...

Gay Erotic Story

Rubber Hausboy 10

by racoon82

RHB 10 Reiterhof 3Der Sonntagmorgen. Nach einem langsamen erwachen schickt Lukas Jannis, Leon und Ben in die Küche und Louis in den Stall. Keine 10 Minuten später stehen alle wieder gummiert im Zimmer und melden sich bereit. Chen und Chris grinsen und gucken mich an. Ja helft wo ihr wollt, aber raus aus den Federn. Chen der morgens wesentlich fitter ist als Chris schnappt sich Chris...

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